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[Mod] SettlerReligion

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  • #16
    I recall reading on one of these forums that the religion spread is tied to how strong an existing religion is in a city. So if judaism spread when a city is at pop 1, at pop 5 it would have a strength of 5 so it would be more difficult for any rels to spread. The bigger the city, the harder. This may be why its so rare, if it happens at all.


    • #17
      Oh, and as for the religion leaders, if you look in SD-ReligionTechs, the python code allows for a starting missionary unit, to cheat a beginning religion. He founds the religion and holy city.

      When a religion tech is researched / founded, all other civs are silently awarded the tech, so it cannot be researched anymore.

      Maybe, if the auto founding at research was removed from the tech tree, a check could be implemented. If a civ had already founded a religion, the tech isn't spread and a religion isn't founded, allowing someone else to do the research...

      I'll look into that later. Did all that make sense? I just woke up. :P


      • #18
        I tried to remove religion founding at Tec completion by redirecting all the Religions tech requirments to a new Unresearchable Tech aka TECH_UNATAINABLE. Unfortunatly the game crashes if a tecnology has itself as a pre-requisite. I cant think of any other means to create an Unatainable technology. NONE as a requirment for a religion cause the religion to just spontanisly found itself a few turns into the game at some random city. NONE as a tec requirment mean a tec is researchable right at the start of the game.
        Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


        • #19
          Impaler, what was your end goal?


          • #20
            The goal was for Prophets to be the ones that found religions by the Building of the Religions Shrine which would no longer require HolyCities but rather the tech assosiated with the religion (aka Temple of Solomon requires Monotheism).

            Building a Shrine adds the religion to the City even if the religion is not yet "founded" with a Holy City and all that stuff. So I desided to try eliminating the Holy City all togeter have Shrine Building as the only way to get Religion. The only way I could see to Eliminate Holy Cities was to prevent the "Religion Founded" event that fires when a Religions tech is first researched, hense the unresearchable technology idea.

            I dont know enough Python to actualy get in and mess with the Religion founded event or its handler so I have been trying to kill it with XML and havent yet succeded.
            Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


            • #21
              Ah, I see what you mean now. This seems to hinge on whether or not you can modify CIV4GameInfoSchema.xml so that CIV4ReligionInfo.xml can have both building requisites AND tech requisites... both, otherwise you'd have to edit alot of python too.

              As for the holy city, my "SD Religion" mod does somewhat the opposite. If you start a game with a missionary and spread the religion, the religion is 'founded' but the holy city isn't set, so I forcibly set it.

              	def HolyCityCheck(self, argsList):
              		'Religion Founded'
              		iReligion, iOwner, pSpreadCity = argsList
              		pHolyCity = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iReligion)
              		iFounded  = gc.getGame().getReligionGameTurnFounded(iReligion)
              		sFounded  = CyGameTextMgr().getTimeStr(iFounded, false)
              		iTurn     = gc.getGame().getGameTurn()
              		sTurn     = CyGameTextMgr().getTimeStr(iTurn, false)
              		if (pHolyCity.isNone()):
              			if ((iFounded < 0) or (iFounded == iTurn)):
              				gc.getGame().setHolyCity(iReligion, pSpreadCity, False)
              				SdEcho('Religion : %s : Holy City for %s set to %s.'
              					%(sTurn, gc.getReligionInfo(iReligion).getDescription(), pSpreadCity.getName()))
              				SdEcho('Religion : %s : Holy City for %s NOT set. Founded %s.'
              					%(sTurn, gc.getReligionInfo(iReligion).getDescription(), sFounded))
              My first mod and I haven't looked at it for ages, so forgive the mess. ;P


              • #22
                This looks like a mod worth installing

                And I'm looking forward to the other mod you're talking about
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #23
                  I think it should be possible to set a tech as unresearchable by any player, as the Desert War mod makes some techs unresearchable by some players.


                  • #24
                    Regarding unresearchable techs:
                    The tag: "bDisable"1"/bDisable" (replace " with < or >) will disable a tech from being researched - as long as it does not lead to any other techs. The Desert War scenario uses this.

                    Regarding tech prerequisites:
                    Any tech loop will automatically cause the game to crash. You can't have one tech requiring itself, and you can't have one tech requiring a second tech which requires the first. This is probably to stop the AI having epileptic fits.

                    Regarding tech spreading:
                    I believe (and I could be wrong) that techs will spread 'naturally' only if there is no religion in a city. Having a shrine-type building increases the rate of that spread. So does changing the spread rate in the .xml files. If a city already has one religion - the only way for it to get more is through missionaries. Any AI with which you have open borders and who is the founder of a religion will build missionaries and try to spread his religion in your cities. These missionaries are sometimes very hard to see - as they are often 'hidden' under other units, or inside boats. Nontheless, they are there.

                    Regarding the mod:
                    A very good idea. I havn't played with it yet, but it's just the kind of thing that I want to use

                    I would like to combine it with the remove-religion mod, and combine that with a mod that causes unrest and rebellion in any city with a non-state religion (except for free religion).
                    Last edited by Fireb; December 6, 2005, 18:31.
                    The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:


                    • #25
                      Thanks guys with this info It should be able to implement the changes I am aiming at either as a standalone MOD or as an addition to one of the existing religion MODS.
                      Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

