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When I play Civ4, I almost always have close borders with other empires. Causing border tensions. What I was thinking is that Firaxis/2k should make an option where you would be able to stop the border tensions. Ex. I would agree with another country that this is going to be my land and that side will your land. Like present day countries today, most of them aren't fighting for land anymore. Like you have two empires on an island and then just split the island in half. Neither would be able to take more land on that island unless you declare war. It would be awsome if it did happen. Does anybody like this idea?
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Originally posted by Fosse
So you and the AI would agree to "freeze borders" then all cultural fighting stops as long as the deal lasts? That could be neat, especially when the borders that are close come from two big civs who have no use for each others' land.