This is an extremely interesting, and funny, thread. I would remind people of two items from World War 2. a) The Warsaw ghetto, I believe, held out longer than France did, and b) The French fought the hardest...against the French. (The Brits tried to be nice and give deGualle some PR by letting him lead his Free French against the Vichy French in the Middle East. They also hoped the Vichy French would not fight against the Free French. They were wrong. The Vichy French saw the Free French as traitors[!?] and fought very hard against them. The Brits bailed them out.)
But in all honesty, every country has their idiots. Take General Burnside from the American Civil War. Lincoln said of him: "Only Burnside could wrest such a defeat from the jaws of victory."
And of course, Montgomery-the Biggest Blowhard of World War 2. He was decent at fighting static battles, I admitt. But World War 2 had very few static battles. If Eisenhower had turned Patton loose instead of favoring "Monty," the war might not have lasted as long. But I never said Eisenhower was a great leader...
But in all honesty, every country has their idiots. Take General Burnside from the American Civil War. Lincoln said of him: "Only Burnside could wrest such a defeat from the jaws of victory."
And of course, Montgomery-the Biggest Blowhard of World War 2. He was decent at fighting static battles, I admitt. But World War 2 had very few static battles. If Eisenhower had turned Patton loose instead of favoring "Monty," the war might not have lasted as long. But I never said Eisenhower was a great leader...