The Ancient Mediterranean MOD
>> Download the latest version
The Team
Thamis (Chief Evangelist, German Text)
Laurino (Chief Coder, Iconographer, French Text)
Notarzt (Chief Skinner)
Karhgath (Treemaker)
Shqype (Coder)
Onedreamer (Tester, Italian Text)
Leptomeninges (Copywriter)
Spirit_Viriato (Spanish Text)
Installation Instructions
Delete "The Ancient Mediterranean" folder in your CIV4\Mods folder if you have installed TAM before! This ensures that your XMLs are up to date if we split old files into several new ones. Then double-click the installer and extract it into your main CIV4 folder. This will not overwrite any original CIV files.
Playable Civilizations:
- Babylon (Hammurabi)
- Gaul (Vercingetorix)
- Mycenae (Agamemnon)
- Rome (Caesar)
- Scythia (Partatua)
- Etruria (Lars Porsena)
- Egypt (Hatshepsut)
- Iberian Tribes (Viriato)
- Germanic Tribes (Arminius)
- Carthage (Dido)
- Lydia (Krisos)
- Phoenicia (Hiram)
- Getae (Decebalus)
- Kolchis (Aeetes)
- Illyria (Teuta)
- Persia (Dareios) (not on this map)
- Medes (Deiokes) (not on this map)
- Britons (Cunobelin) (not on this map)
- Goths (Theoderich) (not on this map)
- Nubia (Taharqa) (not on this map)
Tech Tree
- Found here.
- Found here.
- Found here.
- Found here.
- Druidism
- Mesopotamian
- Egyptian
- Greek
- Judaism
- Zoroastrianism
- Christianity
There is a TAM-Wiki as well.

v1.4 Changes:
- CTD crash fixed
- Two Holy Sites bug fixed
- "Worker/Settler = first instance of Melee, Mounted, Gunpowder, Helicopter unit" bug fixed
- Etruria removed from the scenario map
- Illyrians under Teuta are now a playable civilization, with Lembi (bireme) and Kambsor (spearman) UUs
- Civilopedia entries for units and religions have been added
- Berserk skin + button, Opening Menu screen by Notarzt implemented
- Tech Tree is reworked and organized: Fishing now leads to Boat Building.
- Game begins in 5500 BC
-Copper Smithy (50 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city a copper weapons promotion (+10% Strength)
-Bronze Smithy (60 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city a bronze weapons promotion (+15% Strength)
-Iron Smithy (75 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city an iron weapons promotion (+25% strength)
-Steel Smithy (100 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city a steel weapons promotion (+40% strength)
--NOTE: These do not add up; Copper Smithy becomes available with Copper Working if you have the copper resource, but is made obsolete by Bronze Working. Building a Bronze Smithy then gives units the Bronze Weapons promotion until it is made obsolete by Iron Working. Same idea with Iron Working, which becomes obsolete with Steel.
- Lydia leader's name changed to Kroisos from Krisos
- Kolchis' leader now named Aeetes
- A new building, "Graveyard," has been added with the tech "ceremonial burial." It adds +1 health, +1 culture
- Roman Praetorians now appear in groups of 8 instead of 3.
- Roman Legionary has a 50 work rate, making it build roads and forts half as fast as a worker.
- Copper Working now reveals copper.
- Horseback Riding now reveals horses.
- Crop Rotation tech now adds 1 food to farms.
- Colossus no longer obsolete with Astronomy.
- Work Boats now require Boat Building.
- Holy Book now gives the first player to research it a Great Prophet
- Heavy Spearman has been modified for balance.
- Iberia: 1 wheat, 1 copper, 1 crab, 1 pig removed to help balance.
- 1 fish added on coast of Northern Greece.
- There are now 2 hilly openings in the Italian Alps, and 1 in the northernmost mountain ranges as well.
- Wheat on Babylonian Hill is fixed; plot made flat.
- Lake Shkodra placed by Illyrian starting position (Skodra); mountains moved to appropriate position
v1.3 Changes:
- All units (incl. UUs) implemented
- Illyrian civ
- Notarzt's skins
- Text issues
v1.2 Changes:
- Added ArtDefines for all buildings in hope of fixing the crashes
- Changed names of a few things
v1.1 Changes:
- Fixed XML bug
- Made more localizations, especially for German
- Renamed a few things
v1.0 Changes:
- Well, I think it's complete gameplay-wise. Now we're just going to add "features", but the framework is all done!
v0.9 Changes:
- XML: DiplomacyText should be fixed?
- Note: the map is still v0.8
v0.8 Changes:
- XML: Fixes, for example the text for the Romans (also fixes the no-starting-techs bug)
- ART: Gaul flag decal is now a boar
- TECH: Tech rate is slower, especially in later eras. Should be impossible to get to Industrial Era now
v0.7 Changes:
- XML: French text updated
- XML: Various changes to make editing more intuitive
- ART: Civ flag decals updated
- ART: Civ unit command languages changed so that they fit (as best as possible)
- ART: Leaderheads updated (Sid placeholder for all non-useful leaderheads)
v0.6 Changes:
- CIV: Removed Mongols
- CIV: Added Etruscans
- TEXT: Fixed all leader names
v0.5 Changes:
- LANG: French language civs and cities implemented
- TEXT: Some leadernames have been changed to the correct ancient names
- ART: Some more flag decal changes
- ART: Increased the flag size
- MAP: Fixed broken river placement
v0.4 Changes:
- CIV: Added Kolchis
- CIV: Added Medes
- CIV: Added Britons
- CIV: Updated Iberian Tribes
- ART: Changed some flags
- MAP: Minor changes
To do list (in order of priority):
- Change civilization leader animations
- Change civilization theme music
- Add a list of ancient only Great People
- Change modern background music
- Other artwork changes
- Civilopedia
Things YOU GUYS need to do:
- Localize the XML files (if you speak a language we haven't covered, feel free to translate!)
Heroes (not implemented yet)
- Babylon: Nabopolassar (Archer)
- Gaul - Brennus (Gallic Swordsman)
- Mycenae - Achilles (Phalanx)
- Rome - Scipio (Legionary)
- Scythia - Madyes (Horse Archer)
- Egypt - Thutmosis III (War Chariot)
- Iberian Tribes - Indibil (Slinger)
- Germanic Tribes - Siegfried (Berserk)
- Carthage - Hannibal (War Elephant)
- Lydia - Gyges (Light Cavalry)
- Phoenicia - Abibel of Tyre (Phoenician Trireme)
- Getae - Dromihete (Falxman)
- Persia - Zopyrus (Immortal)
- Medes - Cyaxares (Searman)
- Britons - Boudicca (Axeman)
- Kolchis - Artag (Bronze Swordsman)
- Macedonia - Alexander (Heavy Cavalry) - King will be Philip II
- Illyria - Glaucius or Bardylis (?)
- Nubia - Heru (?)
- Berber - Antaios (Archer)
- Goths - Theoderich (Huskarl)
Ideas and suggestions... please post them! BUT: Please also check out TAM-CIV3 to see what I am planning to do.
>> Download the latest version
The Team
Thamis (Chief Evangelist, German Text)
Laurino (Chief Coder, Iconographer, French Text)
Notarzt (Chief Skinner)
Karhgath (Treemaker)
Shqype (Coder)
Onedreamer (Tester, Italian Text)
Leptomeninges (Copywriter)
Spirit_Viriato (Spanish Text)
Installation Instructions
Delete "The Ancient Mediterranean" folder in your CIV4\Mods folder if you have installed TAM before! This ensures that your XMLs are up to date if we split old files into several new ones. Then double-click the installer and extract it into your main CIV4 folder. This will not overwrite any original CIV files.
Playable Civilizations:
- Babylon (Hammurabi)
- Gaul (Vercingetorix)
- Mycenae (Agamemnon)
- Rome (Caesar)
- Scythia (Partatua)
- Etruria (Lars Porsena)
- Egypt (Hatshepsut)
- Iberian Tribes (Viriato)
- Germanic Tribes (Arminius)
- Carthage (Dido)
- Lydia (Krisos)
- Phoenicia (Hiram)
- Getae (Decebalus)
- Kolchis (Aeetes)
- Illyria (Teuta)
- Persia (Dareios) (not on this map)
- Medes (Deiokes) (not on this map)
- Britons (Cunobelin) (not on this map)
- Goths (Theoderich) (not on this map)
- Nubia (Taharqa) (not on this map)
Tech Tree
- Found here.
- Found here.
- Found here.
- Found here.
- Druidism
- Mesopotamian
- Egyptian
- Greek
- Judaism
- Zoroastrianism
- Christianity
There is a TAM-Wiki as well.

v1.4 Changes:
- CTD crash fixed
- Two Holy Sites bug fixed
- "Worker/Settler = first instance of Melee, Mounted, Gunpowder, Helicopter unit" bug fixed
- Etruria removed from the scenario map
- Illyrians under Teuta are now a playable civilization, with Lembi (bireme) and Kambsor (spearman) UUs
- Civilopedia entries for units and religions have been added
- Berserk skin + button, Opening Menu screen by Notarzt implemented
- Tech Tree is reworked and organized: Fishing now leads to Boat Building.
- Game begins in 5500 BC
-Copper Smithy (50 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city a copper weapons promotion (+10% Strength)
-Bronze Smithy (60 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city a bronze weapons promotion (+15% Strength)
-Iron Smithy (75 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city an iron weapons promotion (+25% strength)
-Steel Smithy (100 cost) gives Cavalry, Medium, and Heavy units built in that city a steel weapons promotion (+40% strength)
--NOTE: These do not add up; Copper Smithy becomes available with Copper Working if you have the copper resource, but is made obsolete by Bronze Working. Building a Bronze Smithy then gives units the Bronze Weapons promotion until it is made obsolete by Iron Working. Same idea with Iron Working, which becomes obsolete with Steel.
- Lydia leader's name changed to Kroisos from Krisos
- Kolchis' leader now named Aeetes
- A new building, "Graveyard," has been added with the tech "ceremonial burial." It adds +1 health, +1 culture
- Roman Praetorians now appear in groups of 8 instead of 3.
- Roman Legionary has a 50 work rate, making it build roads and forts half as fast as a worker.
- Copper Working now reveals copper.
- Horseback Riding now reveals horses.
- Crop Rotation tech now adds 1 food to farms.
- Colossus no longer obsolete with Astronomy.
- Work Boats now require Boat Building.
- Holy Book now gives the first player to research it a Great Prophet
- Heavy Spearman has been modified for balance.
- Iberia: 1 wheat, 1 copper, 1 crab, 1 pig removed to help balance.
- 1 fish added on coast of Northern Greece.
- There are now 2 hilly openings in the Italian Alps, and 1 in the northernmost mountain ranges as well.
- Wheat on Babylonian Hill is fixed; plot made flat.
- Lake Shkodra placed by Illyrian starting position (Skodra); mountains moved to appropriate position
v1.3 Changes:
- All units (incl. UUs) implemented
- Illyrian civ
- Notarzt's skins
- Text issues
v1.2 Changes:
- Added ArtDefines for all buildings in hope of fixing the crashes
- Changed names of a few things
v1.1 Changes:
- Fixed XML bug
- Made more localizations, especially for German
- Renamed a few things
v1.0 Changes:
- Well, I think it's complete gameplay-wise. Now we're just going to add "features", but the framework is all done!
v0.9 Changes:
- XML: DiplomacyText should be fixed?
- Note: the map is still v0.8
v0.8 Changes:
- XML: Fixes, for example the text for the Romans (also fixes the no-starting-techs bug)
- ART: Gaul flag decal is now a boar
- TECH: Tech rate is slower, especially in later eras. Should be impossible to get to Industrial Era now
v0.7 Changes:
- XML: French text updated
- XML: Various changes to make editing more intuitive
- ART: Civ flag decals updated
- ART: Civ unit command languages changed so that they fit (as best as possible)
- ART: Leaderheads updated (Sid placeholder for all non-useful leaderheads)
v0.6 Changes:
- CIV: Removed Mongols
- CIV: Added Etruscans
- TEXT: Fixed all leader names
v0.5 Changes:
- LANG: French language civs and cities implemented
- TEXT: Some leadernames have been changed to the correct ancient names
- ART: Some more flag decal changes
- ART: Increased the flag size
- MAP: Fixed broken river placement
v0.4 Changes:
- CIV: Added Kolchis
- CIV: Added Medes
- CIV: Added Britons
- CIV: Updated Iberian Tribes
- ART: Changed some flags
- MAP: Minor changes
To do list (in order of priority):
- Change civilization leader animations
- Change civilization theme music
- Add a list of ancient only Great People
- Change modern background music
- Other artwork changes
- Civilopedia
Things YOU GUYS need to do:
- Localize the XML files (if you speak a language we haven't covered, feel free to translate!)
Heroes (not implemented yet)
- Babylon: Nabopolassar (Archer)
- Gaul - Brennus (Gallic Swordsman)
- Mycenae - Achilles (Phalanx)
- Rome - Scipio (Legionary)
- Scythia - Madyes (Horse Archer)
- Egypt - Thutmosis III (War Chariot)
- Iberian Tribes - Indibil (Slinger)
- Germanic Tribes - Siegfried (Berserk)
- Carthage - Hannibal (War Elephant)
- Lydia - Gyges (Light Cavalry)
- Phoenicia - Abibel of Tyre (Phoenician Trireme)
- Getae - Dromihete (Falxman)
- Persia - Zopyrus (Immortal)
- Medes - Cyaxares (Searman)
- Britons - Boudicca (Axeman)
- Kolchis - Artag (Bronze Swordsman)
- Macedonia - Alexander (Heavy Cavalry) - King will be Philip II
- Illyria - Glaucius or Bardylis (?)
- Nubia - Heru (?)
- Berber - Antaios (Archer)
- Goths - Theoderich (Huskarl)
Ideas and suggestions... please post them! BUT: Please also check out TAM-CIV3 to see what I am planning to do.