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Tech tree suggestions

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  • Tech tree suggestions

    This tread is intended for suggestions about changes in the tech tree, to make the game more interesting.

    My first change was requiring Priesthood for Meditation. This makes Buddhism appear more chronologically correct (around 600 BC).
    The difference between industrial society and information society:
    In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
    In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

  • #2
    Medicine should be a prerequisite tech for Genetics (currently it's not; you can discover genetics without medicine )
    "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
    --George Bernard Shaw
    A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
    --Woody Allen


    • #3
      So of the techs have the same prerequisite more than once which seems like a waste. (Example: Rocketry requires Artillery and physics, but artillery requires physics, so what is the point?) There are other instances of the same thing.

      The cannon should be moved up to gunpowder, it's current position makes it appear much to late to be worth building (usually just a handful of turns before artillery. After all cannons were the very first military applications of gunpowder in the west (Turks around late 1300's).

      Probably could come up with more stuff but I haven't played for a few days (too busy trying to figure out damn map editting tools).


      • #4
        rocketry should be independent on physics, just after chemistry


        • #5
          Rocketry is all about physics. Thrust is, after all, an application of Newton's Second and third laws. F = m * a and equal and opposite forces and all of that. Rockets throw propellant away from the rocket, and the equal and opposite force throws the rocket in the opposite direction.
          Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
          Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


          • #6
            I suppose the reason for some techs requiring 2 prerequisites of which one is the prerequisite for the other is probably connected with tech trading.

            In tech trading you can easily get a tech that you wouldn't get that soon with research because of the tech tree.

            This way you may be able to get a later tech, but often won't be able to take full advantage of it, without the other prerequisite. I suppose it prevents entire skipping of techs.


            • #7
              There's also the EITHER flag for technology, something new in CIV. Check and see if Rocketry/Artillery requires two techs, or has the either flag for the techs.
              "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
              "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
              Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

              "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


              • #8
                Yeah the other prereq is flight which also requires physics. And you can trade for techs you do not have the prereqs for? That has never been the cas ein previous civ games (I play with tech trading off).


                • #9
                  More of a resource change than tech, but was thinking that most of the food improvements should not be stuck in one spot (other than for the initial discovery). Was thinking that 1 tech for each common food item (wheat, rice, corn, cow, sheep, pig, and horses) that gives the benefits that is currently tied to the resource. The resource is necessary to research the tech initially for a cheap cost (though it can be traded without needing access to the resource).

                  The wheat, corn and rice might be left off this but the animals (particularly the horses) should be included as they are all easy to breed domesticated.

                  Another suggestion for resources which might take more effort, would be differing requirements for resources based off civ size and/or number of cities. Perhaps each resource square produces 6-10 of the resource with each city taking 1 or 2 of the resource. There are other possibilities of course, like tieing unit maintenance to resources... No more oil required for building modern units but a maintenance cost for each that is active. Lots of possibilities and opportunity for more trading.


                  • #10
                    Mylong, yes rocketry is about physics, which the chinese knew jack shift about when they designed their rockets.

                    Rocketry appeared after people found that they can mix some dried urine, charcoal and salt peter. should they transport this mixture in a long vase and someone happens to shoot a fire arrow at them the long vase becomes a pretty potent projectie weapon

                    all of it without any f=ma stuff written in hierogliohycs either

                    The ancient Chinese invention of gunpowder by Taoist chemists, and their use of it in various forms of weapons: (fire arrows), bombs, and cannon, resulted in the development of the rocket. They were initially developed for religious proceedings that were related to the worship and celebration of the Chinese Gods in the ancient Chinese religion. They were the precursors to modern fireworks and, after extensive research, were adapted for use as artillery in warfare during the 10th century to 12th century. Some of the ancient Chinese rockets were stationed at the military fortification known as the Great Wall of China, and employed by the elite soldiers stationed there. Rocket technology first became known to Europeans following their use by the Mongols Genghis Khan and Ogodei Khan when they conquered Russia, Eastern Europe, and parts of Central Europe(i.e. Austria). The Mongolians had stolen the Chinese technology by conquest of the northern part of China and also by the subsequent employment of Chinese rocketry experts as mercenaries for the Mongol military. Additionally, the spread of rockets into Europe was also influenced by the Ottomans at the siege of Constantinople in 1453. Although it is very likely that the Ottomans themselves were influenced by the Mongol invasions of the previous few centuries


                    • #11
                      Thats a very nice post and all but ancitent Chinese rocketry has ZERO to do with ROCKETRY THE TECH in game. Don't be confused by the name. The techs could be named techs a b and c. What is important is the effects and what they make availible.

                      Which in this case is gunships, ICBMs, a space prgram, etc. etc. All of which require physics and none of which has anything to do with primitive chinese rocketry.

                      The techs are just game mechanics and need to be looked at from that perspective (trust me). I cannot tell you how many times people have gone astray in other games/mods arguing that the chinese development of gunpowder long ago means they get the gunpowder tech, when the only effect of said tech is to give the owner civil war style riflemen. Did the chinese have these riflemen back then, no. So it doesn't matter if the tech is called gunpowder basics 101.


                      • #12
                        Rocketry the tech represents a decent theoretical background such that one can just the fuel in the rocket, use side-thrusters and such, and actually guide the rocket with decent precision.

                        The German V2 rockets don't count.
                        Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                        Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


                        • #13
                          Requesting new TEC : High Explosives

                          This tec represents modern explosives from about the point of dynomite onward. The main benifits would be incressed production out of mines (I belive railroads currently increese the out put of mines but that would be switched to this tec much like Biology effects farms). Faster building times of improvments in Hills, the ability to build roads and rails through Peaks and definatly some nice military improvments.
                          Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


                          • #14
                            An "explosives" tech was in Civ 1 & 2. It would fit well in the tech tree, the problem is that there are a bit too many 19th and 20th century techs.

                            The Genetics problem could be solved by requiring Medicine and Electricity for Refrigeration.
                            The difference between industrial society and information society:
                            In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
                            In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.

