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Civ4 TC mod concept: The Nam

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  • Civ4 TC mod concept: The Nam

    When I played a couple long games of Civ4 I was very disappointed with the ages that would be from about 1890-Present day. I was expecting more saddle up, lets rock and roll for a rumble in the jungle for the military instead of just plain old rock and roll. I played and I saw no mortars, no in depth infantry combat system, no distinction between Russian and American arms and there knock offs. No Trench warfare system, no depth to the large amounts of arms, armor, aircraft (fixed and rotor), or even the ships.
    I suppose what I suggest is more along the lines of a TC rather than the classic civ formula. I don’t know the WW’s very well but I reckon I know my stuff when it comes to the 50s/60s so here are my bare bones crack tech, game play and unit ideas. And well wouldn’t it be fun to use A-Bombs where B-52s were used instead? Hehe.
    Leaders, nations, Civs-2 Sides to play as, Communists or Capitalists each with icons like Ho Chi Minh, President Johnson, Nixon, President Nguyen Van Thieu, etc… who knows? Maybe even Hanoi Hannah or Jane Fonda will pop up.
    So think of it as Side, with subsides kind of like how a player can pick China and go with Mao or Haung but instead of many nations only 2 but with many Maos.
    Tech trees- Since there are only 2 sides I think both should be unique with many branches.
    Capitalists will have 3 or 4 main tech branches that should be mixed for good effect. Basic tech is Army which open tech trees are Marines, Air Cav, Air support + offshore artillery, ARVIN + Green Bert, and MACV.

    Communists- the commies will have to earn most of there equipment through production and upgrades. Overall the commies will have 2 branches, 1 being the vietcong which uses stealth and tunnel poping and the other being the North Viet Army which is about leadership and manspam. Technology like modern armor and air units will be rare and mainly for late game, the game will mostly be about infantry and traps for the communists but the quantity and brute force will eventually out do quality.

    Gameplay- Guerilla warfare at its finest.
    I would love to see a new artillery system where the guns, mortars, and other toys have some real range and must be guarded or can have a team move, set up, fire for light damage, and sink back into cover before other units can hit it.

    A morale and medical system would be nice which effects damage, movement and health. Make sure to send old dogs home to make others happy. An unsanitary base will result in unhappiness and sickness because of death toll and comrades being lost.

    More interactive environments, want a helicopter to pick up your dieing men but they are under a 3 layer canopy? Blows open a hole in the jungle or risk the chopper with a slow evacuation. Trenches, tunnel network bases, destroy environments with chemicals and bombing or use it to speed up and conceal troop activities. Place traps to slow movement, weaken units, or even destroy them. Set up ambushes. Use Hamlets as forts to slow enemy movement or go zippo and watch 1000s of years of culture burn up in smoke.

    A deep city base and firebase fort building system to partly replace the city building system which would include customization for defenses, expansions such as an officers club, illegal activities, USO shows, medical centers, upgradeable living conditions (from tent city to barracks), airstrips, artillery batteries, mine fields, tunnel network routes, supply lines, and POWs which will also should have a cultural influence on areas such as shanty towns overrun with corruption and American influence , Hamlets, villages, and major cities, winning the hearts and minds to get the people to join the Vietminh or ARVIN.

    Propaganda and media attention system that will affect the resources a player can gain or lose. Basic examples would be propaganda crews around battles where the player whom controls the propaganda crew will get a major boost while a loss wouldn’t be recorded and a general media crew will ensure that the horrors of war are televised for the whole world to disagree with.
    After thoughts-
    I know i haven't gone into much detail but i'm not even sure if i should be posting this here because most of the ideas i see are directly applyed to Civ4's current gameplay style and if i missed some big rules topic or something with big flashing red lights and death threats writen all over it than please let me apologize for my ignorance. If it is a good thread than please do speak up and if i have sparked anyones real interest who can actualy apply my concepts if i actualy explain them than do ask and i shall ramble on and sing my song.

  • #2
    WHy would the game go into that depth? It doesn't go into that depth with any other era, and frankly such depth if fairly out of place with an engine like this. This is a grand strategic wagame to the extent it is a wargame at all. There are little to no tactics involved as it should be.


    • #3
      Well, I think maybe if you approached this topic in a less biased way, it might be more viable. When you use terms like "manspam", "commies", and then bring up Hanoi Hannah and Jane Fonda, then talk about "going zippo" and destroying 1000 years of culture; you come across looking like a bigoted moron. If you had sat down and presented your case in a more balanced way; treated the Communists as more than a speedbump or amusement; maybe I would be interested in having a deeper chat with you.

      I am not a Communist, nor am I Vietnamese or Chinese. So I am not personally offended. But if someone was talking about a WWII conversion where you could set up death camps to exterminate judaism from your cities; or 30-Years-War conversion where you could exterminate Catholics/Protestants from your cities, or an Iraq War conversion where American forces can bomb enemy journalists; I would find such a project stupid and biased.

      I love wargames. I have argued for a long time that I would like to see the other side portrayed in a non-caricature kind of way. But there is no "Iron Cross: Victory in France" equivilant to Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. A lot of times when you can play as Nazi Germany there is some exageratted moral crap stuffed into the game.

      However, it appears you want to make a mod that would allow you to feel like your country is better than another. Im not really interested in that.


      • #4
        I don't think he means anything by it, Ryoken, and I think you're going overboard with the pc'ness. I think all he's trying to do (in his own charming way) is discuss a mod emulating the Vietnam War.

        In that vein, I think a mod starting with 1945 or so would be nice, with the French vs. Vietnam, then progressing to American involvement in the 60's...
        Let Them Eat Cake


        • #5
          I think it would be cool. Also, the Nazi's DID set up extermination camps, and the Reds DID (and do) use "manspam" tactics. The word "Commies" is valid slang for "Communists," and this sounds like a very cool mod where all the sneakiness I have always wanted to implement is possible. Just make sure Infantry can hide in Jungle. At least until another Infantry unit shows up right next to it.

          And by the way...the American military never purposely bombs civies or reporters. The case I am sure you are refering to happened because they were coming under fire.
          I don't know what I've been told!
          Deirdre's got a Network Node!
          Love to press the Buster Switch!
          Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


          • #6
            Originally posted by gdijedi7
            And by the way...the American military never purposely bombs civies or reporters. The case I am sure you are refering to happened because they were coming under fire.
            Please get in touch with the current news affairs of the day/week/month.
            The leak that revealed Bush's deep obsession with al-Jazeera

            The US president planned to bomb the Qatar-based channel - that was the remarkable claim made in a top-secret memo. Why is the world's most powerful man so worried about a TV station?

            The status of the now infamous five-page document concerning the meeting between Bush and Blair, on 16 April last year, has already reached mythic proportions among bloggers on the internet. It is the smoking gun to end all smoking guns, claim conspiracy theorists, who believe it details everything from an agreed date to pull the troops out, to plans to take the one-time rebel stronghold of Fallujah.

            The one indisputable fact, though, is that part of the memo - 10 lines to be precise - concerns a conversation between Bush and Blair regarding Al Jazeera, the Arabic satellite television station that the US accuses of being a mouthpiece for al-Qaeda. According to those familiar with the memo's contents, Bush floated the idea of bombing the Qatar-based station. The Daily Mirror, which ran the story last Tuesday, claimed the Prime Minister talked Bush out of the plan.
            Ok derail over.

            I'm sure someone will make a Nam-era mod, infact probably one for the entire world and one just on the SE Asia region. If you're going to make it however, please by all means read up on the entire situation from all points of view and incorporate as many of these views into the game as historically accurate as possible. I wouldn't make it just two forces out to decimate each other, as that isn't what the conflict was. Hell the French played a major part in that region that lead to some of the actions took, neglecting them is downright silly.


            • #7
              Note, that al-Jazeera is still on the air.
              I don't know what I've been told!
              Deirdre's got a Network Node!
              Love to press the Buster Switch!
              Gonna nuke that crazy witch!

