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Starting Locations

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  • Starting Locations

    Thought I was getting smart with this, but the result was ... sub-optimal.

    I set up eleven civs on three continents and an island chain. These are aggressive, expansionist civs, or otherwise strong AIs in the games I've played, with a couple weaker ones thrown in for them to feed on. There was a twelvth start location on a central island, where the last civ will start.

    I left the other BeginPlayer options blank (as in the default py file) and kicked off the wbs it made.

    The only selectable civs were the ones I specified in the python script.

    OK. So I add the other seven civs, and add "PlayableCiv" tags to all eighteen: 0 for the eleven antagonist AIs, and seven selectable by the player as 1.

    In order to get them to use the central 12th start location, I gave the seven the same XY coordinates. Recompile and start the WBS...

    Ah, my builder civ is on the proper location. I built my founding city and hit next turn.

    WTF The other SIX civs I marked as playable are all piled up just outside my city radius. I specified this map to have 12 players... why did they show up?

    How do I set it up so you can select one of the seven Builder civs I marked as playable, but only one of them show up in the game?

    Here's my .py file zipped up.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Maybe I wrote too much. I want:

    1) 11 specific civs present, all in specific locations on a custom map

    2) the Human player to start at a 12th location

    3) the remaining civs to be selectable, but only 12 civs in the actual game

    What additional terms need to go between the BeginPlayer flags?

