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Bug in 'Deser war' mod (plus quick fix)

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  • Bug in 'Deser war' mod (plus quick fix)

    Hi everyone,

    While playing the Desert War mod, you have to capture 6 cities and hold them for 10 turns. I did this in a multiplayer game, but the counter wouldn't count down. Upon looking at the code, you can find the counter code in, line 1420:

    # Event: Victory Timer
    # Trigger: Whenever one tema controls all six Objectives
    # Effect: Count down to victory
    if ( (self.countAlliesObjectives() == 6 or self.countAxisObjectives() == 6) and iPlayer == iBritish ):
    iCount = self.getVictoryTimer()
    self.setVictoryTimer(iCount - 1)

    The thing is, we destroyed the British empire. As a result, the statement was never true and the timer didn't count down. We patched it by changing iBritish into iGermans. I know a better solution is available, but we were getting somewhat frustrated by not getting the victory message. Anyway, it works and the counter will start running after the change.

  • #2
    Thanks for the heads up, a proper fix will be in the first patch (I'd post it here but if some people in an MP game apply it and some people don't it'll cause all sorts of trouble).
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3

