If Civ IV is susposed to be so modable, how about modding in another very strong influence on civilizations? Language has been, through out time, a major impact on relations between civs. Translators are nice, but for civs to truely get along together, their general populations need to be able to communicate.
Make it work just like religion, but let it spread quickly. Civs that have the same national language get +'s in relationships, but not nessicarily -'s for opposite (I'm thinking of the Qubec situation as a model). What do you think? Can it be done?
Make it work just like religion, but let it spread quickly. Civs that have the same national language get +'s in relationships, but not nessicarily -'s for opposite (I'm thinking of the Qubec situation as a model). What do you think? Can it be done?