I'm working on a mod right now that should make it a little less tedious/micromanagement when you are trying to spread a religion.
What is this mod supposed to do?
The goal of this mod is to bring some sort of automation to your missionaries so you do not have to manually find cities to spread your religion every time you build a missionary.
It works like this:
- You select a missionary, press 'a'
- That missionary will now automatically find the nearest city which does not have the religion he spreads, and he will go to it and try to spread his religion there. NOTE: When you automate a missionary and he chooses a city, that city is in effect "his", so if you automate another missionary of the same religion in the same turn he will know not to try to go to that same city. Only if the first missionary fails to spread the religion will that city be open again for the next automated missionary of the same religion.
- If there are no cities left to convert whether it be because you don't see any more cities or he simply can't reach the remaining cities (due to water or blocked or by a civ with closed borders) then you will hear the Civ error sound.
Features/Bug Fixes for next release:
- Missionary will no longer get stuck due to trying to spread religion to a civ with Theocracy civic!
- You will be able to press SHIFT + A to limit the missionary to spread ONLY to your nation's cities, or CTRL + A to spread ONLY to foreign cities. Just pressing A like normal will just find any city
NOTE: This mod is still currently in development and downloading now would mean you get a "beta" version which mostly works but some bugs are sure to be in it- please notify me if you do find anything wrong or suspicious!
Auto Missionary Mod [BETA]
What is this mod supposed to do?
The goal of this mod is to bring some sort of automation to your missionaries so you do not have to manually find cities to spread your religion every time you build a missionary.
It works like this:
- You select a missionary, press 'a'
- That missionary will now automatically find the nearest city which does not have the religion he spreads, and he will go to it and try to spread his religion there. NOTE: When you automate a missionary and he chooses a city, that city is in effect "his", so if you automate another missionary of the same religion in the same turn he will know not to try to go to that same city. Only if the first missionary fails to spread the religion will that city be open again for the next automated missionary of the same religion.
- If there are no cities left to convert whether it be because you don't see any more cities or he simply can't reach the remaining cities (due to water or blocked or by a civ with closed borders) then you will hear the Civ error sound.
Features/Bug Fixes for next release:
- Missionary will no longer get stuck due to trying to spread religion to a civ with Theocracy civic!
- You will be able to press SHIFT + A to limit the missionary to spread ONLY to your nation's cities, or CTRL + A to spread ONLY to foreign cities. Just pressing A like normal will just find any city
NOTE: This mod is still currently in development and downloading now would mean you get a "beta" version which mostly works but some bugs are sure to be in it- please notify me if you do find anything wrong or suspicious!
Auto Missionary Mod [BETA]