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[Mod] Gaia Mod

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  • [Mod] Gaia Mod

    Summary: Adds a new 'Gaia' climate option that prevents desert/tundra/ice tiles being generated on maps.

    This is a pretty simple mod. After mucking around with the map scripts trying to figure out how to remove the annoying desert/tundra/ice squares, I noticed that most of them reference some XML values. I tracked those down, modified them, and it seems to work nicely. Basically, there should never be a desert/tundra/ice square (land square that is) on any of the 'normal' maps. Some of the maps use separate routines (Hub, for example) to figure out how to place the tiles, so aren't affected. Most of the major ones (Pangaea, Continents, Terra, etc) it seems to work with.

    Note: I didn't check if there are resources that require desert/tundra/ice squares. If there are any, then they won't show up.

    Install: Should go in your "My Documents\My Games\Civilization 4\CustomAssets\xml" folder to prevent overwriting the originals.

    edit: Link is farther down the thread.

    Last edited by Bhruic; November 8, 2005, 07:42.

  • #2
    I suppose Bhuric that oil may be in the deserts but again I am not there yet, so I am not sure.

    I would include deserts because in the last game they may later be irrigated. Beavers maybe lost in the other type terrain though, so some happiness or beaver pelts may be missing!

    Perhaps the trick is to change the ratio of when they can occur, but then there is also the Dry world or ice world to play!

    Although that may not be absolutely that way (with resources) it may have an effect on those in the game also!


    • #3
      I know Oil can appear in Ocean squares, at the least, so I'm not too worried about them. I think you're right about Beavers.

      Irrigated? I never got to the point where I could irrigate them (or Tundra, for that matter). I suppose you could modify that in, in which case you wouldn't need this mod.

      It's not too hard to modify the chances of getting the various types, but the limitation is in how many different Climate options you can have displayed on screen. Personally, I like the Gaia option for playing with lots of AI opponents - I don't have to worry about them (or me!) getting stuck in a desert or tundra, and having a poor start. Although Jungle can still be an issue.



      • #4
        Please read and follow when posting mods. If this is a mod in works you don't have to post it into the directory, but it should still have the [Mod] tag.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          Thanks for the topic change. I did read it, but not until after I'd already made the post.



          • #6
            I've seen marble solely on ice squares in my game, can anyone confirm?
            ~I like eggs.~


            • #7
              I had it in a desert like tile, using no mods.


              • #8
                Really? I've never seen marble on an ice square. Usually I spot them on plains.

                I suppose the easiest thing to do would be to look through the resource xml file, probably faster than any other option.



                • #9
                  Ok, the following resources are compromised:

                  Deer - Requires tundra

                  Fur - Requires tundra or snow

                  Incense - Requires desert

                  Silver - Requires tundra or snow (?)


                  I was thinking about modifying them so they'd appear, but unfortunately you can't modify them just for a single Climate selection - they'd be changed for every one. As none of them are critical, I think I'll leave it as is for the moment. Note - Oil can appear in Jungle squares, so it will still appear on land.

                  Last edited by Bhruic; November 7, 2005, 23:58.


                  • #10
                    Silver appears on hills, too, almost 100% certain.

                    Nice mod btw. - I'm a "soft" player like that myself *g*


                    • #11
                      Hmm, accidentally removed the link from the first post, and couldn't re-add it, so here's the file (again).

                      Attached Files

