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[Mod] Mylon Mod - Bigger Cities and more in depth gameplay

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  • [Mod] Mylon Mod - Bigger Cities and more in depth gameplay

    === Mylon Mod 0.31 ===

    The idea of this mod is big cities, more meaningful cultural clashes, and somewhat slower gameplay to make for more interesting battles.

    === Installation Instructions ===
    To install, extract the contents into your mod folder. Make a shortcut to the "Mylon Mod.bat" file in the mods folder to anywhere you like and run that when you'd like to play this mod.

    Get it here.

    === General Changes ===

    Game pace has been considerably slowed. Techs are slower to research but building and training rates are nearly the same. Even normal should be fairly long and epic should be, well, epic.
    Resources are much more important now. Strategic resources give a +5% production bonus and food resources give a +5% food bonus. All of the food resource enhancing buildings give a further +5% food.
    Culture works much differently. Cities produce culture according to their nationality. This means border cities will be less effective at pushing back the borders of a rival nation and the inner cities are what keep the border cities "pure" so that they can push the borders back. Also, trade spreads culture, so this provides another means of spreading one's culture far and wide. Note that trade with your own nation only generates half as much culture as trade with foreign nations, so it's not as effective at reinforcing your own culture. Also, religion spreads culture for the holy city founder. Spreading a neighboring civilization's religion and building buildings for that religion may be detrimental to the cause.
    Lots of new buildings, new technologies, and other additions. Cities can now build sewer systems, museums, military academies, parks, city monuments, a repeatable +5% food or +5% industry buildings, and more. There's a new tech, terraforming, which can make all land slightly more useful. It's a very slow and expensive process to perform. Also, inquisitors which remove non-state religion and also travelling performers which allow a civilization add a little extra cultural influence here and there.
    A few balance changes. Techs are now considerably slower and city maitenance costs have been increased. One of the goals is to remove inflation totally and instead make regular expenses fill this role. Civilizations should still be founding cities even later in the game as their economy permits. A few other tasks have been slightly lengthened to regard this change and the extra production as well.

    === Release Notes ===

    Currently the game is not very balanced. I may make some general wide sweeping balance changes, but that's just a way to kind of set the mold to how I want the game to be. Some of the changes of this mod have some pretty wide-spread effects, which is the intent, though it makes balacing a long process that has to be restarted each time a fairly major change is made.
    The code is in place (but commented out) to give a commerce bonus as a function of luxury resources. The UI is difficult to edit and I would prefer to wait until I can get the UI to register how much gold/science is being produced if any new models are used.
    This mod is English ONLY. Sorry folks, but I'm just one person. Translating this mod into other languages would slow development down considerably.

    Known bugs:
    +Bonus modifiers for food, production, and commerce are not updated immediately. If a resource is acquired, it won't start affecting with the +5-10% bonus until next turn.
    +Mouse overing the extra entries in the build list shows the mouse over information for the last building in the XML file. Not sure how to fix this, but my suggestion is to ignore it.
    +A city will report its borders as expanding twice, sometimes more. This is because culture is assigned the usual way (I don't think it can be stopped), then removed, and added again according to the new cultural model.
    +Terraformed Tundra is spawning when the map is generated. This is curious since none of the other terraformed terrain types spawn.
    +Bureaucrats are displaying in an odd position. The +- buttons are fine, but the icon itself is bugged.

    === The change Log ===

    -- 0.31 Changes --
    + (New) Totally changed how bonuses are assigned. Bonuses are now in the form of buildings that provide +%s, which means cities will report the correct growth rate, production turns left, ect. This also means that luxury resources are now providing a +gold%. Markets have had their natural +gold% rate removed as a result. I'm tempted to remove the +gold% bonus from grocers altogether (and make the building cheaper). For the details, buildings are added according to a power of 2 system. This means there's a max to the +% bonus possible (a whopping +1275%). This max could be raised by adding a few extra bonus placeholder buildings, but I don't forsee that being necessary.
    + (New) New entries now show up in the building list now. There is an entry for the number of Hydroponics Farms and an entry for the number of Automated Assembly Plants. In addition, there are also entries that give the total food, production, and gold modifiers, even though the second two can also be found by mouse-overing production and gold rate respectively.
    + (New) New World Wonder (sorta). World's Tallest Building. +2 happiness for the continent, +5% global culture for the civ that builds it. Every time this building is built, the previous one is destroyed. A taller building can always be built.
    + (New) Added some German text thanks to Grimaldi. This mod is still considered English only, but it should be more playable for Germans.
    + (Change) Culture from trade no longer gives a penalty when trading with one's own nation. Intra-empire trade income is already lowered in the default ame, and lowering the culture transmission further would only be totally neutering it.
    + (Change) The destroy building code no longer will list buildings with a cost of -1 as valid. This includes Academies.
    + (Fix) The Automated Asssembly Plant strategy text wasn't pointing to the proper place. This has been fixed.

    -- 0.30 Changes --
    + (New) Units no longer require the specific bonuses to be built. All units have had their cost increased depending on the era they are in. This bonus is scaled so that an appropriately built up city should have no change in build times with the resource. Later units have had had their costs increased by less as forge, factory, drydock, or power bonuses are not increased. For units that require either of 2 resources, they get a +50% per resource. War Elephants are 3x cost, +200% modifer so they ought to retain their unique flavor. ICBMs still require uranium.
    + (New) New Specialist: Bureaucrat. Provides +2 food and can generate a great leader. Slots are provided by the Palace (3 slots), maitenance reducing buildings (2 slots) and government center wonders (2 slots). Also, Bureacracy provides an unlimited number of Bureaucrat slots. Bureaucrats direct and manage people, increasing the effeciency of a city and allowing it to be more productive. Note that the +2 bonus is modified by food bonuses, so with a hypthetical +200% food rate, 1 bureaucrat can support 2 other people. With a more realistic scale of +50% food rate, 2 bureacrats can support one extra person each. Note that bigger cities means more free military units, more culture, and other bonuses.
    + (New) New Great Person: Great Leader. These people are not quite as great as yourself, but excellent middle-management. Can build a -40% maitenance, +1 happiness, +10% culture, +2 bureaucrat slots building (Can make a city maitenance free!), or join the city as a super-specialist for +2 food, +6 gold, and +2 culture. These use the merchant graphic and the lack of star tells them apart from great merchants.
    + (New) New Wonder. Art of War. Available with Fuedelism. Base cost 500. +2 great engineer. +2 exp to all units. +4 culture. Obsolete with Military Tradition. Includes all of the ameneties of other wonders, including a movie and a model that shows up on the city layout. Thanks goes to Frontbrecher for his work on the Lost Wonders mod. I may add other wonders from the mod as well.
    + (New) Travelling performers now give +2 happiness to the city they're stationed in, represented with a building. This makes them more multi-purpose.
    + (Change) Due to the new specialist type, merchants and great merchants no longer give food bonuses. Merchants now give +5 gold and great merchants +10 gold to compensate.
    + (Change) Travelling Perfomers should now lower the chance of a culture revolt.
    + (Change) Academies now add +2 scientist slots in addition to their previous benefits.
    + (Change) Cities should now require 30 base food to grow + 5 per citizen ( change from 40 base + 2 per citizen). Cities were growing too slow in the beginning and too fast in the later part of the game.
    + (Change) Heal rates have been lowered. Hopefully attacking a city should be less of an all or nothing event now. Changes: Enemy territory 5 -> 3, Neutral 10 -> 6, Friendly 15 -> 8, City 20 -> 10
    + (Fix) The city detail screen should no longer show extra greyed out citizens in the area that the bonuses are in.
    + (Fix) Fixed a possible bug that could occur in the cultural model in the event that a nation has died. The function wrongly assumed that a player's ID would be the same as it's occurance in a loop.
    + (Fix) The graphics for the new resources should work now.
    + (Fix) Fixed a crash that would occur when building a tree nursery.
    + (Note) Bureaucrats (and their Great People) are probably underpowered at the moment. Hopefully this will change if I ever get the chance to make maitenance buildings modify civic upkeep as well.

    -- 0.29 Changes ---
    + (New) New Building. International Airport. +1 trade route, -2 health. +1 additional airlift per turn. Base cost 400. Requires 3 airports per.
    + (New) New Building. Clinic. +2 health, base cost of 100. Required to build Hospital.
    + (New) Towns now bestow the "town" feature on a plot. This features grants -0.25 health per instance. This feature also should remove the flood plains trait of a desert with a river. In the event that the town is destroyed, the feature remains, but will be reset to no feature if something other than a town is built on the tile. It is unknown if a river/desert tile will become a Flood Plains again.
    + (New) Mines and workshops bestow a "Industrial" feature on a plot just like towns do above. -0.35 health per. This should make mines and workshops less attractive, despite the production bonus given to workshops.
    + (Change) Cannons now require gunpowder instead of steel. Should reduce the need for catapults in mid-game.
    + (Change) Grocers didn't have the +5% culture, which is a good thing since I was gonna remove it anyway. Likewise with harbors and airports. They are now at 5% bonus culture instead of the falsely advertised 10% of the previous version.
    + (Change) Religion adds more culture than before. It's now a base of 3 culture, plus an additional 3 per building. This will make it slightly more important to taking over cities.
    + (Change) Bonuses now provide larger bonuses for their tile and with the corresponding improvement. The general trend is +1 to previous values for production and food, +2 for commerce. Bonuses should now be a must have not just within borders, but within cities. They should also be a deciding factor with how a city is specialized.
    + (Change) Red cross changed to +2 global health.
    + (Change) The production bonus display in the City Detail screen was being displayed twice. The original production number already had the production bonus added in. Now it no longer has the number added in, and the two numbers summed together should report the production mroe accurately.
    + (Fix) Travelling performers weren't working due to a change in 0.28, related to the change to help make trade culture work better. They've been fixed.
    + (Fix) The food function was producing errors when the city was in disorder. This should be fixed.
    + (Fix) The code to check for buildings was bugged. This caused several errors, including the repeatable buildings not being repeatable, the inquisition not working, and old breweries not being updated to new ones if started before medicine was discovered. Plus, the check for the medicine tech to update breweries was not working.

    --- 0.28 Changes ---
    + (New) Added the ability to destroy buildings. Credit goes to TheDarkside and tywiggins for their work on this mod.
    + (New) New building: Casino. +20% commerce, -1 happiness. Base cost 200. +1 merchant slot. Requires Liberalism.
    + (New) New Building: Brewery. +2 happiness, +1 health until Medicine. Base cost 120, requires Pottery.
    + (Change) I removed the culture from Banks and District Banks and changed Markets to +5%. It just seems better that way.
    + (Change) Trade routes are now considered exports. During a city's turn, culture is given out to the trade route cities, as opposed to culture being recieved based on trade routes. This should resolve any issues with asymmetrical trade routes, at the cost of a bit of rounding error.
    + (Change) Travelling performers are now a national limit of 3. They weren't quite as devastating as I thought.
    + (Change) Town Hall changed to a base cost of 60 to make it more affordable. Also, District Courthouse now has a base cost of 180. This makes the progression 60, 120, 180.
    + (Change) Malls now give +2 happiness, up from +1.
    + (Change) Artists give 1 gold now, down from 2. Great artists only give 2 gold.
    + (Change) Jails now give -5% culture.
    + (Change) Theaters, Colosseums, Musems, and Broadcast towers have been returned to their previous +happines/culture rate value. Theater: 10%, Colosseum +15%, Museum +20%, Broadcast Tower +10%.
    + (Fix) I disconnected the text files from the original ones and didn't copy over the new missionary entries. I also added entries for the new terrains.
    + (Fix) The technologies that weren't working with the proper prerequisites should be fixed now.
    + (Note) The computer _really_ loves to build the Automated Assembly Plants. I think it's programmed to give priority to any +production building, regardless of how large the bonus is. This deserves further study to see if the computer is building anything else, such as a military, or avoiding it in favor of the + production. If not, it would be easy enough to remove the advertising of the effect but leave the effect in.
    + (Note) I've seen the computer use Travelling Performers. That it uses them at all is a good sign.

    === Change Ideas ===

    |+Amusement Park +happiness, requires consumerism tech
    |+Mass Transit System +health
    |+Solar Power Plant +Clean power
    |+Cure for Cancer +Future tech, +health, +happiness
    |+National Library
    |+Crop Rotation Plan +15% food. Available with Crop Rotation.
    |+Food Processing Plant +15% food.
    |+World's Tallest Building. World wonder. Can be rebuilt any number of times and "stolen". Provides a global +1 happiness and global +5% culture for it's current owner.
    +International Space Station. National/team Project: +5% research for each International Space Station built. The initial maker only gets +5% out of it, but once more people jump on the bandwagon...
    +World Wonder: Artificial Moon. +2 happiness for all cities, +50% culture rate for all cities, +40% revenue in all cities from ads. +Great Engineer rate.
    +Particle Accelerator. Either a National Wonder requiring labs, or requires 3 labs per instance. +Research
    +Oil Refinery. Adds a +10% production bonus with oil.
    +Ion Satellites. Orbital city bombardment. Maybe treated as a nuke without the baggage.
    +Hospitals lower food consumption per population. This simulates less people dying by the population raising until the food consumption equals it's old value.
    +Heros! Well, generals/whatever. A national unit that retains its experience in between dying and being reborn.
    +Change how bombardment/city defense works: A catapult completely destroys the defenses of an influential culture city with the same number of turns as a lesser city. Cities might retain a permanent +5% bonus per culture level that cannot be shaved from bombardment.
    +Specialist: Soldier. The "Great Person" is a unit that auto-upgrades to the latest technology available and is given great bonuses to make it very formiddable in combat.
    |+ Razing cities. Maybe only an atrocity for civs with Emancipation.
    |+ Attacking structures in orbit, including the space ship before it launches.
    |+ Black Market. Chance of being discovered.
    |+ The Draft. Considered an atrocity by peace-loving civs.
    |+ Slave Rushing.
    |+ Inquisition. Removes foreign culture, reduces city population, causes temporary unhappiness, removes a non-state religion.
    |+ Napalm. A devastating air bomber that gets a large bonus versus infantry and mech infantry.
    +Random events. Political situations which break open border agreements, metoers, earthquakes, and other random events that keep the game interesting.
    +Raise the upkeep costs of all new units to be proportional to the era they belong in.
    +| Lathe. This is a very important tool that made industrialization and interchangable parts possible.
    +| Water Purification. Well water wasn't always of trustable quality and this represents the technologies that combined together to provide consistantly good quality water to people. Obsoletes the health bonus of Breweries and allows building of Sewage Treatment Plant.
    +| Fermentation. Requires pottery. Allows Brewery and winery.
    +| Atomic Theory. Leads to Fission.
    +| Calculus. Leads to Physics.
    +| First Aid. Represents a publicly offered course focusing on the bare necessities such that anyone can learn and be helpful in an emergecy situation until professional help arrives. +health.
    +| Applied Fusion. Required for Fusion Power Plants.
    +| Artificial gems. Future era tech. Obsoletes gems but provides +2 happiness.
    +| Carbon Nanotubes. A supermaterial. This represents a cheap method to actually make a useful amount.
    +New Civic model. Have several different sliders, perferably not opposed, where the values affect the civilization and at certain breakpoints special effects occur. Liberalism will increase culture rate (ala free speech), and certain points will provide other changes, like legalization of gambling, and further along is legalization of drugs. Other ideas: Legalized Abortion (slower city growth, more happiness, can cause a reputation hit (atrocity))

    === Dreams ===
    + Integrate a variety of different projects and present these all as game startup choices. A player can choose among traditional buildings, nested and specialized buildings (3xlibraries = 1 university, 3xuniversities = 1xobservatory, ect.), abstract buildings. They can also choose between different styles of technology and different styles of units. I imagine this might require a ton of different XML files with possibly an SDK generated package that selects the appropriate XML files for the situation.

    === Credits ===
    rjwoer/Byrjw for his resource mod
    tywiggins for his Forestry Mod and his Terraform Mod
    TheDarkside and tywiggins for the ability to destroy buildings
    ChaosLord for the holy city missionaries idea
    Frontbrecher for his wonderful Lost Wonders mod.
    Snaitf for his Great General Mod, which is not explicitly used, but the interface code is.
    Grimaldi for his work in translating some of the text to German.
    Last edited by Mylon; December 18, 2005, 02:28.
    Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
    Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD

  • #2
    Great, Version 0.06 is exactly what I was searching when I first read about "epic" mode in the manual. Does the tech cost also apply to the standard and short mode?

    what is the reason for the food bonus of version 0.10? more cows means more calfs, or something like that?

    edit: - ah i see, the bonus is for being more healthy.

    could you upload a mod, where only the changes of version 0.06 are in?
    Last edited by Gelvan; November 9, 2005, 07:38.


    • #3
      Version 0.06 can be found Here. Unfortunately it has a couple of bugs (Islamic temples are unbuildable) that will be fixed with 0.15, but that's that.

      The main goal of this mod is to make the gameplay a deeper and richer experience. Health, happiness, and resources will matter more! Game speed is a coincidental side effect of that.

      I'm working on 0.15 now. I still need to modify the interface a little, but here's the change log so far:

      --- 0.15 Changes ---
      +Strategic Resources now give a +5% production bonus. Copper, iron, stone, ect all increase production rates for a maximum bonus of +40% with all 8 resources. Building speed has been slowed to 115 from 100 to keep things from being built too quickly. However, a player can still achieve a small increase by obtaining all of the resources.
      +Actually a 0.10 change that wasn't documented, but there exists a new culture level at 25000 culture. The culture level before that is "Elegant", and the new level is "Refined". I'll probably add one more level when I determine a good number for the additional level and a name for it.
      +City growth has been halved. Cities were growing too quickly with the extra food.
      +The price of granaries has been doubled. The +health bonus and growth bonus are very powerful given the changes of this mod.
      +More buildings give culture, and some buildings have had their culture rate increased. This is a temporary measure, as all buildings will eventually be converted to a +% system.
      |+Barracks give 2 culture.
      |+Walls give 1 culture. A Castle gives 2 culture.
      |+Temples now give 2 culture each.
      |+The Palace gives 5 culture, a courthouse 1 culture.
      |+Colosseums now give 2 culture. Think football stadium.
      +A typo made Islamic Cathedrals practically unbuildable. This has been fixed.
      +The city growth bar wasn't displaying properly. It listed the number of turns to go from 0 food to grow the city, not from the current amount of food.
      +Bonus food now applies to settler and worker production.
      Last edited by Mylon; November 9, 2005, 08:59.
      Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
      Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


      • #4
        Version 0.15 released. Check it out!
        Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
        Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


        • #5
          hey.. is there a reason there is "Copy of CIV4BuildingInfos.xml" in the mod? Does it do anything? I noticed some differences in the file.. but there is so much duplication if the game did use it the consequences could be interesting.


          • #6
            This mod sounds interesting, I may have to try it out :0

            one question tough: With the cost increase of technology that you've implemented, did you modify the great people ability to give a technology? My understanding of how that works is not that they give you teh tech right out, but they put some number of beakers towards the tech. With the increased costs of techs, this could weaken that particular ability, which I find useful at times to help get ahead (or catch up) in the tech race.


            • #7
              Ah, next question:
              how did you "Strategic Resources now give a +5% production bonus"... I can't seem to find it in the xml, and it wasnt obviously present in the python..


              • #8
                That Copy of... file is junk. I think I was making a backup for some purpose or another.

                And the +5% industry bonus is there. Check out the EventManager file and search for onCityDoTurn - That's where the bonus food and bonus production are assigned.
                Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


                • #9
                  Aha. Thank you..


                  • #10
                    Mod updated to v0.16
                    Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                    Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


                    • #11
                      I'd like to add in a feature for tile improvements to add unhealthiness as a means of balancing some of the large health bonuses added by this mod. The idea is that, say, every 4 towns = +1 unhealthiness, every 2 mines = +1 unhealthiness. This would work just like forests do now. This should make these improvements slightly less appealing than they are now. What're peoples thoughts on this?

                      Also, I'm thinking of changing combat some. The idea is to give all units some base withdrawl chance (20%?), with faster units getting more. Cavalry, Gunships, Destroyers get 40% and artillery, subs get 60%. Also, city defenses will not be able to be bombarded: Culture levels would only be 5% per level as a result of this. Currently the defense bonus from culture is more or less meaningless: 4 shots from artillery and any city's defenses, legendary or fledling, is gone.
                      Last edited by Mylon; November 14, 2005, 10:15.
                      Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                      Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


                      • #12
                        Whats new in v0.16?


                        • #13
                          Whoops! The readme file got mixed up.

                          --- 0.16 Changes ---
                          + (New) New building: Museums. They give +2 culture and +1 happiness, plus +1 happiness per 20% culture rate. Base cost of 120.
                          + (New) New Building: City Monument. A fountain, a statue of the city founder, or just some odd piece of modern art, this item provides a piece of identity for the populace of the city. Provides +1 happiness and +1 culture. Base cost of 80.
                          + (New) I added the new missionary units from the Faith Mod. These units can be builty in the holy cities and have 3 movement points to facility being able to spread religion without organized religion. A city can only support one such unit at a time.
                          + (Change) Colosseums give +1 happiness per 15% culture now. Well, technically +1 per 14.3%, but culture can't be controlled that finely and it's as close as I can get to 15% given how the XML file works. Colosseums also have a base cost of 150, up from 120.
                          + (Change) Red Cross now gives +1 to health in all cities to make it less of a military building.
                          + (Change) Medicine now also gives +1 health.
                          + (Fix) The +2 experience of the Military Academy change advertised in the previous patch wasn't in the mod. This has been fixed.
                          Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                          Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


                          • #14
                            It turns out that more specialists = ICS friendly. Also, smaller cities benefit more from the extra health. To combat this I need some ideas to make players favor big cities (the original intent of the mod) instead of 3x3 ICS, which is a fairly arbitrary limitation.

                            For a base production of, say, 40 food and 20 workable tiles, 20 citizens can be fed. Given a civilization-wide health of, say, 20, this translates into one city of size 20 _or_ 3 cities of size 10, for out of thin air that weren't before And this isn't counting the bonus production cities get for the city tile! That's 10 specialists that are conjuring hammers, commerce, culture, and researchhe city tile. Thus this size-20 city ought to be getting something that three size 10 cities aren't.

                            I'm considering making health as a base multiplier to food instead of using the difference between healthiness and unhealthiness (and modifying the unhealthiness mechanic in a different way to slow city growth down). This way the 40 food at 20 health would yield, say, 80 food total, regardless of how it was split across cities. If anyone else wants to give suggestions, please chip in.
                            Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                            Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD


                            • #15
                              Even better would be, more inline with the production bonus, to give a flat 5% food bonus per food resource, plus an additional 5% each resource if the appropriate building (granary, grocer, supermarket) is built. Unfortunately this model does not support the infinitely growable cities from future tech like translating health into food does. Well, unless future tech gives farms +1 food output.
                              Mylon Mod - Adressing game pace and making big cities bigger.
                              Inquisition Mod - Exterminating heretic religions since 1200 AD

