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Civilization I Events

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  • Civilization I Events

    Anyone have a complete list of Civ I events, their effects, and the preventative buildings for a possible mod? Not surprisingly, Googleing for "Civilization" doesn't get me very far.

  • #2
    Uh, do you mean Civ2 events? Civ 1 really didn't have anything.


    • #3
      Yes it did:
      Flood, volcano event, earthquake, etc...


      • #4
        Right, and except for the earthquake, you could prevent them with certain buildings. You get messages like "Plague in Rome! Citizens demand aquaduct!"


        • #5
          I'll grab my Civ 1 manual and post in in a few minutes if the info is in there... don't recall that it is though.


          • #6
            Here ya go:

            Earthquake: city adjacent to hills destroys one improvment no defense

            famine: granary prevents it -1 pop and lose all food if it hits

            fire: aquaduct. destroys one building

            flood: city next to river. city walls are defense. -1 pop

            piracy: city by ocean prevented by barracks pirates take all food in food boxand take all production shields in the production box

            plague: acquire MEDICINE tech or have aquaduct reduces pop

            volcano: city by a mountain build a temple to prevent eruptions reduce pop


            • #7
              Originally posted by dearmad

              piracy: city by ocean prevented by barracks pirates take all food in food boxand take all production shields in the production box
              Ack! I remember the pirates event from Civ1. I would have 90% of a Wonder of the World completed, and PIRATES would take all the production away!!!
              Let Them Eat Cake

