Surprised nobody started this one sooner. 
In my work on the main game scenarios I created some systems which are designed to mimic rebellions and civil wars, spawning barbarian units around cities to stir up trouble.
This code can be modified and applied to the main game with some modification. I already have the spawning of units algorithms completed - what remains is triggers (and something to make sure you don't always get the same type of rebel unit throughout the whole game, but that's easy).
My question for you guys is what should these triggers be? What is balanced? I was thinking there would be essentially two levels - 'rebellion' which spawns barb units around cities rarely to stir up trouble, and full-scale civil war when things get bad enough and would be more difficult to beat off, like fighting a whole other civ.
And before someone brings it up... actually splitting off of cities to other nations, new or otherwise, won't be covered in my first iteration. Sorry.
You guys can run with what I've made after I finish it and add whatever you want. For now I just want to get something fairly simple up since I know people would like to see this sort of thing.
Anyways, feedback, questions, suggestions, etc. always welcome.

In my work on the main game scenarios I created some systems which are designed to mimic rebellions and civil wars, spawning barbarian units around cities to stir up trouble.
This code can be modified and applied to the main game with some modification. I already have the spawning of units algorithms completed - what remains is triggers (and something to make sure you don't always get the same type of rebel unit throughout the whole game, but that's easy).
My question for you guys is what should these triggers be? What is balanced? I was thinking there would be essentially two levels - 'rebellion' which spawns barb units around cities rarely to stir up trouble, and full-scale civil war when things get bad enough and would be more difficult to beat off, like fighting a whole other civ.
And before someone brings it up... actually splitting off of cities to other nations, new or otherwise, won't be covered in my first iteration. Sorry.

Anyways, feedback, questions, suggestions, etc. always welcome.
