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City lost / won and civilization removed notifications

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  • City lost / won and civilization removed notifications

    As far as i am aware if we miss the text in the corner then we miss the notice! Obviously we can then find a city is no longer to be seen in our map. but it would be alot better were a pop up to occur with perhaps a small bit of sad music , a picture and a noticifcation of these events.

    From reading this i can see its very possible and not ot hard? However i have never used pealr before? Im a cpp boy .

    Anyeon fancy helping out here with this one?

    i can see the seems to hold the event handling for example 'cityLost' : self.onCityLost,

    i thik i just neeed to understadn the po up notification?? withthe relevent city name defines and text output and its away??

    The current define is ...

    def onCityLost(self, argsList):
    'City Lost'
    city = argsList[0]
    player = PyPlayer(city.getOwner())
    if (not self.__LOG_CITYLOST):
    CvUtil.pyPrint('City %s was lost by Player %d Civilization %s'
    %(city.getName(), player.getID(), player.getCivilizationName()))

  • #2
    It also seems that alof of people want a wonders been built by others pop up aswell?

    Did they decide that they didnt want to bother us with all these pop ups then ?? A GREAT mod would be in game and the ability to decide for ourselves what we want pop notifications for and what we dont.


    • #3
      Re: City lost / won and civilization removed notifications

      Originally posted by SpartanPete
      From reading this i can see its very possible and not ot hard? However i have never used pealr before? Im a cpp boy .
      It is python not pearl and by the way next time please use the code tag, so that the forum displays the code with the right indention. As far as I know Python isn't so forgiving in this aspect like C++.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

