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A new relgion's graphic not appearing.

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  • A new relgion's graphic not appearing.

    I created a new religion (not a replacement) by copying the religioninfo elements and renaming the religion but keeping all the references to the art the same. Unfortunately, the cities with the religion in them do not show an icon. Is there an XML file I'm overlooking for this or is there a python script I need to play with?
    Last edited by Chronovore; November 2, 2005, 15:00.

  • #2
    The game has a max religions of 7. This is due to limitations of room in the religion advisor.


    • #3
      But the religion screen could be modded, couldn't it? I have the religions graphic showing up in the religion screen, and everywhere else. The only thing that does not work with the religion is the icon under the city in map view.


      • #4
        Maybe cIV cannot display the same icon (as in the exact same reference) twice at that point? Try copying and renaming the icon file and adjusting your references, mabye it'll work that way (and make sure your graphic works at all and isn't 100% transparant in the game, for example).


        • #5
          I have done so and still no change. Although I have a very nice new graphic that displays correctly everywhere else (Civilopedia, Religions, etc..).


          • #6
            It appears that the religion graphics that go above the city names are coded in somewhere according to the religion order. Altering the order of the religions in the XML file resulted in different Icons displaying for the religions. I'm not sure if this is coded into the python scripts somewhere or what. I'm assuming so because the Greek World Mod managed to alter the city religion icons. I'm just having an issue figuring out which python file to modify


            • #7
              It looks like Rhye just replaced the religions in Greek World without adding anything. The small city icons are defined in the font file - look in Greek World's Assets\Res\Fonts. I don't know exactly how it works and don't have software installed on my machine to view .TGA files but that's probably where your answer (partially, at least) lies.


              • #8
                Thank you so much!

                Yup, that looks like the place to do it. Now I just have to figure out why the game dumps when I modify the GameFont TGAs.

                /edit: Alright, being graphically illiterate, and not understanding the tga format, I'm not sure how to fix my problem. Using photoshop to save the tga images, it alters the file size, even if I do no modifications to the file. The tga files for the fonts that ship with the game are 529k. If I load it up in photoshop and Save As, it comes out at 513k. The only options I have when saving with TGAs is it bit depth of the image and setting that to 32 still turns out at 513k. Any graphically smart folks out there know the reason?

                /edit2: The plot thickens! The font file in Greek World Mod is a different scale than the font file in Civ4! How??? I guess I need a better understanding of how Civ4 uses the font file.
                Last edited by Chronovore; November 3, 2005, 12:20.


                • #9
                  I've decided the GIMP is much better at working with TGAs than Photoshop, but still not figuring out what I need to do to alter the font files correctly.

