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Firaxis: MODDING isn't what you made it out to be (disappointed)!

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  • Firaxis: MODDING isn't what you made it out to be (disappointed)!

    I'll start by pointing to this thread:

    I can't believe so simple a change is going to involve recompiling the GAME ENGINE!!!!!!!!

    There are other things to that piss me off abut the modding of the xml files- I don't like how the data is spread out in a way that makes little to no sense. Some variables are attached to buildings when you think they should be attached to workers, etc...

    Ok, after hours of working on a relatively simple mod, that's my rant!

  • #2
    The reason why some variables are spread all over the place is exactly to enable much of the versatility the game has.

    If you're lucky, the spy cost modifer might be exposed to XML in a patch. That's a guess, but it might happen. At least Firaxis are probably aware of this now.

    With the huge number of variables that there is, though, it's not a big surprise some aren't in the XML - although I'd also hope that they will be moved there. But the ability to tweak, for instance, combat firepower or nuke damage or diplomatic impact of actions is great stuff.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Mostly, I agree, Solver. My gripe is simply that some of the BASIC variables are not exposed, or if they aren't (and don't need to be) a SIMPLE mathematical approach of consistently exposing a coefficient to all the under the hood (black box functional stuff) would speak well to the organization of the game's data.

      It's a no brainer, man, when dealing with numericals. I don't need black box access in XML's, just a flat multiplier!

      ANother *****y gripe:
      The graphics are PACKED!?!? Who the *F* thought THAT was good idea? Oh yeah, that helps modders everywhere... especially if I just want to adjust a few simple flags or banners... I have to unpack all that crap... GRRRRR!



      • #4
        Agreed - it's something that should be in the XMLs. But indeed, if we think about these "basic variables", then there are easily hundreds of them. I would be surprised if none had been overlooked for putting into the XML.

        Again, at least you now have something to hope for in the first patch .

        EDIT: Yeah, packing is annoying. Especially given how it was what caused the problem for some ATI cards. At least we didn't have to wait three months for an unpacker, but I would also have preferred no packing.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5

          Now to huury up and continue mapping out the structure of the XMLs so I can beg, whine, plead for any other variables that concern me to be exposed.


          • #6
            First mod I'm looking for is to change the resource icons..esp for


            • #7
              So far modding for me has been everything I expected. Grant it, I never thought of messing with the spy missions, since I don't think spies are that necessary. You can already tell whats in a city by just mousing over, which I think should be changed. If I do build a spy, I just move my spy around to find troops "hidden" behind the FoW.

              As far as packed graphics....whats the problem? That method has been workig fine for games since as far back as I can remember. Quake 2 is when I started modding and those were all in pak files. You don't even have to repack to add modded graphics for this game, it quite nice IMHO.

              One of the first things I did was mod my flags, and I thought that was a simple task.

