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AoD2: 1.08 Changelog & discussion

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  • #61
    Congratulations, Dale!

    I just wanted to congratulate you and commend you on the work you've done on AoDII. The level of thought and quality you've put into this mod puts it on the level of an expansion put out by the game developer.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Aerion View Post
      I got a crash to desktop bug on 1.08.

      Before installing 1.08, I removed the 1.07 folder. Then I unzipped 1.08. I attempted to create a new game English, Normal Speed, A New World, Huge. Game crashed during game load/map creation.

      I replaced the 1.07 folder and was able to play on 1.07 without a crash.

      In reading other posts, I'm wondering if the fact that 1.08 uses a new folder name might be the cause. And that because I removed Age of Discovery II folder, it crashed. If I get on tonight, I'll try and start a game with both folders installed to see what happens.
      Sounds like you haven't installed the Firaxis 1.01f patch. Install that, re-unzip AoD2 1.08 and you should be fine.

      Other folks reported that crash which was fixed by installing the Firaxis patch.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Aerion View Post
        I just wanted to congratulate you and commend you on the work you've done on AoDII. The level of thought and quality you've put into this mod puts it on the level of an expansion put out by the game developer.

        I still have a lot more to do to make it perfect in my eyes though.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Dale View Post
          Sounds like you haven't installed the Firaxis 1.01f patch. Install that, re-unzip AoD2 1.08 and you should be fine.

          Other folks reported that crash which was fixed by installing the Firaxis patch.
          You're right. I didn't install the Firaxis patch. I'll give that a try tonight.


          • #65
            Another question... how can I reduce the gold cost of educating in my cities schools?


            • #66
              Aerion: You cannot.

              Dale: I get graduations in my uni. within 3 turns. I am sure with more FFs and RS I will be able to bring it down to 2 turns.

              Is that intended?

              My guess is graduations are not scaled up properly for epic speed.
              Coling since 1994... :)


              • #67
                Originally posted by PrinceMyshkin View Post
                Aerion: You cannot.

                Dale: I get graduations in my uni. within 3 turns. I am sure with more FFs and RS I will be able to bring it down to 2 turns.

                Is that intended?

                My guess is graduations are not scaled up properly for epic speed.
                Correct. It's still basing on the "normal" value of books.


                • #68
                  RS seems to work fine on normal speed maybe that was the difference i did after update...
                  Anyway a few things to note:

                  the % for folks in Town is rising way faster than for folks outside of town in the town square. intented?

                  i found out that on normal speed its cheaper to train the units in university instead of buying em other way arround for epic or marathon speed. guess thats where the % modifier of the FF and civ trait comes in game...

                  the units born in the new world seem to have a bug in em. i guess its suppossed to be born in NW = the rebel factor of the town born in. nor sure really but the units seem to have only 0%. i will look at this in next game.
                  Looked it up now: When a Colonist is born in NW it starts with 0% RS and not with the ammount which the Town has. I created a Town with 3 ES working in it and imported Food. as the First Colonist was born Town had 16% RS and the Colonist 2% which i guess are the 2 % gained in the same Turn. i Fortified FC and waited for next. Next FC was born when Town had 44% RS and the new FC had 1% RS the Turn again i guess this was gained in the very same turn as the FC was born.

                  the modifiers for the King diplomacy seem to be a tad low. after 10 times refusing to help or agree to tax i had 2% RS in a town where 1 unit and no bells where there.

                  Last edited by immanuel_b; March 18, 2009, 04:30. Reason: added stuff


                  • #69
                    1. @ Dale: OK, this goes in the list for v1.09.

                    2. @ Im:

                    This is because unit cost is not scaled in Europe by time. There fees though, are scaled...

                    I wouldn't describe this as intended behaviour again.
                    Coling since 1994... :)


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by PrinceMyshkin View Post
                      1. @ Dale: OK, this goes in the list for v1.09.

                      2. @ Im:

                      This is because unit cost is not scaled in Europe by time. There fees though, are scaled...

                      I wouldn't describe this as intended behaviour again.
                      actually they are scaled...
                      on marathon speed the unit cost in europe is 2250 for a FC as example.
                      the point there is that the % modifier drop em pretty fast down to a reasonable number while the school fees arent modified by any trait or FF

                      4th FC born in Town with 100% RS and yet it has 3% RS when its born. mhm...


                      • #71
                        FC's born in NW being 0% is a bug.


                        • #72
                          ok thanks for the update that this is bugged dale...
                          Another thing noted:
                          when you train units and they graduate from school/college/uni they loose their gained RS and drop back to 0% like if they where newly born...
                          Same happends for Units which gain their freedom or "auto-specializes" as in gaining profession..


                          • #73
                            They may lose their experince too, when upgraded to soldier...
                            Coling since 1994... :)


                            • #74
                              no they dont loose promotions/exp just the RS..

                              my guess the edu bug is the same as the FC bug... For the game it is like "deleting" the unit which graduates and "creating" a new unit of the type which it graduated to hence there is a RS reset like with FC..

                              trying to sum up what i found so far:

                              1) Education/Specializing makes RS drop to 0%
                              2) Newly borned FCs have 0% RS instead of town RS
                              3) SoL and other Military Ships with Cargo Bay Promotion messed up AI when told to Explore
                              4) Missionaries dont gain chance when a Mission is lost. Still the same as before just counting down never going up when Missions are lost
                              5) Kings Diplomacy doesnt seem to have effects after all or not in an visible way.
                              6) RS inside the Town is gained way faster than by the Units standing on Town Square. not sure if thats a bug or intended.
                              7) Russian Trait the Same as the 3rd Military FF.

                              Guess thats it for now maybe i find more when i played a few games in 1.08

                              Last edited by immanuel_b; March 18, 2009, 13:46. Reason: adding stuff


                              • #75
                                Hmmmm pirates can have RS > 0%.
                                Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; March 18, 2009, 16:35.
                                Coling since 1994... :)

