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ICS Strategy by Wagonman ;)

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  • ICS Strategy by Wagonman ;)

    Save game at 1736, basically 50 years before declaration of independence. That's a game on Governor now.

    I play on Dale\Snoopy patchmod v1.07 -because it rocks!

    You can see the industry working on full, supporting 5 cities producing SoLs. I hope I will get another 50 SoLs by 1780s.

    The new cities at east work as food farms, before they join the industry.

    You can also see a fleet of almost infinite wagon trains, acting as warehouses, or transports, or whatever is necessary.

    Unfortunately I missed Lewis & Clark by 50 exploration points! It was a huge struggle with my main three cities producing exploration points on full, and just missed them… Aaargh! Why are Lewis & Clark so good? Because wagon trains can go to an adjacent city, and return back in the same turn! People usually underestimate them, but this upgrade was one of my very favourites since original col.. Well it becomes important only, if your economy relies on many cities...

    There is a saying about war, "the moment war starts you have the time to build anything, but navy". The production of navy had started by 1680s. Hence, SoL build times are largely important!

    Dutch +25% hammer bonus, Alex Hammiltion's +3 Hammers per town hall and Thomas Paine's tax rate hammer bonus makes an unmatched combo! So eventually colonies hit productions of 100+ hammers per turn.

    Ground forces are non-existent yet. Basically some border guard to the frontiers with the Indians -cause these guys are a bit crazy...

    Land troops will come the moment independence is declared - or a few turns before. No worries! Till then every man will produce anything he/she can!

    The main objectives for the next 50 years will be:

    i) To be able to constantly support these five cities with tools/guns to produce continuously SoLs.
    ii) To make sure the Easter colonies will become part of the tool/gun/horse industry -someone has to pump out guns for troops as well!
    iii) To maintain a highly productive food industry. I need to produce free colonists en masse! Just having the guns is not enough!

    REF seems a bit high, about 1000 troops are ready to land. Should the size of REF be a concern?

    Hell no! Whatever the force is, industry will beat it.

    I hope I will play some more tonight, so I will try to update tomorrow! Till then I have to work.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 4, 2008, 09:45.
    Coling since 1994... :)

  • #2
    Sounds interesting, but any chance you could attach a .jpg instead of a save file? (Don't worry if it's too much of a bother.)
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      I had a look at your save... well, what can I say, congrats


      • #4
        Hey everyone,

        Thanks for the nice comments!

        I was kind of frustrated with my work yesterday, so I decided to spice things up.

        I load the game at 1734.

        See attached a map of colonies and distribution of forces at this time... Well, forces what forces?! We don't have any forces!
        Attached Files
        Coling since 1994... :)


        • #5
          ... and our glorious forces!
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          Coling since 1994... :)


          • #6
            At this time, I took a weird decision...

            I started the revolution!

            You will say, are you crazy!?

            Oh yeah...

            I know I have nothing on the ground, but have lots of colonies, food, and industry. If I stay a bit longer, King may decide to add another 200 man-o-wars in his army, and when this happens it will be too late!


            Hehehe, this was stolen from Patrick Henry, but it suits us, so I will keep it.

            What are the plans, I will try to bully the REF in the sea, so they will land some good squares away.

            This will buy us some time, till then I will stop the ship industry for a few turns and get some troops.

            If I go "all men are free" I will get 22 more colonists ready to fight, I also have many more at the easter colonies, who can fight.

            I am not willing to put guns on my specialists yet...

            OK, so what's the plan in the sea? I will push with my ships out of my borders, I will sink what I can and block their way where I can.

            The masterplan here is the "bottleneck techinque", or enforce the Royal Naby will suffer sufficient losses not to be able to transport troops effectively.

            I do not know the outcome of the sea battle, but whatever it is, if I have a single chance to win this, the Royal Navy must be seriously crippled... I have no chance to hold 1000 units with my 5 soldiers...

            Let me draw you a picture...
            Attached Files
            Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 5, 2008, 13:13.
            Coling since 1994... :)


            • #7
              1737, three turns after declaring independence.

              I made the observation, I have no land troops. There must have been something seriously wrong in my mind, when making this decision.

              The first dozen of workers have been recruited into my army. I throw everything I have on the three cities by the cost. The mainland is skinned from any troops.

              I try to go for some cannons, and feel some holes...

              Finally a ship of the line spotted the first Man-o-Wars deep in North Atlantic. They must be heading to Vlissingen, I must push with my whole navy, and not let the bastards breath. We MUST keep them off shore for one more turn. We need time for more recruits...

              I only have ten ships, guarding the central, south central atlantic... eveything is heading towards North Atlantic to Vlissingen. I guess the ship transport suffered from the same spawn bug, and they spawn by the poles!

              I know the next turn, the battle for North Atlantic will begin...

              The next few turns were a bit intense, both sides suffered heavy casualties in the sea. I try to trade off my inexperienced ships, and add veterancy to my veterans. I got a few I,II promotions, and two generals.

              Added the generals on the guard at New Amsterdam and Vlissingen. Added a medic in both cities, all the rest have been promoted to veterans. One experienced ship has been turned into a flag ship.

              In the next turn, the AI succesfully landed in two points, Northern of Vlissingen and... Canada! They must be on drugs or something... I tried to push and not let them any space to land, but never expected them they would prefer to land on Canada!

              A big pack of his royal highness' troops will have to go across Hudson Bay... this is quite a distance, and the land is rough. This is a strange move, but everytime AI makes so strange moves, I also feel uncomfortable. I realise St.Eustathius and the huge industrial center of New Holland have no defenders. I must now split my already thin defenders and form some kind of defence at Hudson Bay...
              Attached Files
              Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 5, 2008, 13:44.
              Coling since 1994... :)


              • #8
                The landing Northern of Vlissingen has been dealt with. Thank God this was not a SoD, but only 15 troops. I've attacked with 15 dragoons, and got another general there.

                The situation in the sea looks more positive, we have suffered heavy losses, but the royal navy has suffered slightly more. My veterans ships turn effective, and can hit for good %s now. Furthermore, a big number of Man-o-Wars full of troops has been sunk. More still coming.

                I must rest my veteran ships, so I may have to give a bit space. I will still guard the coasts around Vlissingen.

                Now we have to defend West of Hudson Bay, looking at the map there is a nice post, it's a straight only 3 tiles wide. There are hills and forests around. In the middle even better; forests on a hill. I must form a defensive line there, the hordes are coming... Since, my infantry has all the fathers' upgrades and the land is so rough, I will mainly send footsoldiers there, some dragoons and a healer.

                Southern things seem to change I can now, spot a few ships coming towards Curacao. I sank one, but more are coming.

                I will have to bring some veteran ships there soon. Let them rest first.

                In the meantime some more recruits are coming. I have barely exceeded 50 defenders now.

                Here is my plan with the two main landings... One at Vlissingen is out already.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 5, 2008, 13:53.
                Coling since 1994... :)


                • #9
                  Around 1740, some more troops landed at Canada... and Northern of Vlissingen, sunk a few ships at North Atlantic.

                  At the South things look ok. Only two ships managed to land, and the defenders were able to eliminate them.

                  In two occasions I had to trade three ship of the line to take down a man-o-war. That really hurt my already thin naval force.

                  At least I haven't lost any veterans yet. His royal highness lost a few ships trying to attack my healing stack.

                  Some more naval battles...
                  Attached Files
                  Coling since 1994... :)


                  • #10
                    1742. The battle at the coasts of Hudson bay has just started...

                    More ship going towards Curacao. There have been ongoing battles at North Sea, and my veteran ships have not yet managed to come to aid Curacao.

                    Overall things look good. My "bottleneck" tecnique seems to work, the royal navy will now struggle to move the bulk of his royal arse's force...

                    Map of Colonies in 1742.
                    Attached Files
                    Coling since 1994... :)


                    • #11
                      Distribution of forces in 1742.

                      The royal navy has been crippled, its cargo capacity has decreased by 70%. It is now able to only transport 60 troops per three turns. Something, which I call "bottleneck" technique.

                      Our land forces have increased their size by 1000% since 1734! Well they were only five, that's why!

                      Things look positive, there are plenty guns and horses in stock.

                      Two more ships of the line are coming. The rebel navy looks capable of carrying on the fight with veterans within its ranks.

                      The battle of Hudson bay is about start for good! Will Curacao succesfully defend the hordes of invaders?

                      Will write you more soon, when I get some time.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; December 5, 2008, 13:46.
                      Coling since 1994... :)


                      • #12
                        Attached savegame.
                        Attached Files
                        Coling since 1994... :)


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the photos. It looks nice!
                          -->Visit CGN!
                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                          • #14
                            Hey thanks! Glad you liked it!

                            I am not the best colonization player, but I was quite good back in my days!

                            Feel free to comment, if you like. Looking forward to improve!
                            Coling since 1994... :)


                            • #15
                              Thanks for all your tactics!


                              I used to be good at Col1, but I pathetically failed my first game (at Conquistador). I enjoy reading your useful posts that will certainly help me for my second attempt.

                              You should write a complete strategy guide explaining for example how you build up such a big amount of big colonies so fast.

                              Keep up the good work!

