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Simon Bolivar

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  • Simon Bolivar

    Simon Bolivar aka "El Libertador", doesn't look at all like his image in game! His clothes also remind me more of Hernan Cortes or Francisco Pizarro! To be precise this is not Simon Bolivar!

    Have a look yourself:

    Simon Bolivar

    Here is a picture of San Martin:

    Jose de San Martin

    Here is a picture of Cortes:

    Hernan Cortes

    And Pizarro:

    Francisco Pizarro

    What do you think? Who on earth is this guy?
    Last edited by PrinceMyshkin; November 30, 2008, 16:51.
    Coling since 1994... :)

  • #2
    The two look very similar anyways (Bolivar & San Martin) so they needed some distinguishing feature. I have seen photos of Bolivar with a mo, so I believe Firaxis used one of those to base the in-game Bolivar on.

