Just curious. What are you using your hard earned money on? I am especially curious about the exploration money found early in the game?
Getting a few Scouts off the ramp is a prime priority at start.
Rushing immigrants quickly gets expensive and makes cross production in churches/cathedrals inefficient early on.
Sure the odd Galleon seems a good first bet with all those privateers around
And some artillery for settlement protection seems to be a good investment - they are also usable in WoI.
I usually buy some specialized colonists early on if they don't appear on the docs (Lumberjack, Carpenter, Pioneer, Statesman etc.).
Is it worthwhile investing in rushing buildings?
Getting a few Scouts off the ramp is a prime priority at start.
Rushing immigrants quickly gets expensive and makes cross production in churches/cathedrals inefficient early on.
Sure the odd Galleon seems a good first bet with all those privateers around
And some artillery for settlement protection seems to be a good investment - they are also usable in WoI.
I usually buy some specialized colonists early on if they don't appear on the docs (Lumberjack, Carpenter, Pioneer, Statesman etc.).
Is it worthwhile investing in rushing buildings?