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Very Minor Patch/Mod Suggestion

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  • Very Minor Patch/Mod Suggestion

    This is really just for ease of use, and maybe we can already do this but I haven't figured it out...

    When carrying 2 loads of the same good by wagon train, and I want to trade only part of those goods, I would like some way to only offer what is in 1 cargo hold, or perhaps the Shift move to specify how much I want to offer. I had a situation where I wanted to trade 300 tools to 2 close Indian colonies, but when I got to the first one, I could only offer them 300 tools. I'd like to be able to offer a partial amount to cut down on travel time back and forth between my settlement and each trade partner's settlement.

    If I missed how to do this, please let me know. Otherwise, can someone add this to a patch/mod wishlist? Thanks!

  • #2
    I believe shift is the right answer ... it's supposed to be, anyhow, as far as I can tell. I haven't had cause to do this yet, though, as I only bring along what I want to trade in one set. I'll look at the code if I get a chance.
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #3
      I might have done it wrong, I don't know. I know I tried holding down the shift key, but it didn't work the way I did it. I'll try it again tonight.


      • #4
        BTW, I have tried this several more times, and it definitely does not work. Even holding shift down, the minute I click or try to drag the goods to the trade screen, the whole amount immediately pops up to be traded.

        This is on the trade screen with the indians (haven't tried it with other colonies, but I imagine it's the same way). It works as intended in your own settlement and at the docks, I believe, to move partial shipments, but not on the trade screen.


        • #5
          Hmmm, I bet I can adjust it in the code so it uses the 'gold' code instead of the 'resource' code. Maybe. If it's not in the python, anyway. Python gives me a lot more trouble...
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • #6
            I believe, that the shift key only works for loading and unloading your stuff in your colonies or in Europe, but not when trading with the natives. Would indeed be nice if it could be fixed.


            • #7
              It's all or nothing. It makes you have to go back and forth from your cities to pick up single loads to sell to people who don't have enough money for more than one.

              edit: Shift does work in cities. Loading and unloading partial stacks. It does not work in trade negotiations.
              Last edited by peege; October 6, 2008, 03:47.

