A joint Apolyton Civilization Site and Civilization Fanatics Center exclusive is the finalized front box art for the American and European releases of Civilization IV: Colonization, courtesy game developer Firaxis Games and parent publisher 2K Games. Clicking on a small resolution of one below will yield a higher resolution copy of it.

America Europe
As can be seen, the most notable difference between the two is that the European box emphasizes that CivIV is not required to play given Civ4Col's "stand-alone expansion" status. Another difference is the respective rating continental agencies for games gave the title: in America it's rated for those aged 10 and over while in Europe it's 12 and over.
Thanks to 2K Community Manager Elizabeth "2K Elizabeth" Tobey for this presentation.

America Europe
As can be seen, the most notable difference between the two is that the European box emphasizes that CivIV is not required to play given Civ4Col's "stand-alone expansion" status. Another difference is the respective rating continental agencies for games gave the title: in America it's rated for those aged 10 and over while in Europe it's 12 and over.
Thanks to 2K Community Manager Elizabeth "2K Elizabeth" Tobey for this presentation.