FreeCol is rather faitful remake of original Colonization with improved graphics and focus on moddability. This is a good change for those who have never played the original to see what the game is about and for old fans to refresh their memories.
FreeCol 0.7.4 was just released. It fixes number of bugs in previous release and is the last version before 0.8.0. Some of the bugs that were fixed:
- Mistyping in transfer dialog prevents saving or ending turn
- Buttons stop working
- AI gets stuck in infinite loop
- Indian settlements can be visited multiple times
Bug fixes in 7.4
New features in 7.4
Freecol - SF
FreeCol 0.8.0 is scheduled for release on Friday, July 11th. Main goal of this release is to make game more moddable but also adds new nations, sounds and music. Planned features:
- Allow the game to be customized using XML-files.
- Support different sets of graphics.
- A file format for packaging changes to graphics and rules.
- Units now slide between tiles while moving.
- Sound effects for dragoons, artillery capturing a colony, building
complete, church and blacksmith.
- New sound effects for artillery and buying/selling goods.
- Short music clips for Aztecs, English and fountain of Youth
- Named regions and nicer placement of native settlements.
- New nations added: Portuguese, Swedish, Danish and Russian
- Games with up to eight European players are now supported.
Feature requests implemented for this version
Bugs fixed for this version
You can also check new art and animations being made for future releases in graphics mailing list. There is also been some work on nationally distinctive colony architecture and distinctive indian tribe settlements and other artwork. New contributions are always welcome (wether its code, graphics, sound or music) *hint* *hint*
FreeCol 0.7.4 was just released. It fixes number of bugs in previous release and is the last version before 0.8.0. Some of the bugs that were fixed:
- Mistyping in transfer dialog prevents saving or ending turn
- Buttons stop working
- AI gets stuck in infinite loop
- Indian settlements can be visited multiple times
Bug fixes in 7.4
New features in 7.4
Freecol - SF
FreeCol 0.8.0 is scheduled for release on Friday, July 11th. Main goal of this release is to make game more moddable but also adds new nations, sounds and music. Planned features:
- Allow the game to be customized using XML-files.
- Support different sets of graphics.
- A file format for packaging changes to graphics and rules.
- Units now slide between tiles while moving.
- Sound effects for dragoons, artillery capturing a colony, building
complete, church and blacksmith.
- New sound effects for artillery and buying/selling goods.
- Short music clips for Aztecs, English and fountain of Youth
- Named regions and nicer placement of native settlements.
- New nations added: Portuguese, Swedish, Danish and Russian
- Games with up to eight European players are now supported.
Feature requests implemented for this version
Bugs fixed for this version
You can also check new art and animations being made for future releases in graphics mailing list. There is also been some work on nationally distinctive colony architecture and distinctive indian tribe settlements and other artwork. New contributions are always welcome (wether its code, graphics, sound or music) *hint* *hint*
