The best example of this is England's colonial efforts. Unlike Spain or Portugal, the colonial settlements were headed by different companies/individuals, the Crown and even by some cities (the example of London being in charge of the colonization of Londonderry in Ireland or Amsterdam being in charge of New Amstel on the South River (Delaware) springs up to mind).
I, of course, am excited at the prospect of having Portugal being added up to the roster, but Firaxis shouldn't resort to ahistorical players such as Russia or Germany like AOE3 did. We could see domestic colonization being added to the crop just like the English colonies on the eastern North American seabord were real life competitors. Not only those other players would trade on the same market, this way making competition much more fierce for goods value, but it would also mean a brand new ball game as far as migrations are concerned, depending on the situation of your colonies, you would get a certain type of migrants. You settled on wet, luxurious, fertile land, you would attract lots of indentured servants and slaves to work on your field. It would even means that competition in-between colonies for migrants would bring new strategies.
I, of course, am excited at the prospect of having Portugal being added up to the roster, but Firaxis shouldn't resort to ahistorical players such as Russia or Germany like AOE3 did. We could see domestic colonization being added to the crop just like the English colonies on the eastern North American seabord were real life competitors. Not only those other players would trade on the same market, this way making competition much more fierce for goods value, but it would also mean a brand new ball game as far as migrations are concerned, depending on the situation of your colonies, you would get a certain type of migrants. You settled on wet, luxurious, fertile land, you would attract lots of indentured servants and slaves to work on your field. It would even means that competition in-between colonies for migrants would bring new strategies.