Take a day or two, even ten, to think to ask to receive. PolyCast (PC), the bi-weekly podcast giving the Civilization community an interactive voice on game strategy, is running the 'Ask and Ye Shall Receive' content celebrating the release of Civilization: Beyond Earth on October 24th. As you play this newest installment in the Civ franchise, think about what questions or even questions you would like to ask developer Firaxis Games. Then ask any and all of them in response to this thread on/by October 31st for a chance to win limited edition game swag.
1st Prize: "Firaxicon Swag Bag" (BE backpack, keychain, mousepad with XCOM dogtag and shotglass)
2nd Prize: Choice of 'CivAnon' or Penny Arcade eXpo (PAX) exclusive 'Diplomatic' shirt
3rd Prize: BE "Lush Biome" poster
From all entries received, PC regular co-hosts Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "Makahlua", Philip "TheMeInTeam" Bellew and "MadDjinn" will compile a "Top 10" -- a show tradition -- and forward onto BE's developer for answering. The top three ranked questions which are answered will receive a prize described above; name, postal address, email address and telephone number will be required for shipping. Like BE's release, this contest is open worldwide: must be 18 years of age or older. To-be prize recipients will be contacted via email.
Episode 213 Celebration
Be apart of recording of PolyCast Episode 213 this Saturday, October 25th starting at 12PM ET North America (timezone converter). Join the live recording of this audience participation driven episode in the sharing of initial thoughts, experiences and insights of Civilization: Beyond Earth play released the day before.