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Guess that Affinity!

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  • Guess that Affinity!


    So... now that we have more leader profiles up than just ARC's Fielding, just in the spirit of good fun and to get a conversation going, let's try to guess the favored affinity of the leaders that we know about.

    Here are my guesses

    Suzanne Fielding, American Reclamation Corporation
    Most likely: Purity. Secondary: Supremacy.
    A Corporation exists primarily to make money. Neither the Borg nor Planet have much use for money, though as a practical step, if they find it necessary to do so for their survival, they may go the cyborg route. The genetic treatments required to become Aryan, I mean racially pure, I mean the superior human will probably make them money, plus humans will continue to be a market in the future. If Fielding has any residual desire to be humanitarian (which I wouldn't discount), the Purity victory condition probably appeals to her too.

    Daoming Sochua, Pan-Asian Cooperative
    Most likely: Supremacy, Secondary : Harmony
    The PAC seems to be essentially a Chinese Empire. China historically (and given the transcript I believe this is still in effect) cares more about controlling their population than anything else. Secondarily, they care about keeping outside influence out, and their third highest priority is making sure none of their people have opinions that oppose the official opinion. This strongly suggests Supremacy to me, as the implants can be made to control thoughts or punish people who take unauthorized actions. I see these people basically as the Hive. Alternately, their communal mindset lends itself to Harmony to the same extent than it does to Supremacy.

    Samatar Jama Barre, People's African Union
    Wildcard. I can see this commie following any affinity very easily. Possibly Supremacy is least likely, as they make a big deal of them not having an overabundance of tech people.

    Kavitha Thakur, Kavithan Protectorate
    Even with the predictable way the profile went, I still dislike her for some reason I can't place.
    Most likely: Harmony, Alternatively: Purity.
    Kavitha is a religious leader in a part of Earth that places certain types of animal life above human life, and sees human action as a generally negative thing. This suggests to me that they would prefer to become non-humans, and instead blend in with the surrounding environment. She's perhaps Beyond Earth's Deirdre Skye. On the other hand, if the decides the gods made humans and want humans to be humans, they may go Purity.
    I don't know what I've been told!
    Deirdre's got a Network Node!
    Love to press the Buster Switch!
    Gonna nuke that crazy witch!

  • #2
    Getting some slightly unpleasant undertones to some of those descriptions. On topic. I think Barre would go purity. Given the focus on "old Africa".
    As of the latest patch, previous versions of humanity are no longer supported.


    • #3
      Yeah, I'm pretty negative about the affinities. They all sound very...extremist to me.
      I don't know what I've been told!
      Deirdre's got a Network Node!
      Love to press the Buster Switch!
      Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


      • #4
        I like the concept in general but I don't like how it seems to force you down a preset path.
        Try for discussion and debate.

