So far everyone selling Civilization Beyond Earth has it priced at $49.99 ... I'm sure there will be some sales and price variation as we get closer to release. Post any deals you spot here!
You can get a $5 credit for game purchases for pre-ordering Civilization: Beyond Earth from Amazon
. Amazon has a "low price guarantee", meaning if the price drops before release you will only have to pay the lowest price (from Amazon).
For any pre-orders it appears you will get the "Exoplanets Map Pack", thought he description at Amazon doesn't say so. ... get a promotional $5 gift card when pre-ordering Civilization Beyond Earth. Price is still $49.99 though.
You can get a $5 credit for game purchases for pre-ordering Civilization: Beyond Earth from Amazon
For any pre-orders it appears you will get the "Exoplanets Map Pack", thought he description at Amazon doesn't say so. ... get a promotional $5 gift card when pre-ordering Civilization Beyond Earth. Price is still $49.99 though.