Some clarifying tidbits about the orbital layer and espionage. "Fahrain" appears to be a Leader's name (Samatar?).
Our latest quest is called “For Your Eyes Only”, and involves sending a spy from our agency to the city of a rival faction (the American Reclamation Corporation) to see what he can find. The act of sending him generates Intrigue, and the longer he’s there, the more he can do – smuggle energy out, or plant attractors for siege worms, for example.
Susan may become a problem later, but right now our focus is on Fahrain, an African fellow whose green clothes betray his faction’s Harmony leanings – that is, he believes that humans must be integrated into the planet via things like gene splicing. Fahrain is forefront in our mind because he has Firaxite, a resource used by Supremacy factions to create special units. We’ve offered to trade for it and been declined, so we’ve assembled an army on his borders.
A quick shift to the game’s orbital layer shows our troops are backed up by a tactical satellite, which improves their combat capabilities and HP regeneration. Satellites can also be manufactured to do things like push away or attract miasma, increase the energy yield of the tiles beneath them, or even damage units directly.
... the repulsor field city improvement, which promised to keep aliens two squares away from your colony
... build trade routes to enable new colonies to grow