I thought this was a very interesting part:
Each faction leader is free to pick from any of the affinities, regardless of whatever their particular strengths are. In this, they are more like traditional Civilization leaders, where they have certain advantages that are adaptable to a variety of different victory paths. These choices, of course, will drive conflict. But it’s not like Alpha Centauri, where Sister Miriam’s religious zealots will almost inevitably run afoul of Provost Zakharov’s nation of scientists.
“We recognize the value in darker and more antagonistic approaches,” said gameplay designer Anton Strenger. “But we took it out of the civs themselves, and we put it into the planet. So when you land on this planet, the planet is very hostile. Your first work in the game is taming that world.”
As an example, Strenger pointed to the Pan Asian Cooperative, and led by a woman named Dao Ming.
“She’s very much this hands-in-the-dirt engineer type that really focuses on production and efficiency,” Strenger said. “So each of the leaders will have their own playstyles and gameplay bonuses. But they also play differently every time. Compared to Alpha Centauri especially, we’re taking less of a strong stance on their play style. ...Dao Ming in one game might go for Purification, but in another game, she might go in a Harmony direction. And she’ll play like a totally different civilization.”
“We recognize the value in darker and more antagonistic approaches,” said gameplay designer Anton Strenger. “But we took it out of the civs themselves, and we put it into the planet. So when you land on this planet, the planet is very hostile. Your first work in the game is taming that world.”
As an example, Strenger pointed to the Pan Asian Cooperative, and led by a woman named Dao Ming.
“She’s very much this hands-in-the-dirt engineer type that really focuses on production and efficiency,” Strenger said. “So each of the leaders will have their own playstyles and gameplay bonuses. But they also play differently every time. Compared to Alpha Centauri especially, we’re taking less of a strong stance on their play style. ...Dao Ming in one game might go for Purification, but in another game, she might go in a Harmony direction. And she’ll play like a totally different civilization.”