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Episode 109: "Aftermath"

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  • Episode 109: "Aftermath"

    The ninth episode of Age of Nations (AoN), "Aftermath", has been released. Written by Daniel "DanQ" Quick, "[h]ardening attitudes and bitter realities cost a despondent general dearly. Then, an ordeal by fire awaits two of his untested colleagues when a neighbour's plan for retaliation gets an unexpected push into motion".

    AoN is the first Real-Time Strategy (RTS) machinima series, and the first Rise of Nations machinima endeavour that also blends some `live-action` footage for good measure. AoN is produced and published by Apolyton Civizization Site, one of the oldest and premiere online computer strategy gaming fansites on the Internet.

    The episode runs for 15m41s and is available in both DivX and Windows Media formats with low-resolution and high-resolution variants. "The Siege", AoN`s tenth episode, is scheduled to begin netcasting on October 19th.

    Dan; Apolyton CS
    PolyCast Co-Host, Owner and Producer: entertaining | informing civ
    >> PolyCast (Civ strategy), ModCast (Civ modding), TurnCast (Civ multiplay); One More Turn Dramedy