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RISE OF NATIONS (and T&P) Hall of Fame Tournaments

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  • RISE OF NATIONS (and T&P) Hall of Fame Tournaments

    Apolyton will be expanding the Hall of Fame soon to cover Rise of Nations and its expansion, Thrones and Patriots.

    What this means is that we'd like to get a tournament game started for both of these titles in the near future. So, what kind of game would you like to compete in?

    Things to consider:

    What nation to play as?
    How many and what opponents?
    What kind of teams and allies?
    What map style/size?
    Starting/ending ages?
    Any special rules?
    What victory types?

    Once I get some feedback on these, I'll start up some savegames for both the vanilla game and the T&P version, and the tourney can get under way.