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How to determine the difficulty of a particular game??

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  • How to determine the difficulty of a particular game??

    I'm interested in people's thoughts about what affects the difficulty level in single player. Obviously the difficulty setting is important, but the following factors (among others, no doubt) seem also to be important:

    Map types - I've been playing on Atlantic map types, and it's murder to break into the enemy continents.

    Rule settings - I play with the assimilation rule on; it must be much easier with it off. In my last game I made a last ditch effort to take the final enemy capital - I managed it, but had found I had an assimilation period of 8 minutes, by which time his reinforcements had pasted me. Hence, with this setting off, I would have won, instead of which I lost.

    Number of enemies and diplomacy setting - I've been playing with three enemies on the diplomatic game, and since they all attack me and not each other, I have triple enemies to deal with.

    The reason I mention this is that for some people who can't beat a particular difficulty level, it may be as much to do with the other settings as the difficulty level.