Yes, this game has it.
No, i cannot run the game on a clean install of WinXP.
No, the v1.1 patch does not change this problem.
Yes, SecuROM DRM will be permanently in your OS install.
No, you'll never be able to uninstall all of it.
Yes, the Sony aliens over at SecuROM will send out a hacked unsupported game executable.
If you want all this and to run this game, here's the fix from them sent to me to try:
Subject: [Ticket#2009111310001179] CANNOT START CIVCITY ROME... =(
Date: Fri 11/13/2009 07:29 AM
We are sorry to hear that you are having issues while launching your program.
Your issue can be solved with an updated executable.
Please perform these steps:
1. Open the folder 'G:/Game Files/CivCity/Rome/'
2. Rename the 'civcity rome.exe' to 'civcity rome.exe.OLD' in the folder above (Right-click on this executable and go down to 'rename')
3. Download this zip-archive:
4. Extract the new 'civcity rome.exe' from the downloaded zip-archive into the folder 'G:/Game Files/CivCity/Rome/'
5. Start the new 'civcity rome.exe'
If the problem persists, please send another analysis file of the new 'civcity rome.exe' to us.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
SecuROM Support Team
SecuROM on the web:
or via e-mail:
*** Please include the subject line exactly as written above including your ticket number in all communications to ensure proper handling ***
Firaxis now is the lowest pond scum on Earth for allowing this to be put on a Firaxis game IMO.
The number of patched/hacked game executables available at SecuROM (plus the ones like this that are hidden from view) testifies to what a hugely poor failed non-functional idea Sony's SecuROM DRM is.
Any hack, (and there are so many!!) will never allow any future patches to your game to work since the SecuROM has hacked your game's executable! And it may be likely that the hacks they make for every game will be somehow limiting on which M$ OS or hardware you run your games on!!
Now, you MUST carry along an additional hacked file from Sony to re-install & play your store bought game! Surprise surprise!
No, i cannot run the game on a clean install of WinXP.
No, the v1.1 patch does not change this problem.
Yes, SecuROM DRM will be permanently in your OS install.
No, you'll never be able to uninstall all of it.
Yes, the Sony aliens over at SecuROM will send out a hacked unsupported game executable.
If you want all this and to run this game, here's the fix from them sent to me to try:
Subject: [Ticket#2009111310001179] CANNOT START CIVCITY ROME... =(
Date: Fri 11/13/2009 07:29 AM
We are sorry to hear that you are having issues while launching your program.
Your issue can be solved with an updated executable.
Please perform these steps:
1. Open the folder 'G:/Game Files/CivCity/Rome/'
2. Rename the 'civcity rome.exe' to 'civcity rome.exe.OLD' in the folder above (Right-click on this executable and go down to 'rename')
3. Download this zip-archive:
4. Extract the new 'civcity rome.exe' from the downloaded zip-archive into the folder 'G:/Game Files/CivCity/Rome/'
5. Start the new 'civcity rome.exe'
If the problem persists, please send another analysis file of the new 'civcity rome.exe' to us.
If you have any further questions feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
SecuROM Support Team
SecuROM on the web:
or via e-mail:
*** Please include the subject line exactly as written above including your ticket number in all communications to ensure proper handling ***
Firaxis now is the lowest pond scum on Earth for allowing this to be put on a Firaxis game IMO.
The number of patched/hacked game executables available at SecuROM (plus the ones like this that are hidden from view) testifies to what a hugely poor failed non-functional idea Sony's SecuROM DRM is.
Any hack, (and there are so many!!) will never allow any future patches to your game to work since the SecuROM has hacked your game's executable! And it may be likely that the hacks they make for every game will be somehow limiting on which M$ OS or hardware you run your games on!!
Now, you MUST carry along an additional hacked file from Sony to re-install & play your store bought game! Surprise surprise!