So today I went to Gamestop to buy a second Xbox controller, and ended up leaving the store with PGR2, which I'd never played before; Ninja Gaiden, which I'd previously played; I still had my savegame, on the 3rd level or something; Max Payne 2, which I bought since I'd played the first one on PC and liked it; and Rainbow Six 3. They were all like 7.99, except for one that was 14.99 or so - pretty cheap.
While I was there, I saw Silent Hill 2 for like 8 bucks - can anyone tell me what this is like? I've been wanting to get games that are more RP-adventure-esque, with a focus on the storyline, and I remember someone mentioning SH as sort of like that?
While I was there, I saw Silent Hill 2 for like 8 bucks - can anyone tell me what this is like? I've been wanting to get games that are more RP-adventure-esque, with a focus on the storyline, and I remember someone mentioning SH as sort of like that?