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CTP1 editing Userprofile.txt

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  • CTP1 editing Userprofile.txt

    By David Williams, aka Non-Descript, dr[dot]funk[at]pdq[dot]net
    Created 4-6-99

    No-one else seems to have started one yet, so I figure why not me. This is my first FAQ so bear with me. Default values are based off the MaxHigh profile on the CTP CD.

    Table of Contents

    I. General information

    • A. What is userprofile.txt?
    • B. Where is userprofile.txt?
    • C. How do I edit it?
    • D. Why do I even want to edit it?

    II. Line by line explanation of userprofile.txt

    • A. NumPlayers=X
    • B. AiOn=X
    • C. UseNiceStart=X
    • D. UseMapPlugin=X
    • E. Difficulty=X
    • F. RiskLevel=X
    • G. Pollution=X
    • H. UnitAnim=X
    • I. #WalkAnim=X
    • J. #AttackAnim=X
    • K. GoodAnim=X
    • L. TradeAnim=X
    • M. WaterAnim=X
    • N. LibraryAnim=X
    • O. WonderMovies=X
    • P. BounceMessage=X
    • Q. MessageAdvice=X
    • R. TutorialAdvice=X
    • S. EnemyMoves=X
    • T. RevoltWarning=X
    • U. EnemyIntrude=X
    • V. UnitLostWarning=X
    • W. TradeLostWarning=X
    • X. CityLostWarning=X
    • Y. Autocenter=X
    • Z. FullScreenMovies=X
    • AA. AutoSave=X
    • AB. PlayerNumber=X
    • AC. DefaultCivIndex=X
    • AD. CivIndex=X
    • AE. GameName=X
    • AF. LeaderName=X
    • AH. SaveNote=X
    • AI. Gender=X
    • AJ. NoHumansOnHost=X
    • AK. LogPlayerStats=X
    • AL. SfxVolume=X
    • AM. VoiceVolume=X
    • AN. MusicVolumes=X
    • AO. XWrap=X
    • AP. YWrap=X
    • AQ. AutoGroup=X
    • AR. AutoDeselect=X
    • AS. AutoSelectNext=X
    • AU. AutoTurnCycle=X
    • AV. CombatLog=X
    • AW. UseLeftClick=X
    • AX. ShowZoomedCombat=X
    • AY. UseFingerPrinting=X
    • AZ. UseRedbookAudio=X
    • BA. RequireCD=X
    • BB. Prophylaxis=X
    • BC. TryWindowsResolution=X
    • BD. ScreenResWidth=X
    • BE. ScreenResHeight=X
    • BF. ZoomedCombatAlways=X
    • BG. AttackEveryone=X
    • BH. NonRandomCivs=X
    • BI. GameWatchDirectory=X
    • BJ. AutoEndMultiple=X
    • BK. WetDry=X
    • BL. WarmCold=X
    • BM. OceanLand=X
    • BN. IslandContinent=X
    • BO. HomoDiverse=X
    • BP. GoodCount=X
    • BQ. ThroneRoom=X
    • BR. MaxPlayers=X
    • BS. MapSize=X
    • BT. AlienEndGame=X
    • BU. UnitCompleteMessage=X
    • BV. NonContinuousUnitCompleteMessages=X
    • BW. DebugSlic=X
    • BX. DiplomacyLog=X
    • BY. CheatAge=X
    • BZ. DontKillMessages=X
    • CA. AiPopCheat=X
    • CB. MapPlugin0=X
    • CC. MapPlugin1=X
    • CD. MapPlugin2=X
    • CE. MapPlugin3=X

    III. Acknowledgements and Other Random Notes

    I. General information

    A. What is userprofile.txt?

    It is a file in the /ctp_program/ctp/ directory of wherever you installed CTP that contains all the options that you can select through the options menu as well as info on your last game and a few other... goodies

    B. Where is userprofile.txt?

    On my computer: C:\Program Files\Activision\Civilization-Call To Power\ctp_program\ctp\userprofile.txt. On yours it may be somewhere else, depending on where you installed CTP. It will always be in the \ctp_program\ctp\ directory though. On the CTP CD there are 8 different copies of it. Each copy is named profile.txt or tut_profile.txt. They are in the following directories: D:\Setup\Data\MaxHigh; D:\Setup\Data\MaxLow; D:\Setup\Data\MinHigh; D:\Setup\Data\MinLow. The tut_profile.txt files are setup for the tutorial. More on that later.

    C. How do I edit it?

    Just open it with any text editor and go to town.

    D. Why do I even want to edit it?

    When CTP was released, several features were missing (most notably an autosave feature) some of these can be activated here. Other things here are just plain neat.

    E. Userprofile.txt editing basics

    For any feature that has legal values of Yes and No, Yes=On, No=Off ALWAYS make a backup of any files you edit.

    II. Line by line explanation of userprofile.txt

    A. NumPlayers=X

    1. Explanation
    It is the default number of players in the game. In the game you can select from 3 to 8 (actually 4 to 9 including the barbarians). here you can put in a higher number, up to 32. The number here will always be two higher than the number of civs you wish to play against in order to include the barbarians and yourself. For example, if you want a game against 10 civs, enter 12. Also, if you set the number higher than 9, do not try to change it from the game set-up screen, it will crash. You have to manually change it from userprofile.txt. And remember, more civs means more work for the AI and more wait between turns make the game go noticably slower. High civ games are not recommended on low end machines
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    3 to 32.

    B. AiOn=X

    1. Explanation
    I assume that this turns the computer opponents on and off. Untested
    2.Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    C. UseNiceStart=X

    1. Explanation
    I have no idea, I have played games with this off and with this on and not noticed a difference
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    D. UseMapPlugin=Yes

    1. Explanation
    Unknown, though I assume it affects the map genorator. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    E. Difficulty=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Difficulty setting on the game setup screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    F. RiskLevel=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Babarian Threat setting on the game setup screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0=Ruins Only
    1=Roving Bands
    2=Restless Tribes
    3=Raging Hordes

    G. Pollution=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Pollution setting in the game setup screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    H. UnitAnim=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Animated Units setting in the options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    I. #WalkAnim=X

    1. Explanation
    I assume when combined with #AttackAnim=X it allows you to choose which unit animations you want to activate. Untested.
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    J. #AttackAnim=X

    1. Explanation
    See I.
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    K. GoodAnim=X

    Same as the Animated Resources setting in the options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    L. TradeAnim=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Animated Trade Route setting in the options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    M. WaterAnim=X

    1. Explanation
    Allows you to turn the animation of water tiles on and off
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    N. LibraryAnim=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Library Animation setting in the options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    O. WonderMovies=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Wonder Movie setting in the options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    P. BounceMessage=X

    1. Explanation
    This is a neat little undocumented feature. When activated the messages boxes drop from the top of the screen on the left side and bounce into position. Cute and unobtrusive Everyone should try it at least once
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    Q. MessageAdvice=X

    1. Explanation
    Activates certain messages. Unsure which ones. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    R. TutorialAdvice=X

    1. Explanation
    Allows you to activate certain tutorial messages. Untested
    2. Default Value
    No for regular game, Yes for tutorial
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    S. EnemyMoves=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Enemy Moves setting in Options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    T. RevoltWarning=X

    Activates messages warning you of cities in revolt 2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    U. EnemyIntrude=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    V. UnitLostWarning=X

    1. Explanation
    Activates warnings for lost units
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    W. TradeLostWarning=X

    1. Explanation
    Activates warnings for lost trade
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    X. CityLostWarning=X

    1. Explanation
    Activates warnings for lost city
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    Y. Autocenter=X

    1. Explanation
    Activates Autocenter
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    Z. FullScreenMovies=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Full Screen Movie setting in option menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AA. AutoSave=X

    1. Explanation
    Enables the missing Autosave feature. Sort of. In order to open the file, you have to move it to your savegame directory manually. It will be waiting to be moved in the same directory as your userprofile.txt 2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AB. PlayerNumber=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    AC. DefaultCivIndex=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    AD. CivIndex=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    AE. GameName=X

    1. Explanation
    Name of the directory where your last saved game is
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Appears to be any string. Untested

    AF. LeaderName=X

    1. Explanation
    Name of the leader of the last civilization you saved
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Appears to be any string. Untested

    AG. CivName=X

    1. Explanation
    The name of the last civilization you saved
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Appears to be any string. Untested

    AH. SaveNote=X

    1. Explanation
    The Note from your last save game
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Appears to be any string. Untested

    AI. Gender=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as the Gender setting on the game setup screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    AJ. NoHumansOnHost=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AK. LogPlayerStats=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested 2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AL. SfxVolume=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Sound Effect volume in options window 2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0 (off) to 10 (loudest)

    AM. VoiceVolume=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Voice volume in options window
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0 (off) to 10 (loudest)

    AN. MusicVolumes=X

    1. Explanation
    same as Music volume in options window
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0 (off) to 10 (loudest)

    AO. XWrap=X

    1. Explanation
    Similar to World Shape option but a little more customizable. This controls whether or not units can travel around the world to the east or west. Put both this and YWrap on No and you have a flat world Or put this on No and YWrap on Yes and you've got a sideways work
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AP. YWrap=X

    1. Explanation
    Similar to World Shape option but a little more customizable. See AO for more info.
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AQ. AutoGroup=X

    1. Explanation
    Automatically group units when clicked
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AR. AutoDeselect=X

    1. Explanation
    Automatically deselect units after moving
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AS. AutoSelectNext=X

    1. Explanation
    When using AutoDeselect, automatically select the next unit
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AT. AutoSelectFirstUnit=X

    1. Explanation
    Automatically select a unit at the start of the player's turn
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AU. AutoTurnCycle=X

    1. Explanation
    Automatically cycle turns after moving last unit
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AV. CombatLog=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. Untested
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AW. UseLeftClick=X

    1. Explanation
    Switch between using the left and right mouse button to move units
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AX. ShowZoomedCombat=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Show Battles setting in options menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AY. UseFingerPrinting=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. If switched to yes game crashes at title screen. Any info on this one would be appreciated
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    AZ. UseRedbookAudio=X

    1. Explanation
    Seems to enhance the sound, especially the music though it could be my imagination
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BA. RequireCD=X

    1. Explanation
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BB. Prophylaxis=X

    1. Explanation
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BC. TryWindowsResolution=X

    1. Explanation
    Attempt to run game in your current desktop resolution
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BD. ScreenResWidth=X

    1. Explanation
    Set horizontal resolution
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    BE. ScreenResHeight=X

    1. Explanation
    Set vertical resolution
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    BF. ZoomedCombatAlways=X

    1. Explanation
    This is a NICE one. Normally combat only zooms if there is a stacked unit involved, and since the autocenter doesn't work you sometimes don't get to see who just attacked your solo unit. With this activated, it zooms to the battle screen for every battle including single unit battles. Sort of a work around fix for that bug until the patch comes out
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BG. AttackEveryone=X

    1. Explanation
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BH. NonRandomCivs=X

    1. Explanation
    Turn this on to force civ db AI personalities indexes to match player indexes (e.g. player 2 will get civilization #2 from the DB)
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BI. GameWatchDirectory=X

    1. Explanation
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    BJ. AutoEndMultiple=X

    1. Explanation
    Turn this off if you don't like cycling more than one turn automatically
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BK. WetDry=X

    1. Explanation
    Sets default for wet/dry slider on customize planet screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    1 (wetest) to 10 (driest)

    BL. WarmCold=X

    1. Explanation
    Sets default for warm/cold slider on customize planet screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    1 (warmest) to 10 (coldest)

    BM. OceanLand=X

    1. Explanation
    Sets default for ocean/land slider on customize planet screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    1 (most ocean) to 10 (most land)

    BN. IslandContinent=X

    1. Explanation
    Sets default for island/continent slider on customize planet screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    1 (most islands) to 10 (least islands)

    BO. HomoDiverse=X

    1. Explanation
    Sets default for diversity slider on customize planet screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    1 (most homogenous) to 10 (most diverse)

    BP. GoodCount=X

    1. Explanation
    Sets default for resource slider on customize planet screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    1 (least resources) to 10 (most resources)

    BQ. ThroneRoom=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Monument setting in option menu
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BR. MaxPlayers=X

    1. Explanation
    If Max Players > 0, revolts will add new civilizations up to MaxPlayers, otherwise they will only add civilizations when there are fewer than you started with
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0 to 32

    BS. MapSize=X

    1. Explanation
    Same as Map Size setting on startup screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0=Small (24X28)
    1=Regular (48x96)
    2=Huge (64x128)
    3=Gigantic (70x140)

    BT. AlienEndGame=X

    1. Explanation
    Opposite of Bloodlust rule on startup screen
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BU. UnitCompleteMessage=X

    1. Explanation
    Activates messages when you build a unit
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BV. NonContinuousUnitCompleteMessages=X

    1. Explanation
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BW. DebugSlic=X

    1. Explanation
    Turn this on to store names with every slic symbol, uses more memory, but needed for debugging scripts.
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BX. DiplomacyLog=X

    1. Explanation
    Turns on diplomacy logging - debug exe only
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    BY. CheatAge=X

    1. Explanation
    Use to skip past an age
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    0=skip nothing
    1=skip Ancient
    2=skip Renaissance
    3=skip Modern
    4=skip Genetic
    5=skip Diamond

    BZ. DontKillMessages=X

    1. Explanation
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    CA. AiPopCheat=X

    1. Explanation
    Unknown. But definitly seems to imply that the computer cheats, what a shock
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values
    Yes or No

    CB. MapPlugin0=X

    CC. MapPlugin1=X

    CD. MapPlugin2=X

    CE. MapPlugin3=X

    1. Explanation
    These all reference .DLL files that I assume are used for map generation. I know nothing about that or about .DLL files so I chose not to mess with this. I advise you do the same unless you know what you're doing.
    2. Default Value
    3. Legal Values

    III. Acknowledgements and Other Random Notes

    First of all let me apologize. I wrote this after getting no sleep for over 24 hours, so there are bound to be some typos and perhaps even errors. Some items have not been researched yet due to both a lack of time and a lack of knowledge of the basic game engine. Aditionally, this FAQ is not complete by any means. If you know something that isn't on here, or see something on here that is wrong, or have an idea about what some of the mystery flags are e-mail me at dr[dot]funk[at]pdq[dot]net and let me know. Any help from the games producers is both welcome and requested I hope to get a chance to do some more research into the unknown and untested flags to get a good look at how they affect the game next week, and get a new update out as soon as possible.

    Thanks go out to Sid Meier for creating the Civilization series, Brian Reynolds for the wonderful game that is Civilization 2, Microprose for publishing them, the team at Activision for what has the potential under its buggy exterior to be a good game, Civilization: Call to Power, special thanks to Lt John and Peter "Enjolras" Karpas for their attention to customers in the Apolyton forums and usenet newsgroups, thanks to Mark G and DanQ for the Apolyton forums and all their work gathering info on this game since it was announced, thanks to the people on the forums who clued me in to the existence of the userprofile.txt file before I had even thought about customization, and thanks to everyone I'm forgetting for everything I'm not remembering.

    (c) 1999 David Williams, dr[dot]funk[at]pdq[dot]net All rights reserved, if you use my info in your faq or webpage, let me know and thank me somewhere Do not use my info for anything commercial unless you are going to give me 50% of the profits Otherwise feel free to distribute this FAQ in its entirety anyway you so desire as long as it is free. I don't charge you, you shouldn't charge others. Out.
    Last edited by Martin Gühmann; December 30, 2011, 20:00.
    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"