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An Interrupted 'Final Solution'

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  • An Interrupted 'Final Solution'

    An Interrupted 'Final Solution'

    The Starship Enterprise 1701D pulls into orbit around the planet known to its inhabitants as Chiron.

    "Geosynchronous orbit established, Captain. No response to our hail," Data intones.

    Captain Picard looked concerned. Recent scans had indicated a substantial human population, and the discharge of high-energy weapons, and perhaps weapons of mass destruction.

    "Worf, what is the status of the starships we detected?"

    Worf taps a few keys on his console.

    "Eight Impaler Class Progenitor Battleships, Sir. Usurper Faction. Main jump drives inactive. Currently they are bombarding the planet surface, Sir," he boomed immediately in response.

    Picard's high brow furrowed further. The Progenitors, and especially the Usurpers, were bad news. They had caused no end of trouble in the Beta Quadrant, and were known for their unpleasant gastronomic tendencies, as far as humans were concerned at least.

    Data interrupted his concentration. "Captain, I am detecting multiple discharges of massive amounts of energy. There is 98.7452% probability that these are the result of the uncontrolled collapse of singularity weapons. These implosions have resulted in the reduction of 1.2 million humans to subatomic particles."

    The Captain nodded, accepting the information. The scales had now been tipped. The Captain made up his mind, but decided to poll his senior officers.

    "Number One? Options?"

    Riker didn't hesitate for a second. "The Prime Directive doesn't apply here, since this is a human settlement. If we don't act these humans, whoever they are, will be eradicated. And the Usurpers may call in even more reinforcements, more than we can handle."

    Picard nodded.


    "Recommend firing immediately, SIR! Photons and phasers locked! Targets established! Permission to fire, SIR!" Worf had his fist poised above a very large candy red button that said 'All Weapons'.

    The Captain quickly sat down in his command chair.

    "Right. Worf, let's even the odds a little. Commence firing. But no 'lucky shots' like last time. Understood?"

    Worf grinned in a feral manner. "Yes Sir!" His fist hit the firing button and a series of high whines flowed through the bridge. Blue phaser beams lanced the Impaler starships, causing large sections of them to simply evaporate, and a series of crippling and obviously fatal spectacular explosions raced through their hulls. Other phasers summarily dispatched the gnat fighters, who were rising from the doomed Impalers to take on the new menace of the Enterprise. Antimatter photons torpedoes careened into the atmosphere of Chiron, and all impacted squarely in the middle of each of the targeted Usurper cities, vaporizing them.

    The Captain looked annoyed.

    "More 'lucky shots' Mr. Worf?"

    "Sorry, Sir. It won't happen again," he responded, in a dead monotone.

    The Captain had a resigned look on his fate. "Data, file a report to Starfleet. Tell them that due to a weapon targeting malfunction that the Usurper threat to humans at this planet has been removed."

    Captain Picard sat back in his command chair and straightened his tunic. "Now, on with the mission. To boldly go were no man, er, 'one', has gone before!!"

    The Captain sat forward, looked intently into the viewscreen and gestured toward it. "Engage!"

    With that, the Enterprise engaged its warp engines, and in a flash it was gone. Once again it had saved the day, and maybe all of humanity. On Chiron, that is.