Hi folks...this is the first story I've written. I'd appreciate your comments and critique.
Nwabudike Morgan awakened slowly. The first thing his senses told him was that he was not in his bed. The second thing they told him was that although he had commanded his eyes to open, they would not. He could not, in fact, move at all. To his credit, Morgan didn’t panic as most people would. He simply wanted to know why he couldn’t move. Morgan was also curious as to why he couldn’t remember anything from the past few days...his memory seemed to end at an event he knew was weeks ago.
“Strange thing, memory,” Morgan thought to himself, “How I can recall that the concert in the Garden at the Rec commons was weeks ago, yet I cannot remember the date.”
“CEO Morgan is ready for your interrogation, milady.” A deep voice spoke from somewhere behind Morgan. At least he could hear.
“Remove the ‘buzzer’.” A female voice commanded. A voice Morgan knew and remembered even through the fog of his missing memories. The voice had a lilting quality to it, and a slight scottish accent. But it was different this time. It bore the weight of someone that was tired and angry.
Morgans senses returned instantly after he heard the command. He opened his eyes and found himself in a chair in a small room. He was not alone. Beside him were two burly security officers wearing the familiar green uniforms of Gaian Military officers. Both were armed with shock batons and holstered shredder pistols. In front of him stood a man in some sort of surgical gown and none other than Lady Deidre Skye. There was something different about her from what Morgan expected in her. Instead of her usual flowing gowns, Deidre wore a standard military uniform for the Gaians, adorned with a black over the shoulder sash which identified her as the Commander in Chief. Her normally long and flowing raven hair was somewhat unkempt and her deep blue eyes, normally full of empathy and gentleness seemed to be blazing with intense rage.
The man beside her Morgan instantly identified as a doctor. It wasn’t too hard to make that discovery, as he was dressed as such. In his hands he held a datapad and a small metallic disk that he had just removed from Morgans forehead.
A buzzer. Morgan thought. Why would the Gaians use a buzzer? A “buzzer’ was the laymans term for a nueral inhibitor. Developed by the Hive more than a century ago, a buzzer effectively took control of one’s bodily functions. It made it easier to transport dangerous criminals and rowdy drones to prisons. Morgan himself had overseen the sale of buzzers to other factions for a tidy profit after Chairman Yang had sold him the specs. But as Morgan remembered, the Gaians refused to buy such a device on moral grounds. Even the Peacekeepers purchased a limited supply.
“Welcome Nwabudike.” Deidre said, “Its been a long time. I know you don’t know why or how you got here, but it will return to you shortly. Short term memory loss is a temporary side effect of the nueral inhibitor.”
“Diedre,” Morgan began, but was cut off by one of the guards.
“Lady Skye!” The guard corrected him, brandishing his shock baton.
“Lady Skye,” Morgan began, “What am I doing here? What is the meaning of this abdcution?” Morgan was a master of staying cool under pressure. His voice and manner showed no fear, only curiousity. Inwardly though he was thinking “I’m in danger! But I will find out what her price is and match it!”
Deidre pressed a button on her armband mini-computer that activated a holo projector in the room. Instantly an image appeared in front of Morgan, between them. He could still see Deidre and the doctor through it, but the image is what heldd his attention. It also helped jog his memory.
The image was one of war. Morganite shard needlejets were bombing a Gaian base. Morgan began to remember as he had seen these images before himself, twenty planetyears ago. The Seige of Razorbeak Wood. The Morganites had declared vendetta on the Gaians because of their environmental influences. Deidre herself had swayed many of the council decisions in favor of a green economic base thwarting Morgan’s plans for industrial expansion. Morgan had warned Deidre many times that he may resort to military action if she did not cease her insufferable meddling. Finally, with the aid of Sister Miriam and her faction of Believers Morgan made a preemptive strike at Razorbeak Wood and The Last Rose of Summer bases....two Gaian outposts alone on a small island. No Gaian citizens survived Razorbeak Wood, it was completely destroyed. The Last Rose of Summer was occupied by the Believers. Miriam had the survivors of that base stripped naked and sent into the wilderness where all 1,043 of them were killed by mindworms.
“De...Lady Skye, that was twenty years ago! We have had a blood truce since that incident!” Morgan protested. His memory slowly returning, he recalled the deep feeling of satisfaction he felt at dealing the Gaians such a blow, but he was far too good of a businessman to let his emotions show. Especially now.
“Twenty years is a blink of an eye, Nwabudike, for us! How can you consider twenty years a significant span of time when you and I both have lived three times our lifetimes?” Diedre spat. “Did you realize that more than a thousand children died when you attacked Razorbeak Wood? The new Children’s Creche had just opened and it was full when your damned needlejets vaporized it!”
Morgan never before hesitated in any kind of confrontation...but this time he did if only for a second. His memory, while fogged was returning rapidly. He recalled that after that battle Deidre was eager to sign a blood truce. She seemed humbled over the holocommunication that day and Morgan took great delight in her look of resignation and defeat. But at that time the Gaians were at war with the Hive also and could not survive a combined effort from the Morganites and the Believers at the same time. Morgan agreed to the truce because it wasn’t in good business to kill your customers. But he did secure Deidre’s promise to keep her mouth shut about his alleged infractions against the environment. The Believers also ceased hostilities, but more because they were beseiged by the University and the Spartans than a desire for peace.
Morgan composed himself. He was in a desperate situation and he wasn’t sure how he got there. But he needed an edge. Any edge. “Lady Skye, we have had a blood truce for many years. Both of our societies have prospered since that unfortunate incident. Why have you abducted me now? What is the meaning of all of this and what do you want?Surely, we two can come to some accomodation.”
“Oh, you’re good at negotiations, Nwabudike,” Deidre purred, as she walked around the holo image that kept replaying the same images of Razorbeak Wood, “you also have a superior memory. But so do I. I never forgot your cruelty at Razorbeak Wood. I never forgot how you filled your bases with environment wrecking industries and indiscriminatly killed the native flora and fauna of planet for the sake of a few energy credits. I never forgot how you looked at the deaths of several thousand Gaian citizens as a mere business transaction.”
“Is it ransom you want, Deidre? My family...my faction will give you a kings ransom for my return! If you want to reestablish you presence on the island I took from you I can buy The Last Rose of Summer from Miriam. I’ll give it to you at no charge to make amends. Just let me know what you desire. There is no need for this charade.” Morgan said simply.
How like him, greedy pig that he is, to attach a pricetag to everything, Deidre thought. Then she laughed. Not a laugh of someone enjoying themselves, but a laugh of someone who is bitterly amused. “Do you think I need you to reestablish this faction on Planet? Concentrate, Morgan, your memory will return swiftly. In the past years I’ve already done that. I expect to easily win the next election for planetary governor and the Gaians now have bases spanning this world.”
“Then what do you want of me?” Morgan asked, almost shouting. The two security men at his side both looked at him with contempt and disgust. One of them leaned over to his ear ever so slightly and whispered, “I spent every energy credit I had for the longevity treatment. I wanted to live for this day so badly, and be young enough still to take part in it. My family died in Razorbeak Wood, you bastard.”
Revenge? Deidre? Morgan queried to himself. He was a good judge of character and that was so unlike her, to strike for vengeance. But yet it was happening, he could see that. Deidre looked so different now. Physically, the same, but dressed in a loosefitting green military outfit, carrying a holstered shredder she reminded Morgan of soldiers from old Earth. As his mind cleared the fog of memory he realized how in the last two decades the Gaians had defeated the Hive. Chairman Yang was little more than a puppet, a vassal, to the Gaians now. The Gaians had possession of many of Yang’s bases and therefore control over much of Planet. Deidre and her people suffered much in those wars of the past and it looked like she now wanted compensation.
“How much do you want.” Morgan said coldly. He knew the ball was in Deidre’s court, as the ancient saying went.
“You have nothing to give.” Deidre replied, with her hands on her hips. she now stood directly in front of Morgan, but she shuffled to the side and pushed another button on her mini-computer. The holo-image changed and what Morgan said made the icewater in his veins run even colder.
Morganite territory occupied an entire continent on Planet. The image showed the continent and his bases with clearly defined icons, interspersed with actual vid clips of what was taking place. The vid clips were of poor quality, scratchy and ill defined, but what they did show was horrible. Gaian shard copters assualted every Morgan base with nerve gas as Gaian drop troops and mind worms mopped up the survivors. Some of the vid clips were of Morganite citizens ripping their own bodies to shreds as the mind worms bore into their skulls. Some were of the results of the nerve gas. Bodies piled on bodies. The most frightening though were of Morgan Industries....Gaian troops were gunning down citizens in firing squads. It finally ended when the image changed to Gaian soldiers eratidicating the base completely.
“No! Its not true! It can’t be!” Morgan screamed. His calm demeanor was gone. He was scared now, frightened out of his mind.
“You know it is.” Deidre smiled, calmly. “Concentrate.”
“The other faction leaders will never let you get away with this!” Morgan shouted. “Zakharov, Lal, even your puppet Yang will destroy you for this! Its completely against the UN Charter! You can’t kill civilians and use nerve gas! Its inhuman! You’re an inhuman monster!”
“Like killing innocent children and their families for profit?” Deidre leaned down to Morgans face and said this. Her voice dripped with hatred. It was just then that Morgan realized that his hands were bound in his lap by heavy bonds. If they weren’t he might have tried to choke her.
“If you search your memory really hard, Morgan you’ll remember that ten years ago was the last time we spoke personally. Since then sunspot activity from Alpha Centauri A has disrupted all communications and satellite survelliance. No one knows what happened last week, except you and I. When the sunspots clear up it will be as if you and your disgusting faction never existed. Only by personal courier do we even have these images and reports.”
Deidre turned the holo image off with a small movement. “There are no more Morganites. Half of your bases belong to the Gaians now and the others...the ones that polluted Planet the most have been destroyed and the citizens executed!” Deidre seemed to take a perverse pleasure in telling Morgan this.
For the first time in the history of Planet, Morgan was speechless. He had nothing left. His memory had returned enough for him to know that Deidre spoke the truth. He remembered saying goodbye to his family as they went to celebrate “Founding Day” at Morgan Studios a week ago. He remembered how his penthouse rocked with sudden explosions at Morgan Industries that very night. He recalled seeing thousands of Drop troops falling into the city and how he then made the connection...The Gaians had recently built a satellite trnasportation system called the Space Elevator which gave them orbital insertion capabilities. Morgan had meant to order and upgrade Aerospace defenses in all Morganite bases, but hesitated because of the cost. Now it was too late.
Morgan’s last memory was of the Gaian Shock Troops bursting into his private residence before he could get to his personal escape pod. Then it went black.
“I learned a lot from you and Miriam and even Yang.” stated Deidre, “I thought mankind could learn to live with nature...with Planet...without bloodshed. You all taught me different and Razorbeak Wood was the test. You showed me that if any of us are to get what we want...what we need...we have to take it. Planet is a dangerous world, and the Gaians must tame it. The ends will justify our means.”
Morgan sat in his chair and hung his head. “I am to be executed then?” He asked. His voice cracked a tiny bit, he was fighting back tears.
“Oh, no, no, dear Nwabudike. You’re far to valuable to kill.” Deidre said, running her slender fingers in his steel gray hair. “Dr. Douglas here is going to take care of you.” Deidre said, almost as if she cared...she nodded at the man in the surgical gown, who in turn nodded to a guard. The guard pressed a button on his mini comp and the doors opened. Several men pushing an a gurney came through.
“You’ll need a little cosmetic surgery...you’re so handsome right now,” Deidre said, lifing Morgan’s face up to hers as she knelt to him. “But don’t fret. Your memory and identity will be left intact. He’s only going to nerve staple you enough to keep you from speaking...or resisting. You’ll always remember who you are and what you are.” Deidre smiled at him, and cupped his face into her smooth, lily white hands. “Of course, it won’t matter once you’re at The Leader’s Horde base. Chairman Yang has paid a substantial amount to have the great CEO Morgan working as a common drone in the Waste reclamation plant.”
Morgan would have screamed if he wasn’t too busy crying. He didn’t even try to fight as the two guards lifted him and strapped him to the gurney. But as they pushed him away he looked at Deidre one last time. How she had changed. Planet and the other factions have changed her from a environmental peacelover to an environmental valkyrie. He had underestimated her, and there was no way to change what was happening or what had happened.
“Please...” He choked out between tears.
“Bye bye”. Deidre said as the gurney rolled away. she had a false smile on her face. Dr. Douglas nodded to her and exited the room. The two guards remained and stood at attention when Deidre directed her gaze to them.
“Are the preparations made, Captain?” she said.
“Yes, milady!” responded the guard. “A transport will take whats left of Morgan to Chairman Yang as soon as his...operation is complete.” The captain cracked a tiny smile of satisfaction with those words. “ The 5th fleet and its air support are awaiting your confirmation to begin their operations, also, Lady Skye! Admiral M’busa and his forces are directly off of the coast of New Jerusalem.”
Deidre sighed. “Then send the word, Captain. Let Operation: Believer commence. And get Colonel Santiago out of her cell. Its time we spoke and Yang has been asking for a private maid.”
Nwabudike Morgan awakened slowly. The first thing his senses told him was that he was not in his bed. The second thing they told him was that although he had commanded his eyes to open, they would not. He could not, in fact, move at all. To his credit, Morgan didn’t panic as most people would. He simply wanted to know why he couldn’t move. Morgan was also curious as to why he couldn’t remember anything from the past few days...his memory seemed to end at an event he knew was weeks ago.
“Strange thing, memory,” Morgan thought to himself, “How I can recall that the concert in the Garden at the Rec commons was weeks ago, yet I cannot remember the date.”
“CEO Morgan is ready for your interrogation, milady.” A deep voice spoke from somewhere behind Morgan. At least he could hear.
“Remove the ‘buzzer’.” A female voice commanded. A voice Morgan knew and remembered even through the fog of his missing memories. The voice had a lilting quality to it, and a slight scottish accent. But it was different this time. It bore the weight of someone that was tired and angry.
Morgans senses returned instantly after he heard the command. He opened his eyes and found himself in a chair in a small room. He was not alone. Beside him were two burly security officers wearing the familiar green uniforms of Gaian Military officers. Both were armed with shock batons and holstered shredder pistols. In front of him stood a man in some sort of surgical gown and none other than Lady Deidre Skye. There was something different about her from what Morgan expected in her. Instead of her usual flowing gowns, Deidre wore a standard military uniform for the Gaians, adorned with a black over the shoulder sash which identified her as the Commander in Chief. Her normally long and flowing raven hair was somewhat unkempt and her deep blue eyes, normally full of empathy and gentleness seemed to be blazing with intense rage.
The man beside her Morgan instantly identified as a doctor. It wasn’t too hard to make that discovery, as he was dressed as such. In his hands he held a datapad and a small metallic disk that he had just removed from Morgans forehead.
A buzzer. Morgan thought. Why would the Gaians use a buzzer? A “buzzer’ was the laymans term for a nueral inhibitor. Developed by the Hive more than a century ago, a buzzer effectively took control of one’s bodily functions. It made it easier to transport dangerous criminals and rowdy drones to prisons. Morgan himself had overseen the sale of buzzers to other factions for a tidy profit after Chairman Yang had sold him the specs. But as Morgan remembered, the Gaians refused to buy such a device on moral grounds. Even the Peacekeepers purchased a limited supply.
“Welcome Nwabudike.” Deidre said, “Its been a long time. I know you don’t know why or how you got here, but it will return to you shortly. Short term memory loss is a temporary side effect of the nueral inhibitor.”
“Diedre,” Morgan began, but was cut off by one of the guards.
“Lady Skye!” The guard corrected him, brandishing his shock baton.
“Lady Skye,” Morgan began, “What am I doing here? What is the meaning of this abdcution?” Morgan was a master of staying cool under pressure. His voice and manner showed no fear, only curiousity. Inwardly though he was thinking “I’m in danger! But I will find out what her price is and match it!”
Deidre pressed a button on her armband mini-computer that activated a holo projector in the room. Instantly an image appeared in front of Morgan, between them. He could still see Deidre and the doctor through it, but the image is what heldd his attention. It also helped jog his memory.
The image was one of war. Morganite shard needlejets were bombing a Gaian base. Morgan began to remember as he had seen these images before himself, twenty planetyears ago. The Seige of Razorbeak Wood. The Morganites had declared vendetta on the Gaians because of their environmental influences. Deidre herself had swayed many of the council decisions in favor of a green economic base thwarting Morgan’s plans for industrial expansion. Morgan had warned Deidre many times that he may resort to military action if she did not cease her insufferable meddling. Finally, with the aid of Sister Miriam and her faction of Believers Morgan made a preemptive strike at Razorbeak Wood and The Last Rose of Summer bases....two Gaian outposts alone on a small island. No Gaian citizens survived Razorbeak Wood, it was completely destroyed. The Last Rose of Summer was occupied by the Believers. Miriam had the survivors of that base stripped naked and sent into the wilderness where all 1,043 of them were killed by mindworms.
“De...Lady Skye, that was twenty years ago! We have had a blood truce since that incident!” Morgan protested. His memory slowly returning, he recalled the deep feeling of satisfaction he felt at dealing the Gaians such a blow, but he was far too good of a businessman to let his emotions show. Especially now.
“Twenty years is a blink of an eye, Nwabudike, for us! How can you consider twenty years a significant span of time when you and I both have lived three times our lifetimes?” Diedre spat. “Did you realize that more than a thousand children died when you attacked Razorbeak Wood? The new Children’s Creche had just opened and it was full when your damned needlejets vaporized it!”
Morgan never before hesitated in any kind of confrontation...but this time he did if only for a second. His memory, while fogged was returning rapidly. He recalled that after that battle Deidre was eager to sign a blood truce. She seemed humbled over the holocommunication that day and Morgan took great delight in her look of resignation and defeat. But at that time the Gaians were at war with the Hive also and could not survive a combined effort from the Morganites and the Believers at the same time. Morgan agreed to the truce because it wasn’t in good business to kill your customers. But he did secure Deidre’s promise to keep her mouth shut about his alleged infractions against the environment. The Believers also ceased hostilities, but more because they were beseiged by the University and the Spartans than a desire for peace.
Morgan composed himself. He was in a desperate situation and he wasn’t sure how he got there. But he needed an edge. Any edge. “Lady Skye, we have had a blood truce for many years. Both of our societies have prospered since that unfortunate incident. Why have you abducted me now? What is the meaning of all of this and what do you want?Surely, we two can come to some accomodation.”
“Oh, you’re good at negotiations, Nwabudike,” Deidre purred, as she walked around the holo image that kept replaying the same images of Razorbeak Wood, “you also have a superior memory. But so do I. I never forgot your cruelty at Razorbeak Wood. I never forgot how you filled your bases with environment wrecking industries and indiscriminatly killed the native flora and fauna of planet for the sake of a few energy credits. I never forgot how you looked at the deaths of several thousand Gaian citizens as a mere business transaction.”
“Is it ransom you want, Deidre? My family...my faction will give you a kings ransom for my return! If you want to reestablish you presence on the island I took from you I can buy The Last Rose of Summer from Miriam. I’ll give it to you at no charge to make amends. Just let me know what you desire. There is no need for this charade.” Morgan said simply.
How like him, greedy pig that he is, to attach a pricetag to everything, Deidre thought. Then she laughed. Not a laugh of someone enjoying themselves, but a laugh of someone who is bitterly amused. “Do you think I need you to reestablish this faction on Planet? Concentrate, Morgan, your memory will return swiftly. In the past years I’ve already done that. I expect to easily win the next election for planetary governor and the Gaians now have bases spanning this world.”
“Then what do you want of me?” Morgan asked, almost shouting. The two security men at his side both looked at him with contempt and disgust. One of them leaned over to his ear ever so slightly and whispered, “I spent every energy credit I had for the longevity treatment. I wanted to live for this day so badly, and be young enough still to take part in it. My family died in Razorbeak Wood, you bastard.”
Revenge? Deidre? Morgan queried to himself. He was a good judge of character and that was so unlike her, to strike for vengeance. But yet it was happening, he could see that. Deidre looked so different now. Physically, the same, but dressed in a loosefitting green military outfit, carrying a holstered shredder she reminded Morgan of soldiers from old Earth. As his mind cleared the fog of memory he realized how in the last two decades the Gaians had defeated the Hive. Chairman Yang was little more than a puppet, a vassal, to the Gaians now. The Gaians had possession of many of Yang’s bases and therefore control over much of Planet. Deidre and her people suffered much in those wars of the past and it looked like she now wanted compensation.
“How much do you want.” Morgan said coldly. He knew the ball was in Deidre’s court, as the ancient saying went.
“You have nothing to give.” Deidre replied, with her hands on her hips. she now stood directly in front of Morgan, but she shuffled to the side and pushed another button on her mini-computer. The holo-image changed and what Morgan said made the icewater in his veins run even colder.
Morganite territory occupied an entire continent on Planet. The image showed the continent and his bases with clearly defined icons, interspersed with actual vid clips of what was taking place. The vid clips were of poor quality, scratchy and ill defined, but what they did show was horrible. Gaian shard copters assualted every Morgan base with nerve gas as Gaian drop troops and mind worms mopped up the survivors. Some of the vid clips were of Morganite citizens ripping their own bodies to shreds as the mind worms bore into their skulls. Some were of the results of the nerve gas. Bodies piled on bodies. The most frightening though were of Morgan Industries....Gaian troops were gunning down citizens in firing squads. It finally ended when the image changed to Gaian soldiers eratidicating the base completely.
“No! Its not true! It can’t be!” Morgan screamed. His calm demeanor was gone. He was scared now, frightened out of his mind.
“You know it is.” Deidre smiled, calmly. “Concentrate.”
“The other faction leaders will never let you get away with this!” Morgan shouted. “Zakharov, Lal, even your puppet Yang will destroy you for this! Its completely against the UN Charter! You can’t kill civilians and use nerve gas! Its inhuman! You’re an inhuman monster!”
“Like killing innocent children and their families for profit?” Deidre leaned down to Morgans face and said this. Her voice dripped with hatred. It was just then that Morgan realized that his hands were bound in his lap by heavy bonds. If they weren’t he might have tried to choke her.
“If you search your memory really hard, Morgan you’ll remember that ten years ago was the last time we spoke personally. Since then sunspot activity from Alpha Centauri A has disrupted all communications and satellite survelliance. No one knows what happened last week, except you and I. When the sunspots clear up it will be as if you and your disgusting faction never existed. Only by personal courier do we even have these images and reports.”
Deidre turned the holo image off with a small movement. “There are no more Morganites. Half of your bases belong to the Gaians now and the others...the ones that polluted Planet the most have been destroyed and the citizens executed!” Deidre seemed to take a perverse pleasure in telling Morgan this.
For the first time in the history of Planet, Morgan was speechless. He had nothing left. His memory had returned enough for him to know that Deidre spoke the truth. He remembered saying goodbye to his family as they went to celebrate “Founding Day” at Morgan Studios a week ago. He remembered how his penthouse rocked with sudden explosions at Morgan Industries that very night. He recalled seeing thousands of Drop troops falling into the city and how he then made the connection...The Gaians had recently built a satellite trnasportation system called the Space Elevator which gave them orbital insertion capabilities. Morgan had meant to order and upgrade Aerospace defenses in all Morganite bases, but hesitated because of the cost. Now it was too late.
Morgan’s last memory was of the Gaian Shock Troops bursting into his private residence before he could get to his personal escape pod. Then it went black.
“I learned a lot from you and Miriam and even Yang.” stated Deidre, “I thought mankind could learn to live with nature...with Planet...without bloodshed. You all taught me different and Razorbeak Wood was the test. You showed me that if any of us are to get what we want...what we need...we have to take it. Planet is a dangerous world, and the Gaians must tame it. The ends will justify our means.”
Morgan sat in his chair and hung his head. “I am to be executed then?” He asked. His voice cracked a tiny bit, he was fighting back tears.
“Oh, no, no, dear Nwabudike. You’re far to valuable to kill.” Deidre said, running her slender fingers in his steel gray hair. “Dr. Douglas here is going to take care of you.” Deidre said, almost as if she cared...she nodded at the man in the surgical gown, who in turn nodded to a guard. The guard pressed a button on his mini comp and the doors opened. Several men pushing an a gurney came through.
“You’ll need a little cosmetic surgery...you’re so handsome right now,” Deidre said, lifing Morgan’s face up to hers as she knelt to him. “But don’t fret. Your memory and identity will be left intact. He’s only going to nerve staple you enough to keep you from speaking...or resisting. You’ll always remember who you are and what you are.” Deidre smiled at him, and cupped his face into her smooth, lily white hands. “Of course, it won’t matter once you’re at The Leader’s Horde base. Chairman Yang has paid a substantial amount to have the great CEO Morgan working as a common drone in the Waste reclamation plant.”
Morgan would have screamed if he wasn’t too busy crying. He didn’t even try to fight as the two guards lifted him and strapped him to the gurney. But as they pushed him away he looked at Deidre one last time. How she had changed. Planet and the other factions have changed her from a environmental peacelover to an environmental valkyrie. He had underestimated her, and there was no way to change what was happening or what had happened.
“Please...” He choked out between tears.
“Bye bye”. Deidre said as the gurney rolled away. she had a false smile on her face. Dr. Douglas nodded to her and exited the room. The two guards remained and stood at attention when Deidre directed her gaze to them.
“Are the preparations made, Captain?” she said.
“Yes, milady!” responded the guard. “A transport will take whats left of Morgan to Chairman Yang as soon as his...operation is complete.” The captain cracked a tiny smile of satisfaction with those words. “ The 5th fleet and its air support are awaiting your confirmation to begin their operations, also, Lady Skye! Admiral M’busa and his forces are directly off of the coast of New Jerusalem.”
Deidre sighed. “Then send the word, Captain. Let Operation: Believer commence. And get Colonel Santiago out of her cell. Its time we spoke and Yang has been asking for a private maid.”