In prepping some scenario PBEMs over at CGN, I ran into a Hitherto unknown (to me) problem.
We all know that you have to check the flag "Force Current Difficulty Level" to ensure that all players play at the same diff level (if unchecked, then only the starting player plays at the selected diff level, everyone else default to Librarian, sometimes (for no apparent reason) one or two might even be Thinker)
However, if the CMN needs for whatever reason to eliminate factions then the system overrides the "force" flag and reverts to a first player at the chosen diff level, everyone else at Librarian level
The solution (obviously) is to set the diff level at Librarian from the beginning, but I am curious - has any other CMN encountered this feature (bug?) when dropping factions from a scenario set-up (or did you, like me, assume that setting the "force" flag was enough)?
We all know that you have to check the flag "Force Current Difficulty Level" to ensure that all players play at the same diff level (if unchecked, then only the starting player plays at the selected diff level, everyone else default to Librarian, sometimes (for no apparent reason) one or two might even be Thinker)
However, if the CMN needs for whatever reason to eliminate factions then the system overrides the "force" flag and reverts to a first player at the chosen diff level, everyone else at Librarian level
The solution (obviously) is to set the diff level at Librarian from the beginning, but I am curious - has any other CMN encountered this feature (bug?) when dropping factions from a scenario set-up (or did you, like me, assume that setting the "force" flag was enough)?