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The Alpha Centauri Wiki

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  • The Alpha Centauri Wiki

    On and off for the past few months I've been working on a wiki for Alpha Centauri, since I like wikis, building things, and Alpha Centauri. It's probably about time I announced it properly. Here it is.

    Currently it has:
    A full set of datalinks, based on the datalinks update with many improvements by me, Guv'ner, and others.
    An archive of factions which currently contains 132 custom factions, searchable and categorized by everything from factions opposed to Police State, through factions with a Planet bonus, to Progenitor and factions with energy interest.
    Information on the various unofficial patches.
    A versioned set of core text files (alphax, helpx, etc).

    Hopefully this will be of use to some of you. I know I've taken to referring to it when I need to quickly check some aspect of game mechanics or find an intersting faction to use in my next game.

    My immediate plans are to finish off uploading all the custom factions I can get my hands on (about 20 to go, maybe another 3 hours work), then check through them fixing obvious issues and release a custom faction package. Feedback would be much appreciated during the checking and fixing stage (especially since part of the project will be putting factions into rough tiers of power, and identifying them/creating balanced versions of as many as possible), as would assistance with various extra organizational things (adding leader infoboxes for example). After that I will likely move my focus to either scenarios (mirroring alteria centauri and categorizing them with wikiawesomeness) or collecting strategy information, which we are notably lacking and it would be great to collect up.

    Also, after hearing about the issues with a previous wiki which held much AC info and was lost, I've set it up so any user can make a full backup of content with just a few clicks using Special:Export, and have made recent backups myself.

    If you like writing and organizing AC related things, come on over and play with the wiki! You'll be able to edit virtually any page using your AC2 account. Check out the to-do list and see if anything looks interesting to you
