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What are the legitimate interests of national security? What powers should be given..

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  • What are the legitimate interests of national security? What powers should be given.. those upholding those interests?

    I hear alot about the freedoms we've lost under George Bush, who claims to be working in our national interests under changed circumstances since 9/11.

    What freedoms has he revoked?

    What legitimate steps should he take or have taken? Most important, what has he done that he should not have?

    Btw, about a year (wild aproximation)before 9/11 I made a thread based on a scn in which a nuke had gone off in New York, asking Apolytoners what freedoms they would be willing to give up to prevent such an act from occuring again.

    It was interesting that many were willing to give up alot, and some nothing at all. Wish we still had that thread to see how politics might be acting on opinions. At the time of the earlier thread I didn't postulate which party was in power, which party was removing freedoms in the name of national security.

    Would the left, the democrats, be doing things very differently? Wouldn't they be doing everything they could to prevent the disaster in NY from happening again, including empowering law enforcement on every level? The alternative would be to be accused of being soft on terror...

    What would Al Gore have done?

    I'm talking freedoms here, not police actions. Lets not let this turn into a discussion about Iraq.
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