After this Atlantis-Aztlan "disaster of the myth", I'll ask you for resolve the Mu (and Lemuria Empire) mistery. Scientifics & archeologists have found some strange rests of vases and other objects in the south of the Ryu-Kyu Islands (Japan, the biggest one is Okinawa). They are'nt japanese or chinese or ainu, are totally unique.
The existence of Mu is most possible, it probably existed in a volcanic island (remember: Japan-Shikoku, Japan-Kyushu, Japan-South-Hounshu, Japan-West-Hokkaido and Iceland exist using volcanoes in its construction ), in the eastern asiatic zone volcanoes are really usual, they're in the Pacific ring of fire tectonic subtuction-contact zone.
So, could be able that the legend of Mu have traspassed the Pacific and arrive at the aztecs as Aztlan?
Note about Atlantis: Aztlan -> Aztec, is curious that the originary people
from the mesoamerican plateau normally had a -ac suphix (Toltec, Olmec, Aztec). Why -lan? Anybody knows why? I believe that the other name of the aztecs (mexica) is more similar to "Aztla" A mix of Mexica and Aztec?
Answers please!!!!!!!
The existence of Mu is most possible, it probably existed in a volcanic island (remember: Japan-Shikoku, Japan-Kyushu, Japan-South-Hounshu, Japan-West-Hokkaido and Iceland exist using volcanoes in its construction ), in the eastern asiatic zone volcanoes are really usual, they're in the Pacific ring of fire tectonic subtuction-contact zone.
So, could be able that the legend of Mu have traspassed the Pacific and arrive at the aztecs as Aztlan?
Note about Atlantis: Aztlan -> Aztec, is curious that the originary people
from the mesoamerican plateau normally had a -ac suphix (Toltec, Olmec, Aztec). Why -lan? Anybody knows why? I believe that the other name of the aztecs (mexica) is more similar to "Aztla" A mix of Mexica and Aztec?
Answers please!!!!!!!