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¿And Mu? ¿Real or a child-story?

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  • ¿And Mu? ¿Real or a child-story?

    After this Atlantis-Aztlan "disaster of the myth", I'll ask you for resolve the Mu (and Lemuria Empire) mistery. Scientifics & archeologists have found some strange rests of vases and other objects in the south of the Ryu-Kyu Islands (Japan, the biggest one is Okinawa). They are'nt japanese or chinese or ainu, are totally unique.

    The existence of Mu is most possible, it probably existed in a volcanic island (remember: Japan-Shikoku, Japan-Kyushu, Japan-South-Hounshu, Japan-West-Hokkaido and Iceland exist using volcanoes in its construction ), in the eastern asiatic zone volcanoes are really usual, they're in the Pacific ring of fire tectonic subtuction-contact zone.

    So, could be able that the legend of Mu have traspassed the Pacific and arrive at the aztecs as Aztlan?

    Note about Atlantis: Aztlan -> Aztec, is curious that the originary people
    from the mesoamerican plateau normally had a -ac suphix (Toltec, Olmec, Aztec). Why -lan? Anybody knows why? I believe that the other name of the aztecs (mexica) is more similar to "Aztla" A mix of Mexica and Aztec?

    Answers please!!!!!!!
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  • #2
    You forgot about Pohnpei stone city, Xarxo... pretty interesting, too.
    A couple of things to point out.

    1) Reading about Yueh cities, I learned about a megalithic stone culture that ranged from Madagascar to Maldive and Southern India, and then Siam, Kampuchea and pre Dong-Son southern Viet Nam ( closely related to Champa ancestors ? ).

    2) There's an evidence of an ancient people, linked to a sun ancestral religion, that linked distant places from Egypt to Japan.

    I think this can be an interesting starting point.

    Any other want to discuss about this ?
    [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited March 12, 2001).]
    "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
    "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
    "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


    • #3
      I don't know how but I hadn't seen this thread till today

      I confess I hadn't ever heard a word about Mu (Lemuria only rings a bell). That's why I've been searching around and this is what I've found:

      However most of them aren't very reliable


      • #4

        Originally posted by XarXo on 03-11-2001 09:48 PM
        Note about Atlantis: Aztlan -> Aztec, is curious that the originary people
        from the mesoamerican plateau normally had a -ac suphix (Toltec, Olmec, Aztec). Why -lan? Anybody knows why? I believe that the other name of the aztecs (mexica) is more similar to "Aztla" A mix of Mexica and Aztec?

        Answers please!!!!!!!

        According to the link below, in Nahuatl:

        Azt- = heron (=garza)
        -tlan = place (full) of
        -tecatl = person from the given place


        Aztecatl = Someone from Aztlan

        [This message has been edited by Waku (edited March 19, 2001).]


        • #5
          ...y de tecatl... servesa Tecate! No es que sea gran cosa, pero mejor que corona si que es

          (perdon por el espameo, pero no lo pude evitar )

