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Glorious Commander Palanca

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  • Glorious Commander Palanca

    This thread is a spin-off of another one.

    Well guys, tell me all you know about Comandante Palanca, especially you Waku, our search engine guru Where this guy fits in on Spain's History? A very remarkable campaign imho

    I always wanted to write a scenario about this very honorable man but never found enough info.

    it's now your turn to dig out some info & share it with all of us!!

    [This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited February 07, 2001).]

  • #2
    Something to do with the american-spanish war in Philippines?????


    Originally posted by Jay Bee on 02-07-2001 09:39 AM
    Not really but you were not very far away.... I opened a new thread on the subject. Please post to it

    This is the only thing I've found, having as only clue the word "Palanca":


    Originally posted by Jay Bee on 02-07-2001 09:22 AM
    ...especially you Waku, our search engine guru
    [This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited February 07, 2001).]

    I need some more words to feed my hungry search engines"


    Originally posted by Jay Bee on 02-07-2001 09:22 AM
    ...remarkable campaign imho
    [This message has been edited by Jay Bee (edited February 07, 2001).]

    I'm sorry but my english isn't that good. IMHO???

    ¿Qué coño es IMHO?


    • #3
      It could be the same Palanca since the one I'm talking about had his "moment of glory" not much before... okay, he was one of the officers of that absurd and failed attempt to create a Spanish protectorate in Indochina a la francaise. I seem to recall it was during Isabel II's reign but could have been much later.

      IMHO: in my humble opinion

      PD. je, je me acuerdo que nada mas llegar a los Estates -hace ya algunos bastantes años- me volvia loco con esa mania de estos tios de abreviarlo todo: asap, afaik, fyi... ahora hago yo lo mismo.. gulp!


      • #4

        Originally posted by Waku on 02-07-2001 02:45 PM
        I'm sorry but my english isn't that good. IMHO???

        In english it means In My Humble Opinion.

        All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
        I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
        i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


        • #5
          Tnx JB/cpoulos I didn't know that one.

          Here you are...

          Hope 2 BRB with more


          • #6
            Jo Waku, tá hesho un moztruo!!! Me voy a pillar ese libro en cuanto pueda!


            Hope 2 BRB with more

            Now you confuse me... 2 BRB? More Palanca pages perhaps? That'd be great!


            • #7
              Something I've found:

              "Rigault de Genouilly took command of French naval forces in Cochinchina in 1857...
     1871 went to Barcelona (Spain) to live out his

              Curious, isn't it?


              • #8
                i've already ordered the Palanca book. I hope it's at least half good as I expect.
                Waku and others, if you find more info re Commander Palanca and the expediction to Cochinchina please post to this thread. Thanx.

