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Big Huge War Thread I

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  • #31
    Denmark declared Kingdom Protectorate

    The King in an unusually imperialistic mood declared that the Kingdom of Denmark was now apart of the United Kingdom. The Scandinavian Kingdom long used as a place to invade England for the Vikings is now a part of England. The Danish leadership has been given several days to comply with the King's declaration before the Royal Marines are sent in to enforce the King's will. King Charles himself decided that he would personally go to Copenhagen to convince the Danes that joining his Kingdom was the best course of action for the small isolated Kingdom. The King said, "In these increasingly violent times it is important that the smaller nations come under the protection of the larger nations. In that regard the Kingdom of Denmark will come under the protection of the United Kingdom, I declare the State's sovereignty null and void and I further declare its government to the new governer's of Denmark who answer only to me." The King went on to say that he hoped the takeover of the country could be as bloodless as possible but that he was prepared to use force if it comes to that. So far no word has been heard from the international community many in the Royal Court believe they approve of the King's decision and plan on doing similar actions in the near future to other formerly sovereign nations.

    OOC: Let the Bull**** begin!
    If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


    • #32
      OOC: Will do.


      Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Thailand, and any small useless nations in between have become a protectorate of Japan. As has Kenya.

      [This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited April 28, 2001).]
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      • #33
        Two million Chinese troops, some twenty Red Banner Group Armies, have poured across the Yalu River beneath a sky blackened by tens of thousands of Chinese fighters. North Korea has been annexed into the People's Republic of China. Regards have been sent to Tokyo.


        • #34
          Norway aquired

          His majesty the King has authorized the aquisition of Norway this is in no small part to the recent oil embargo by OPEC on the Kingdom. In Norway their has been some small resistence however that has been nearly crushed by the Royal Marines and Army units that have been sent to secure the former Kingdom. Many see this latest move as a gaurantee against embargo by other oio producing nations.

          Deal with Russia signed

          A deal between the Kingdom and Russia has been signed guaranteeing Britain all the oil that the Kingdom wouid need that can't be provided by the aquisition of Norway. This deal has been seen as a guarantee for the future needs of His Majesty's armed forces and as a good step towards a strategic partnership between Russia and the Kingdom. Germany and France has also been invited to the Alliance but no responce has yet been heard from those two nations.

          Irish revolt crushed

          The latest Irish revolt has been brutally suppressed by the King's loyal troops. The revolt which began in Dublin and ended up spreading across the emerald Isle was sponcered by foreign agents using American made weaponry. The revolt which was put down by three infantry Corps was only initially successful before it was put down. Further revolts will be a long time coming as the majority of the revolt leaders were summarily shot and then tossed into the Sea for defying the King.
          If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


          • #35
            With growing disbelief, Aaron Lopez read the most recent reports from the Cuban Foreign Ministry. First the military buildups, and now this. Britian and Japan, normally pillars of justice and the rule of law, had both gone on an imperialistic rampage. What kind of lunatics were in charge of these countries? Did they have any idea what they would unleash on the world?

            Aaron knew that he would have to act swiftly. The Ministry of Propaganda was officially reformed and given a large budget. The budget for commando operations, covert ops, and espionage was similarly increased to levels greater than ever before.

            The first order of business was to sway OPEC to his side. With contacts form Venezuela and some efficient espionage work, the task was quickly completed. The nations of the middle east were certainly not happy with the imperialist aggression, and the diplomats were able to convince them that they were likely to be the next targets if these actions were allowed to continue. They welcomed any ally that could support them, and within a week, a total oil embargo was declared on Britian and Japan. Both countries were forced to rely on reserves and other supplies, but with their military buildup, those wouldn't last long.

            Alongside this was a systematic campaign to increase unrest and protest in the affected countries. Cuban operatives had the most success in France and Ireland, as they capitalized on their constant resentment and distrust of the English. The Irish were on the verge of open revolt, and the French populace was increasingly demanding that their government do something to stop the English.

            In other European countries, the operations were almost as successful. Popular resentment against England was growing all over the continent. Cuban agants were slowly but successfully building an image of England as the reincarnation of Nazi Germany. The implicit assumption was to stop them now, before they had the chance to grow too large and continue a pattern of aggression.

            The Cubans had little experiance in dealing with Asian culture, and so the propaganda was not as successful there. But as it turned out, there wasn't as much need for propaganda. There were still plenty of bad feelings from World War 2, and these recent actions showed that the land of the rising sun was still a grave threat to their people.

            Guerilla warfare began almost immediately. The people of Vietnam were particularly successful. Their fathers had fought the Americans, their grandfathers had fought the Japanese, and now they too would take up the mantle of the Viet Cong and strike out against imperialism, guided by over fifty years of experience with successful guerilla actions. The Cubans managed to smuggle weaponry to them through India, and Cuban agants made sure that experienced guerilla leaders were sent to teach their tactics to other people.

            While there had been very little formal military involvement when the 'protectorate' was declared, Japan found it increasingly necessary to protect Japanese inductry and citizans from attacks. The Cubans managed to convince the guerillas that the oil wells and refineries were the best targets. Several well-organized and successful raids were undertaken, further crippling the Japanese economy and military machine that had been suffering from the OPEC embargo.

            They had no choice but to send in garrisons to protect the remaining wells and enforce production. When the troops were sent in, they bacame the main target, and the populace was becoming increasingly mobilized against them. Japanese troops increasingly became bogged down in Southeast Asia.

            Meanwhile, the United States had seen its geopolitical position crumble like a houce built on sand. Its two strongest and most trusted allies had suddenly become vicious warmongers. The American people refused to allow imperialism in a form this blatant, and convinced their government to censure the actions of the British and Japanese. In short order, this censure led to a complete break of diplomatic relations. This break in relations was forced in part by the fact that OPEC refused to sell oil to the USA unless they did so.

            The USA was now desperate for a reliable ally, and this forced them into an even closer relationship with Cuba. The two nations pledged a full aliance to protect their hemisphere from the brewing war. Argentina and Pacifica were invited to join this alliance to protect themselves from the new threats in Europe and Asia. OPEC strongly encouraged this alliance...

            OOC: Basically, I'm claiming the USA since nobody else has yet. I also didn't see anyone claim the mideast countries, so until further notice they are being 'guided' by Cuban diplomats.


            • #36
              Amazingly, the British had neglected to eliminate the navy and air force of Norway. They had concentrated almost entirely on land occupation, which meant that several small but signifigant strike forces had been able to escape into hiding. They quickly established radio contact with the Americans and were also able to start broadcasts to the Norwegian people. They cautioned their countrymen to stay low and avoid resistance until a single decisive strike could be coordinated. The brutal example of Ireland was on everybody's mind.

              In Trondheim, an old Norwegian man watched as British troops marched through his beloved city. There was once a time when they would have been heroes. There was once a time when they would have been welcomed. But no longer. Now they were the enemy, to be injured and defied in any way possible. He remembered the days of his youth, and his attention switched between memories of the goose-stepping invaders of the 40's and the view before him. As he thought of the two, they became blurred in his mind and he could no longer tell them apart. The Resistance would live on.

              Aaron Lopez grimly considered his choices. The British had done what everyone feared. They had deliberately invaded a soverign nation for the sole purpose of economic gain. As he considered the matter, it became clear that there was only one choice that he could reasonably make.

              The Carribbean Alliance, The United States of America, and all OPEC countries officially declare war on the Kingdom of Great Britian. The Cuban and American economies have been mobilized for war.

              The remainder of the Norwegian navy cruised silently into the North Sea under cover of darkness. The submarines and corvettes travelled alone. They knew that they could not stand up to the Royal Navy if detected, so they travelled seperately to maximize stealth. T minus five hours.

              Large numbers of fishing boats steamed out of Norwegian harbors at the same time they always did. T minus four hours.

              Several flights of B-2 stealth bombers and B-52 heavy bombers cruised over the north pole. With in-flight refueling and careful route planning, would be able to bypass Britian's air defense system entirely. T minus two hours.

              Many elements of the USAF stationed in Germany took off from their bases and headed toward the North Sea. They met no resistence passing over the newly conquered Denmark, and their flight overhead drew cheers from the occupied land. T minus one hour.

              The remnant of the Norwegian air force took off from their temporary bases in Sweden and passed over their country as they headed toward their target. T minus thirty minutes.


              Fishing boats established contact with the Norwegian surface navy at dozens of target oil rigs. As per the plan, The navy had allowed themselves to be spotted by and the Marines on the rigs. While the hasty defenses were brought to bear on the surface ships, the fishing boats, optimized for silent running, were sent toward the rigs at full speed. The controls were wired, and lifeboats dropped over the side. Their crews watched with satisfaction as several tons of fertilizer and diesel fuel blew under the rigs. After the explosions, the Norwegian surface ships were free to pick up the lifeboats at their leisure.

              The oil rigs registered easily, even on passive sonar. The noises from their operations spread out like beacons in the depths of the ocean. The submarines couldn't have asked for a better target. Like moths drawn toward lights, dozens of torpedos found their way to the undersea structures of their targets.

              The radar of the American and Norwegian attack planes has no less trouble distinguishing the buildings from the flat surfact of the sea. Volley after volley of cruise missiles and laser-guided bombs flew toward the oil rigs and detonated, setting off spectacular fireballs that lit the early morning sky with hellish glory.

              But these were not the only targets. The British had neglected to set up a convoy system, so the British oil tankers ferrying their precious cargo from Russia were easy targets.

              The vulnerable B-52's stayed away from the fighting. Their job was simple: litter the trade routes with mines. These planes were designed for carpet bombing, and that is what they did. Thousands and thousands of anti-ship mines were dropped in the few routes between the Barents sea and the Norwegian sea. Trade with Russia would be almost impossible now, until minesweepers were sent up. But any such minesweeping operations would be extremely vulnerable to American air power. If they succeeded at all, it would be with heavy losses.

              The North Sea was burning in hundreds of places. As of 0520 November 3, 2002, Great Britian did not have access to a single drop of oil. The losses of the attackers were minimal.


              • #37
                Manchuria has been invaded by 4 million Japanese troops along with the liberation of North Korea.

                The 4 million men were trained in a few minutes and were fully equipped.

                In addition, 10,000 Type 90 tanks came in with 5,000 F-15s and F-16s and the new fighter.

                In addition, Beijing has been taken.

                Now south China with a flank from Vietnam.

                Now the hellhole area of west China is left alone.

                Japan wins.
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                And contribute if you can!


                • #38
                  Oceania has been annexed (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, everything else in that region).

                  India has been annexed, and Japan has given half of India to Britain as a gift.

                  More hellhole African nations have been annexed.

                  Please Visit:

                  And contribute if you can!


                  • #39

                    [*]Militaries can be bloated to an extreme, but not too much. Keep in mind that this uses the real life equipment of nations.
                    [*]People can conquer things, but please give a fun, detailed, and nice battle post for us to play with. Conquering is the heart of the game along with empire-forming.
                    [*]Do not only focus on the military and conquering.


                    • #40
                      Way to kill your thread Polaris.


                      • #41
                        OOC: I'll respond later. But for now.

                        King announces Union with Europe

                        The nations of Western Europe have Combined with Britain to form the European Kingdom. The Capital has been placed in London but the administrative geadquarters will be in the Hague, Netherlands. All Military units have been placed on immediate alert and are standing by for war orders. American stealth technology has been made priority among the various research and development firms throughout the new European Kingdom and results are expected within a few months. Meanwhile the combined Navies of France, Britain, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the low countries has been dispersed into strike groups to deal with the new threat posed by America. Russian Tu-160s meanwhile have been seen on British soil and will be hitting American targets fairly soon. The British government bought the Twenty bombers and a license for them several months ago in case a need for a strategic bomber ever arose.

                        OOC: Bull**** is all well and good but one line posts are still dumb. At least a paragraph would be nice.
                        If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                        • #42
                          Did Bearcat and VietMinh agree to this? They are supposed to be the ones controlling Germany and France. Also we need to hear from Coug, who claimed Scandinavia. Shouldn't they have a say in what happens to their countries?


                          • #43
                            No, Richard. My posts have been bull because no one posts here.

                            Scott, the thread has been dead for a while.

                            What kills a thread, Scott, is people not posting news, posting twice, once near-allying, second a cheap invasion. Just giving you a dose of your own medicine.
                            Please Visit:

                            And contribute if you can!


                            • #44
                              OOC: They don't post here so it hardly matters. Its the same as you claiming every nation in the Carribean and then the United States.

                              King announces massive defence expenditures for war

                              The King in an effort to pay for all the new armaments needed for the war against the New World has ordered that all social program budgets and other non-defence related budgets be cut by twenty five percent in order to raise money for the new destroyers, fighters, and tanks, etc being cranked out by the Defence industries of Europe. The people have been encouraged to continue working as the professional armed forces of all of Europe's armies combined excedes three million. French Rafales, Eurofighters, Russian Mig-35s, and other estential aircraft are to eb made priority and it is hoped that the combined industrial might of Europe will be able to match that of the United States. Though problems have arison for the most part things have gone fairly smoothly as only a few minor outbreaks of disloyalty have occured and all were put down immediatly.
                              If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail


                              • #45

                                Today the remaining States participating in the war against Britania and her allies formerly surrendered aboard the Aircraft Carrier HMS Victory. The world, which has been gripped by war for the past three years is now finally at peace. The King announced from Buckingham Palace that the Great victory achieved by Britanian and allied troops against the great Asian hordes and their new world allies were milestones in history. He went on to say that the last fifty years of history had been an abomination, a stain on the honour of Great Britainia and that a new world order lead by Britania would commence from this day forward the world would see prosperity and freedom the likes of which it has never seen. The last remaining States too surrender to Britania and her European coalition were the United States, its industrial heartland reduced to rubble, its people wandering refugee's, it troops fleeing at the very sight of Coalition forces, morale shattered its leadership could not justify continued fighting. The Chinese also surredered, unable to take near constant carpet bombing from Coalition strategic bombers, its armies defeated in every engagement the leadership in Beijing was killed and a new government came to power to negotiate a surrender. In London celebration of the great victory was ongoing as crowds danced and celebrated long into the night. In the capitals across Europe and Russia similar scene's as in London played out as people crammed the streets to celebrate the end of a victorious war.

                                OOC: Hahahaha! I wish.
                                If they aren't free by now then they can stay in jail

