To the French Imperialist Dawgs:
You are in French IndoCHINA, this is our territory and you will leave by your own free will or in a body bag, makes no difference to the people of China, but you will leave. I would suggest you go back to Frenchie-land cause you will be needing to protect your homeland soon. Your country is spread out like a cancerous disease and we are the surgeons and we are going to cut our your milignance in IndoChina. Save your units and leave now.
You are in French IndoCHINA, this is our territory and you will leave by your own free will or in a body bag, makes no difference to the people of China, but you will leave. I would suggest you go back to Frenchie-land cause you will be needing to protect your homeland soon. Your country is spread out like a cancerous disease and we are the surgeons and we are going to cut our your milignance in IndoChina. Save your units and leave now.