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Grey Dip Spring 1904 Results

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  • Grey Dip Spring 1904 Results

    Fall orders due Thursday

    A Bud-Ser (move fails)
    A Tri S A Bud-Ser
    A Vie-Bud (move fails)
    A Gre-Bul(sc) (move fails)

    A Sil - Ber
    F Hel - Kie (move fails)
    A Ruh - Bur (move fails)

    F MAO S French A Bre
    F Spa (sc) S F Mao H
    F Ion-EMe (move fails)
    F Nap-Tyn
    A Mar-Bur
    A Gas S A Mar-Bur

    F Con S F Smy - Aeg
    A Arm - Sev
    F Eme - Ion (move fails)
    F Smy - Aeg
    A Ser - Alb
    A Bul - Ser (move fails)
    A Rum S A Bul - Ser

    F Lvp-IRI
    F NAO S F Lvp-IRI
    F Edi-Nth
    F Eng S F Edi-Nth
    F Den-Swe
    A Hol-Kie (move fails)
    A Bel-Hol (move fails)
    A StP H

    A Bre S A Par - Pic
    A Par - Pic
    F Por S Italian F Mao

    A Mos-StP (move fails)
    A Pru-War
    A Swe-Nor

  • #2
    I have to say, I'm impressed by the Austrian moves. He now has a risk-free opportunity to grab Venice and maintain his four SCs.
    While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


    • #3
      Yes, if Austria was high on crack he might agree to Turkey's suggestion. Greece is almost certainly gone, so the best hope it to make a play for Serbia or Rumania, not to go steal an SC from an ally which would result in no net gain in units against Turkey, not to mention immobolize a possibly helpful unit in either cutting support or taking back Serbia.
      While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


      • #4
        Furthermore, it can be noted that Norway is a dead-loss for the Russian, and the home SC can be regained with Nwy-StP and Mos S Nwy-StP.
        While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


        • #5
          Hey, Turkey resents the implication that he would be as transparent as that.

          Turkey would also wish to convey his greetings to the beleaguered russian Tsar. Let Turkey know if there is anything he can do.

          While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


          • #6
            Let Turkey be reminded that although the Tsar is certainly feeling the heat, he is by no means as strained as the current situation may appear.
            While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...


            • #7
              A note: Italy would like to request support from the French in Portugal to MAO until further notice.
              While diplomacy lurks in the heart of men, humankind shall always prosper...

