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ADC Player Rankings - January 2001

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  • ADC Player Rankings - January 2001

    ADC Player Ranks, (Score), Last Activity

    Sergeant Major

    Boshko (54) Dip 20: South Africa to draw victory +7 pts.

    Master Sergeant

    Victor Galis (49) 20th Century Diplomacy: Columbia to finish as replacement +4 points
    Defiant (41) Dip 20: USA to finish +5 points

    Gunnery Sergeant

    RUFFHAUS8 (35) Dip 20: India to finish +5 points
    LordStone1(34) Dip 20: Australia to draw victory +7 pts/ Dip 20 Mapmaker +3 pts.


    Snowfire (29) Saxony: Sweden to DIAS +9 points
    Mao (25) Saxony: Denmark to finish +7 points
    Berzerker (23) Dip 20: USA to draw victory +7 pts.
    Gibster (23) Dip 20: Austria to draw victory +7 pts.

    Lance Corporal

    Chazzy (19) 20th Century Diplomacy: Japan to finish +5 points
    Du_Chateau (17) Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points
    Scott F (17) 20th Century Diplomacy: Germany to finish +5 points
    Talon (15) Dip 20: Germany to finish +5 points
    Gerwald (14) 20th Century Diplomacy: Brazil to finish +5 points
    Iain Lindley (14) Silent Dip V: France to solo victory +10 pts.
    Stefu (12) Saxony: Russia to DIAS +9 points
    Shadowstrike (11) Dip 22: Spain to elimination as replacement +2 pts.

    Private First Class

    dan.te (9) Dip 22: Italy to eliminations +3 pts.
    Midshipman (9) Silent Dip V: Germany to finish +5 pts.
    Allod (8) Dip 12: Austria-Hungary to draw victory +8 pts.
    Bearcat/Barbarossa (6) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Komitet (6) Saxony: England to DIAS +8 points
    Kropotkin (5) Dip 20: Turkey to elimination +3 pts.
    HsFB (4) Apprentice Dip: France to finish +5 pts.
    Borodino (3) Saxony: Ottoman Empire to finish +4 points
    Russmunki (2) Dip 22: Engliand to Elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Black Dragon (1) 20th Century Diplomacy: Turkey to finish as replacement +4 points
    Napoleon Bonaparte (1) Seismic Dip: NMR Winter 1901 [-1pt.]


    CyberGnu (0)
    Hans (0)


    (Stockade and Hard Labor)

    Polaris (-22) Dip 23 Colonial: Abandoned Game 1880 [-5 pts.]

    (Public Flogging)

    Coug (-15) Alien Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Thucydides (-11) Mancunian Diplomacy: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

    (Holding Cell)

    Hacksaw (-10) Resigned from Dip 12, 20, 22, 20th for legitimate reasons [-2 pts. each]
    Imran Siddiqui (-8) Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points
    Jason (-8) Dip 12: NMR Fall 1879 [-1pt]
    Zakhiago (-7) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
    kent-jo (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Luk (-6) Dip 22 Postmodern: Abandoned Winter 2003 [-5 pts.]
    Monolith (-6) 20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]
    Reismark (-5) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game as GM [-5 pts.]
    Warvoid (-3) Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3600 [-1 point]
    Bill3000 (-7) Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]
    Hodad (-1) Dip 23 Colonial: NMR Fall 1876 [-1 pt.]

    Promotion Scale

    Below 0 pts. Off to the brig with ye!
    0 pts. Recruit1-10 pts. Private First Class
    11-20 pts. Lance Corporal
    21-30 pts. Sergeant
    31-40 pts. Gunnery Sergeant
    41-50 pts. Master Sergeant
    51-70 pts. Sergeant Major
    71-90 pts. 2nd Lieutenant
    91-120 pts. 1st Lieutenant
    121-160 pts. Captain
    161-200 pts. Major
    201-250 pts. Lieutenant Colonel
    251-350 pts. Colonel
    351- 500 pts. Brigadier General
    500 and up Field Marshall

    Levels of Punishment

    -1 to -10 pts. Holding Cell in the Brig
    -11 to -20 pts. Public Flogging (30 Lashes)
    -21 to -30 pts. Stockade and Hard Labor
    -31 to -40 pts. Solitary Confinement
    -41 pts. It's the Gallows for ye, Scumbag!

    How to earn/lose points:

    10 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory
    8 pts. - Diplomacy game played to solo victory as a replacement player
    7 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory
    6 pts. - Diplomacy game played to a draw victory as a replacement player
    5 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to finish
    4 pts. - Diplomacy game played to finish as a replacement player
    3 pts. - Diplomacy game played from start to elimination
    2 pts. - Diplomacy game played to elimination as a replacement player
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself with the good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -1 pt. - NMR of any types (moves, orders, retreats, builds)
    -2 pts. Resigning from Diplomacy game,without replacing yourself with good graces of GM (legitimate reasons)
    -5 pts. Abandoning or being replaced by the GM from Diplomacy game


    10 pts. GM and make maps for a game from start to finish7 pts. GM a game from start to finish
    5 pts. GM a game to completion as replacement
    3 pts. Make maps for a game from start to finish
    2 pts. Make maps for a game to completion as replacement
    0 pts. Resigning from a game as GM or mapmaker, but replacing yourself
    -2 pts. Abandoning a game as a Mapmaker
    -5 pts. Abandoning a game as a GM

    Don't see your name above? Post here to enlist, or e-mail for enrollment. You can also post or contact me to request a credit or deduction of points. Point accumulation start day: June 1, 2000. Updated through January 21, 2001.

    [This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS8 (edited January 21, 2001).]

  • #2
    ADC Ranking Scale History of Scoring


    Dip 12: Austria-Hungary to draw victory +8 pts.

    ADCT Game A: Germany to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Silent Dip V: England to elimination +3 pts
    Alien Dip: Tiara to elimination +3 pts
    Apprentice Dip: Italy to finish +5 pts
    Silent Dip V: England to elimination +3pts.

    ADCT Game C: Austria to draw victory +7 pts.
    Dip 12: CSA to finish as a replacement +4 pts.

    Saxony: Ottoman Empire to finish +4 points
    ADCT Game C: GM and mapmaker +10 pts.
    Dip 21: GM and mapmaker +10 points
    ADCT Game A: England to finish +5 pts.
    Dip 12: India to finish +5 pts. Apprentic Dip: GM and mapmaker +10 pts.
    Silent Dip V: GM and Mapmaker to finish +10pts.
    Saxony: Austria to DIAS +8 points

    ADCT Game C: France to draw victory +7 pts.
    Mancunian Dip: England to finish +5 pts.
    Alien Dip: Centurians to elimination +3 pts.

    Dip 22 Postmodern:
    Algeria to elimination, +3 pts.
    ADCT Game C: England to finish +5 pts.
    Dip 22 C: Poland to elimination as a replacement +2 pts.

    Dip 21: Russia to draw victory +7 points
    Dip 22: Italy to eliminations +3 pts.

    ADCT Game C: Germany to draw victory +7 pts.
    Dip 21: France to finish +5 pts.
    Silent Dip V, Austria to elimination +3 pts.
    Mancunian Dip: GM and mapmaker to finish as replacement +7 pts.
    Dip 12: USA to finish +5 pts.
    Silent Dip V: Austria to elimination +3pts.

    Dip 22 Postmodern: France to elimination +3 pts.
    ADCT Game B: GM (to finish/shared with SnowFire) +5pts.
    Dip 12: GM to finish as a replacement +5 pts.
    Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points

    ADCT Game B: Italy to finish +5pts.
    Dip 12: Japan to finish as a replacement +4 pts.

    Gibster is the Devil: Russia to Elimination +3 pts.
    ADCT B Austria to solo victory +10 pts/Mapmaker +3 pts.
    Dip 12 Holland to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Mancunian Dip: France to elimination +3 pts.

    Dip 21 Spain to finish +5 pts.
    ADCT Game A: Austria to elimination +3 pts.

    Apprentice Dip: France to finish +5 pts.

    Iain Lindley
    ADCT Game B: England to finish +5pts.
    Gibster is the Devil: Italy to finish +5 pts.
    Silent Dip V: France to solo victory +10 pts.

    Imran Siddiqui
    Saxony: Spain to elimination +5 points

    Saxony: England to DIAS +8 points

    ADCT Game B: Turkey to elimination +3 pts.
    Dip 20: Brazil to elimination +3 pts.

    ADCT Game A: Russia to finish +5 pts.
    ADCT Game A: Mapmaker +2 pts.(shared with RUFFHAUS8)
    Dip 22: Iran to elimination as a replacement +2 pts.
    Saxony: GM and Mapmaker to completion =15 pts.

    ADCT Game B: Russia to elimination +3 pts.
    Dip 21: Germany to finish +5 pts.
    Gibster is the Devil: Turkey to finish +5 pts.
    Alien Dip: Hodadian Federation to Elimination +3 pts.
    Silent Dip V: Turkey to finish +5 pts.
    Saxony: Denmark to finish +7 points

    Alien Dip: Foundation to Elimination +3 pts.
    Apprentice Dip: England to Elimination +3 pts.
    Silent Dip V: Germany to finish +5 pts.

    ADCT Game A: France to finish as replacement +4 pts.

    ADCT Game A: Turkey to solo victory +10 pts.
    ADCT Game A: partial mapmaker +1 pt. (Shared with lordStone1)
    Mancunian Dip: Austria to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Dip 12: Ottoman Empire to draw victory as replacement +6 pts.
    Dip 12: Mapmaker to finish as replacement +2 pts.
    Alien Dip: NIM to elimination as replacement +2 pts.

    Dip 22: Engliand to Elimination as replacement +2 pts.

    Scott F
    Apprentice Dip: Russia to solo victory +10 pts.
    Dip 20: France to elimination as replacement +2 pts.

    Mancunian Dip: Turkey to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    20th Century: China to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Apprentice Dip: Germany to finish +5 pts.

    Dip 20: England to elimination as replacement +2 pts.
    Creation of ADC Tutorial for New Players +3 pts.
    ADCT Game B: GM (to finish/shared with Du_Chateau) +2pts.
    ADCT Game A: Italy to finish +5 pts.
    Mancunian Dip: Italy to finish +5 pts.
    Silent Dip V: Russia to finish +5 pts.
    Saxony: Sweden to DIAS +9 points

    20th Century: Russia to elimination +3 pts.
    Saxony: Russia to DIAS +9 points

    ADCT Game C Italy to finish +5 pts.
    Dip 22 Postmodern: Egypt to elimination +3 pts.
    Dip 21: Ukraine to finish +5 pts.

    Victor Galis
    Gibster is the Devil: Austria to elimination +3 pts.
    ADCT Game C: Turkey to elimination +3 pts.
    ADCT Game A: GM to finish +7 pts.
    Gibster is the Devil: England to solo victory as replacement +8 pts.
    Mancunian Dip: Russia to solo victory +10 pts.
    Silent Dip V: Italy to finish +5 pts.
    Saxony: France to DIAS +9 points

    [This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS8 (edited January 08, 2001).]


    • #3

      ADCT Game A: NMR Fall 1907 [-1 pt.]
      ADCT Game A: NMR Winter 1908 [-1 pt.]
      ADCT Game A: NMR Fall 1909 [-1 pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Spring 2006 [-1 pt.]
      Shogun Dip: NMR Spring 1100 [-1 pt.]

      Black Dragon
      Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3800 [-1 pt.]
      20th Century Dip: NMR Fall 1941 [-1 pt.]

      Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3600 [-1 pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Winter 1640 [-1 pt.]

      Dip 12: NMR Fall 1873 [-1 pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Fall 1635, [-1 pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Winter 1640 [-1 pt
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2004 [-1pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2005 [-1pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2011 [-1pt.]
      Domination Dip: NMR Winter 1933 [-1 pt.]
      Mahem Dip: NMR Spring 1904 [-1 pt.]

      20th Century: NMR Winter 1940 [-1pt.]

      Mancunian Dip: NMR Fall 1902 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2005 [-1pt.]
      ATCT Game C: Fall 1908 [-1pt.]
      Mayhem Dip: NMR, Spring 2002 [-1 pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Winter 2006 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: NMR Spring 1939 [-1 pt.]
      20th Century: NMR Fall 1939 [-1 pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Spring 2007 [-1pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Fall 2007 [-1pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Winter 2007 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: Abandoned Game[-5pts.]
      1600 Dip: Abandoned Game as GM [-5pts.]
      Alien Dip: Abandoned Game[-5pts.]

      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2004 [-1pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2005 [-1pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Fall 1635, [-1 pt.]
      Dip 20: NMR Winter 1873 -1 pt.
      Dip 12: NMR Fall 1876 -1 pt.
      Mancunian Dip: NMR, Fall 1906 -1 pt.

      Dip 1600: NMR/Removed by GM Fall 1601 (-1pt., -5 pts.)
      ADCT A: NMR Fall 1904 [-1 pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Fall 1635, [-1 pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2005 [-1pt.]
      ADCT Game A: NMR Winter 1906 (-1pt.)
      Dip 22 Postmodern: NMR Summer 2007 (-1 pt.)
      Dip 22 Postmodern: NMR Fall 2007 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 12: Resigned legitimate reasons [-2 pts.]
      Dip 20: Resigned legitimate reasons [-2 pts.]
      Dip 22: Resigned legitimate reasons [-2 pts.]
      Dip 20th Century: Resigned legitimate reasons [-2 pts.]

      Dip 23 Colonial: NMR Fall 1876 [-1 pt.]

      Apprentice Dip: NMR Spring 1904 [-1 point]

      Iain Lindley
      Gibster is the Devil: NMR Spring 1906 [-1 pt.]
      Mancunian Dip: Abandoned Game as GM [-5

      Imran Siddiqui
      Saxony: NMR Fall 1635, [-1 pt.]
      Gibster is the Devil: NMR Fall 1910, [-1 pt.]
      Gibster is the Devil: NMR Spring 1911, [-1 pt.]
      Gibster is the Devil: NMR Fall 1911, [-1 pt.]
      Gibster is the Devil: NMR Spring 1912, [-1 pt.]
      Gibster is the Devil: NMR Fall 1912, [-1 pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Winter 2006 [-1pt.]
      Alien Dip: NMR Spring 2007 [-1pt.]
      Alien Dip: Abandoned Game [-5pts.]

      Dip 22: NMR Fall 2005 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Fall 2007 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 12: NMR Fall 1875 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 22: NMR Fall 2008 [-1pt]
      Dip 12: NMR Spring 1877 [-1pt]
      Dip 22: NMR Spring 2011 [-1pt.]
      Dip 12: NMR Spring 1879 [-1pt]
      Dip 12: NMR Fall 1879 [-1pt]

      20th Century: NMR Spring 1936 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]

      Saxony: NMR Fall 1635, [-1 pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Winter1650, [-1 pt.]

      Dip 20: NMR Spring 1872 [-1pt.]

      Dip 22 Postmodern: Abandoned Winter 2003 [-5 pts.]
      Dip 22: NMR Fall 2003 [-1pt

      ADCT B: NMR Winter 1905 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 1600: NMR Spring 1602 [-1 pt.]
      Saxony: NMR Winter 1650 [-1 pt.]
      Apprentice Dip: NMR Spring 1903 [-1pt.]
      Mayhem Diplomacy: NMR Fall 2001 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: NMR Spring 1936 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 points]

      Apprentice Dip: NMR Fall 1904 [-1 pt.]
      Apprentice Dip: NMR Spring 1905 [-1 pt.]Apprentice Dip: NMR Fall 1905 [-1 pt.]
      Apprentice Dip: NMR Spring 1906 [-1 pt.]
      Apprentice Dip: NMR Fall 1906 [-1 pt.]
      20th Century: NMR Fall 1940 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: NMR Spring 1941 [-1pt.]

      Alien Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
      Mayhem Dip: NMR, Spring 2002 [-1 pt.]
      AMATSU Dip: Abandoned Game as GM [-5 pts.]
      Carpe Diem Dip: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]
      Dip 23 Colonial: NMR Spring 1880 [-1 pt.]
      Dip 23 Colonial: Abandoned Game 1880 [-5 pts.]

      Reismark (-5)
      Civilization Dip: Abandoned Game as GM [-5 pts.]

      Saxony: NMR Winter 1650 [-1 pt.]

      Dip 20: NMR Fall 1873 [-1pt.]
      Alien Dip: Abandoned Game[-5pts.]
      Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3600 [-1 pt.]

      ADCT Game A NMR, Spring 1905 [-1 pt.]
      ADCT Game A Replaced by GM, Fall 1905 [-5 pts.] Mancunian Diplomacy: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

      Mahem Dip: NMR Spring 2003 [-1 point]
      Civilization Dip: NMR Spring 3600 [-1 point]
      Civilization Dip: NMR Fall 3600 [-1 pt.]
      20th Century: NMR Winter 1934 [-1pt.] 20th Century: NMR Spring 1935 [-1pt.]
      20th Century: Abandoned Game [-5 pts.]

      [This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS8 (edited January 08, 2001).]


      • #4
        Impressive RUFFHAUS
        But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
        If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
        He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
        But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker


        • #5
          Carpe Diem and Amatsu Diplomacy abandonments were not my fault. At all.
          Please Visit:

          And contribute if you can!


          • #6
            With the resolution of Dip 20 and 20th Century Diplomacy a wave of award points have been processed. A few gigs assessed too, but such is the state of affairs here.


            • #7
              I dont mean to nitpick, but I should not receive a victory for dip 20. I was in on the draw, but only the player with highest center count receives the victory. The remaining players just get points for surviving.


              • #8
                A draw is an decision to share the victory equally amonst the involved parties. Therefore, regardless of the center count, each of the four players included in the draw has an equal share in the "victory."


                • #9
                  Sorry, but that ain't what happens in the WM Tourney. Regardless of any draw, only the person with the highest center count advances as the winner.


                  • #10
                    I'm not sure that's quite true. Mainly because the scoring system doesn't allow for draws. These aren't tournament games though. Tounament games are scored that way in the interest of setting a finite number of turns to the game, and to determine who moves on to the next round. The WM scoring system has a tie breaking system in place to resolve voluntary or involuntary ties by necessity.

                    However, in the absence of such a scoring system in order to have a "winner" you need to meet the established victory conditions for the variant OR have a unanimous vote of concession. A draw whether is an equally shared result, which naturally is less than a solo.

                    [This message has been edited by RUFFHAUS8 (edited January 20, 2001).]


                    • #11
                      Don't forget to add 3 points to my score for being the mapmaker for Dip20.
                      The honorary duty of a human being
                      is to love, I am human and nothing
                      human can be alien to me.

                      -Maya Angelou


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by PolarisGL on 01-08-2001 06:52 PM
                        Carpe Diem and Amatsu Diplomacy abandonments were not my fault. At all.

                        Um, whatever. I seem to remember YOU restarting the game long enough for everyone to claim a country AGAIN and abandoning the game AGAIN.


                        • #13
                          Nope, I started the game again, and 3/5 people wanted to play. So I went ahead and asked them for moves (I don't know if you were one of them) and only one person gave me moves. Technically, the game was never resumed. And the FIRST time I so-called "abandoned" it (got into my accident), only two or three people had actually submitted their moves anyway. And Gerwald, I don't think you were one of them (though I may be mistaking).
                          Please Visit:

                          And contribute if you can!


                          • #14
                            Mapmaking points noted, LordStone.

                            (I don't suppose you'd care to share one with me for the several turns that I covered you?)


                            • #15
                              Well, I hate to disagree with you, Ruff, but few games would even have a winner if people had to solo. And especially in games with these huge maps, virtually no one would ever win. I guess that means I will try to play games with house rules to reward the highest center count and drop the solo requirements.

