And so it begins. The seven powers of Europe have converged upon this place and have already begun forging on the smithy of their prowess the uncreated shape of tomorrow's Europe. They alone will decide who will live, who will die, whose fleets will become stranded, whose armies will drown, which coasts disappear, which borders become submerged, until everyone but one has been smitten down.
Austria (Midshipman)
Venice and Trieste separate, Tyrolia and Adriatic Sea connect
England (Ruffhaus)
Kiel and Holland separate, Helgoland Bight and Ruhr connect
France (Napoleon)
Ruhr and Belgium separate, Holland and Burgundy connect
Germany (SnowFire)
Gulf of Bothina and Baltic Sea separate, Livonia and Sweden connect
Italy (Defiant)
Greece and Serbia separate, Albania and Bulgaria connect (invalid)
Russia (Victor Galis)
Sevastopol and Black Sea separate, Rumania and Armenia connect
Turkey (Polaris)
Greece and Albania separate, Serbia and Ionian Sea connect (invalid)
Turkey and Italy's orders were declared invalid because the successive application of either order after either order would have the effect of splitting Albania or Serbia in two.
Sweden now has two coasts - sc and ec.
F1901 Deadline: Sunday January 14, 2001
[This message has been edited by LordStone1 (edited January 09, 2001).]
Austria (Midshipman)
Venice and Trieste separate, Tyrolia and Adriatic Sea connect
England (Ruffhaus)
Kiel and Holland separate, Helgoland Bight and Ruhr connect
France (Napoleon)
Ruhr and Belgium separate, Holland and Burgundy connect
Germany (SnowFire)
Gulf of Bothina and Baltic Sea separate, Livonia and Sweden connect
Italy (Defiant)
Greece and Serbia separate, Albania and Bulgaria connect (invalid)
Russia (Victor Galis)
Sevastopol and Black Sea separate, Rumania and Armenia connect
Turkey (Polaris)
Greece and Albania separate, Serbia and Ionian Sea connect (invalid)
Turkey and Italy's orders were declared invalid because the successive application of either order after either order would have the effect of splitting Albania or Serbia in two.
Sweden now has two coasts - sc and ec.
F1901 Deadline: Sunday January 14, 2001
[This message has been edited by LordStone1 (edited January 09, 2001).]