Finally back on track! We´ve got two new players:
Mobius took over as Italy:
Midshipman took over as Austria:
Special thanks to Midshipman for providing moves so fast!
And here are the moves, long awaited:
Germany (Warvoid)
(F Kie - Den) no such unit
A Sil - Boh
A Mun S A Sil - Boh
A War H
(F Hel) nor order recieved - H
England (Taurus)
A Edi - Nor
F Nth C Edi - Nor
A Swe - Den
F Kie S A Swe - Den
F Nor - Swe
France (Yoav)
Bel - Hol
Bur - Ruh
Pic - Bel
Bre - Gas
Mar H
Turkey (Siro)
(A Arm - Sev) bounce with russian A Mos
(F Bla - Rum) bounce with austrian A Bud
(F Bul S Turk F Bla - Rum) unit at south coast
A Rum - Ser
A Gre S Turk A Rum - Ser
Russia (Napoleon)
(A Mos - Sev) bounce with turkish A Arm
F Bal - Ber
Austria (Midshipman)
(A Bud - Rum) bounce with turkish F BLA
(A Ser S A Bud - Rum) cut and dislodged by turkish A Rum, must retreat (Alb or OTB)
(A Vie - Tyr) bounce with italian A Boh
(F Tri - Ven) bounce with italian A Tyr
Italy (Mobius)
F Ion - Adr
(A Tyr - Ven) bounce with austrian A Vie
(A Boh - Tyr) bounce with own unit
F Tys H
Unfortunaletly, I cannot open the map Ruffhaus provided. And I have no other map available right now. Therefor I cannot post builds/disbands right now. I will do that tonight. Sorry. But I guess you guys know pretty well how much you lost and gained.
Here are some deadlines:
retreat due friday, 23rd, 6pm GMT. please post retreat here.
Builds/disbands are due saturday, 24th, 6pm GMT
spring03 moves are due wednesday, 28th, 6pm GMT
Have fun!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Sahib (edited February 21, 2001).]</font>
Mobius took over as Italy:
Midshipman took over as Austria:
Special thanks to Midshipman for providing moves so fast!

And here are the moves, long awaited:
Germany (Warvoid)
(F Kie - Den) no such unit
A Sil - Boh
A Mun S A Sil - Boh
A War H
(F Hel) nor order recieved - H
England (Taurus)
A Edi - Nor
F Nth C Edi - Nor
A Swe - Den
F Kie S A Swe - Den
F Nor - Swe
France (Yoav)
Bel - Hol
Bur - Ruh
Pic - Bel
Bre - Gas
Mar H
Turkey (Siro)
(A Arm - Sev) bounce with russian A Mos
(F Bla - Rum) bounce with austrian A Bud
(F Bul S Turk F Bla - Rum) unit at south coast
A Rum - Ser
A Gre S Turk A Rum - Ser
Russia (Napoleon)
(A Mos - Sev) bounce with turkish A Arm
F Bal - Ber
Austria (Midshipman)
(A Bud - Rum) bounce with turkish F BLA
(A Ser S A Bud - Rum) cut and dislodged by turkish A Rum, must retreat (Alb or OTB)
(A Vie - Tyr) bounce with italian A Boh
(F Tri - Ven) bounce with italian A Tyr
Italy (Mobius)
F Ion - Adr
(A Tyr - Ven) bounce with austrian A Vie
(A Boh - Tyr) bounce with own unit
F Tys H
Unfortunaletly, I cannot open the map Ruffhaus provided. And I have no other map available right now. Therefor I cannot post builds/disbands right now. I will do that tonight. Sorry. But I guess you guys know pretty well how much you lost and gained.
Here are some deadlines:
retreat due friday, 23rd, 6pm GMT. please post retreat here.
Builds/disbands are due saturday, 24th, 6pm GMT
spring03 moves are due wednesday, 28th, 6pm GMT
Have fun!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Sahib (edited February 21, 2001).]</font>