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Alien Dip Fall 2010 Results

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  • Alien Dip Fall 2010 Results

    Results delayed due to geocities being FoXOr@|o

    get in builds by christmas

    SC Count
    Talon: 1
    Coug: 1
    WarVoid: 7
    Defiant: 5
    Iain Lindley: 11
    Victor G.: 14
    SnowFire: 25 (SnowFire has Mur and Ser)

    So SnowFire needs to get up tp 32 SCs to win

    note: Mur is still a Defiant SC

    Rap’tor (Talon) (0 builds)
    A Nor-Swe (move fails)

    Tar’E (Coug) (0 builds)
    A Swe-Nor (move fails)

    NIM Republic (RUFFHAUS) (2 disbands), the NIM Republic dies)
    A Denmark - Hamburg (move fails, unit dislodged)
    A Berlin supports A Denmark - Hamburg (move fails, support cut, unit dislodged)

    UAN (WarVoid) (1 build)
    F Hel S A Ham->Den
    A Edi->Nor (move fails)
    A Nth S A Edi->Nor
    A Hol->Orb
    A Ruh->Hol

    Protectors (Victor G)
    A ORB-Fin (move fails)
    A ORB-Urals (move fails)
    A ORB-Rom
    A Auv-ORB
    A Lyo-ORB (move fails )
    A Mar-ORB (move fails)
    A Apu S F Nap
    F Nap S F Mal
    F Tys S F Mal
    F Lib S F Mal (support cut)
    F Mal S F Lib
    A Alg S F Lib
    A Sog-WMed

    Federation (Defiant) (0 builds)
    gda s lit
    lit > hold
    war s kra
    kra s cze
    cze s kra

    Aquaticans (Iain Lindley) (1 build)
    A Bos-Ser (move fails)
    A Cro S A Bos-Ser
    A Ven S A Cro
    A Hun S A Bos-Ser (support cut)
    A Slo S A Hun
    A Aus S A Hun
    A Mun-Sax
    A Sax-Ber
    A Fra S A Sax-Ber
    A Ham-Den

    Laguzans (SnowFire) (2 builds)
    A Fin S A Mur-Lap (support cut)
    A Mur->Lap
    A StP->Orb
    A Mos COL Mos
    A Gor COL Ura
    A Orb->Ura (move fails)
    A Orb->Mac
    A Lat COL Lat
    A Bie S A Pod
    A CRP S A Bie
    A Kie S A Bie
    A Ode S A Pod
    A Pod S A Rum->Hun
    A Rum->Hun (move fails)
    A Bul S A Ser H
    A Alb S A Ser H
    A Ser COL Ser
    F Adr S A Ser H
    F ESA->Lib (move fails)
    F LBS S F ESA->Lib
    F Aeg S F Ion
    F Ion COL Apu (colonization attempt fails)

  • #2
    NIM EOG Statement. Not much to say here. NIM was in pretty dire straits when I took over. I tried. I'm disappointed to an extent that so many folks here are unwilling to accept janisary action from Mercy positions. I think all too often players are dying for one build, and they miss the bigger picture, which I'll refrain from giving because you guys will see it soon enough, like it or not.

    Thanks to War Void for at least discussing the matter, and at least making me feel like I was actually playing.


    • #3
      Hmm, I can't help feeling that the last post was a dig at me... and yes, I can see the bigger picture. This game is heading for STALEMATE.


      • #4
        Unfortunately for you RUFF, NIM is part of the big picture. Only not a good picture for the NIMadier....


        • #5
          I gave you my build and orders right?
          "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
          -Joan Robinson

